Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2a.djvu/205

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200 INDEX. VGlM¢€0I—Continued. P."- WGTd·CODtlDUBd»PW`, ,6;,,,-,, cn to gong",, ________ _ __ 13B 16 estate ef, niay bah delivered to surety9g 1 hy whom and how made .. . . 139 16 K“¤·l`dW·¤»:c6n··{ ·-··-····- b ll of tuxnhle property in Washington and 681515 of °N{¤°° Pu" °' mm Y Georgetown. rule f¤l‘ J40 I6 , W mm 5_¤;\’g\¤¤ ·--·-—-·--~·-- --- ---· --96* ll? ' r e re- R a G . “g“”°“,?$?i.§2fi£%EZ§°..H.'7?T..Y ... 141 10 1 appointment sud removal of . 1081 194 ymdo"' Lgunmd, I term of oillco of .- - --·.····· i -... 1092 125 · · _______ - sn e .. , supervision of, by police... 404 406 47l ry and bond of 083 1084 I?5 Vpenalty oh for interfering with po1iee-.4(77 48 {>(e\;e1:ie':d dgtlgglxéi-begs--·ééS&i IJ5 enirc, ec an ns from justice of the peace to constable te by marshal .. . . 1088 125 summon jury . . 1010 118 may aggoint subordinate oHeers, gum Venue, ,,,... ,_,.,, , ,,.,,,, ,, _,,,__ IQS special laws providing for change ef, pr;; 6 nnuualirepert oi to Secretary of the Iiié; I ib' .- . .. - ..- c .. . 25 Verdict, h lm] duty oi, to execute judgments of death, taken subject to opinion of court, applica- _ _ 1092-1090 125 tion fer judgment on, when hesglé Wagca of g’cn•]t::;•ar*·y, uspeudcd um pcm 96 e ce au su 0 , s u · s iul a licatien for ud ent en, when tentiary built .. . .. .. .. 1103 127 pw helgd .. . ..ql'l... .. 1:06 96 TVarranta,(sse Wriu; fraeeu,) when, for less amount than jurisdiction of how executed by pohee force .. 3% 46 court, what judgment .. .. . . 828 DS marshnl’• fee for service of .. _ .. 9 11 107 to state principal amount, and date from returnable to police court, justice of the which interest runs, when . . 829 98 peace may issue .. . . 999 117 of ju¤tice's jury to be delivered publicly, _ record oi} to_be kept .. -.999 111 1016 119 issued by justices of peace may be served judgment and execution on. ... 1017 119 by eonstebies . . 10538 121 Volunteer Companies, (see Militia,) returns ef} bow made ... . .. 10.93 ISI President may appoint certain ehleers fer, Waahingm Ayuduct, when .. . .. 1195 189 watensupp y fmm, bow regulated 195, 92, 23 enlistments in, how made .. .. 1195 139 application of water-rents to maintenance te what duties und orders subject . 1106 189 of . ------------·--·--··---·- UZ 25 uniforms for, how proscribed. 1197 189 Wu-shingles! Canal, (we CGIOI) ·--·----·- -Z*1 $7 Voluawcra, Washington City, _ enlistment of criminals ss, unlswful..l179 186 special tax may be levied ou property in, penalty for procuring such enlistmints, h t Ito pay dlebrtg of .. L : . . 7 · 179 136 w e ews an e iuances o , con mu in ef odious, dw., of jail aiding in .118) 186 force . . . . . . . . 91 9 selling, giving, &.e., intoxicating drinks te, what shall continue to be known as 94 10 unlawful .. . ... . .. .1181 136 charter ei continued for- V penalty for , , , ,,,,, _ , ,___ , ____ , _,,, 1181 136 oohgcgign of ugqugyg dugi)__;.E__ __.__x 10 olers, eu oreemente contracts y sgam qnuiiiicatiens of ... 98 10 5 IO penalty for interference, &c., with .103-105 ll collection of unpaid taxes.. .. 5 I0 fer illegal acts by .. . 105 ll collection of claims .. . . . . 95 10 fer refusing or rejecting vote of... ...106 IS suits by er against, not nhated . 95 10 inlluenciniwith money, penalty for. ..101 It the District of Columbia the successor of.96 10 aeeepting ribe,tobedisti*a»uchised 108 ll certain certificates of indebtedness to be Vouchers, used only in paying debt of - 128 I4 fictitious, on account of public work, pen- penalty for missppliezmon . . 129 I4 nity for making, &.c ... ..245 38 _ property in, not to be taxed for debts, &,e.,

  • I of Geeugetowu or Qounta, 13 I6

ee loetieu e taxes in, see W- , Taxa) .. . . 153-176, Isn2O Wages, water-service in, (see Potomac Water ; ef servants, laborers, Aw., attachment and Water-Tax; Fire·Plug Ta:) .195-221, 29-25 execution fer .. . . . . 7!Vl,94, 95 regulation of streets, &,e., in, (see Streets, Wne stay of execution on judgments for.1025 120 I Avenues, Je) ... S5-!'} agon, eo ered schools nn, see Colored oo "yuf, exgmpt from seizure, when .. 797, 94, 95 (f I 2)-1-311, $l·8¢ a n of outcc, ropertional su rto metro itzm ieo cncroacbing les; than seven inches on ud- · P by .. It lf-.. .. ll) 1$:368 43 joining lot, how considered .. 482 58 : mechanics' liens in, to attach to what payment for ground occupied. ... 482 58 ground . 704 84 covering seven inches er more, to be deemed ; Waahin ton County, (see County of Wachingiom) u party-wall .. . . 483 58 ‘ Water-Jllain, payment or ground in excess of seven [ water-supply from, how regulated . 195 29 lll0h6U.- ···-·- -- ---·--·- ---· --.. IB3 58 Water-Meters, surveyor to ascertain, certify, und recordfor muuufecterics, hotels, dm .. 216 25 encreawhments, when. .. 484 58 Water-l’ip¢·•, foundations, &c., to be examined mul · .uuluwfnl tapping ol] penalty for ...218 95 alligned by surveyor, when ..,... 485 58how pmmiited ..,... . ... ...219 25 Wdrd, (see Guardian,) I malicious injury to, penalty fer.. .. 290 25 guardian oi, to give security, when 938 l Il Walcr-Ralca, te give additional security, when 941 I I I I scale of, how authorized . .. 197 23