Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2a.djvu/33

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28 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. B**]¤J¤°W°P¤¤¤•i- Sec. 239. Bids shall be opened in the presence of the bidders, if any 3; Aug, 185,2, ,_ of them shall bepreseut, and notice thereof shall be given in the adver- 108,s. 1, v. 10, p. 93. tisement for proposals. C¤¤m<=¤ i¤ Ml- Sec. 240. All contracts made without an appropriation of money for

 ‘QfO{‘({fP'°P"' an object, the subject of a contract, are void. [seen. s. r. s.,;; manson]

—Ib'<l. S*";“l`iW’°‘l“i"°‘1 Sec. 241. Good and sutheient security shall be given for twice the £§nQm"g:::°°' °° amount of money advanced at any time to a contractor under any con- .f,F(T;... tract. Rule of meas- Sec. 242. The following rule of measurement hull be applied to all “’°“’°“"· buildings and other public works and contracts in the District of Columlbid. bia, namely: Fmsr. The workand materials shall be measured agreeably to the original contracts. SE¤0ND. The contracts and the proposals shall be put in the hands of the measurer, who, before entering on duty, shall be sworn_to examine and measure and report every part of the work and materials without deviation from the contracts and proposals. Extra u,,,,,,,;,,],, Sec. 243. If it is shown that any extra materials are used they shall how rated. be rated at the pro-rata price for materials only, and shall be entered Ibm_ in a. separate column of the account. m,,,,,,; ,0,,,;,,,,,, Sec. 244. It shall be the duty of the First Comptroller of the Treasto be stopped. ury to arrest and stop any voucher not made in form and in accordance ·;m‘,?*·· with the terms of the contract against which it is drawn. Penalty for mak- Sec. 245. It shall be a penal oiiense for every meusurer and inspector }¤l-I M l{¤¤¤¤¤g»&¢{;» of work,`or disbursing officer, to make, or present, or to pass, or attempt °;:“d“ °“° '°“°to pass, any falsely made or Hctitious voucher to draw money from the -;.___ Treasury on any contracts or accounts whatever. Ibid. [ses L s. n. s.. 59 ms, ms, :¢•u•••.l CHAPTER ELEVEN. 'HIGHWAY8, ROADS, AND BRIDGES. ses. see. 246. What are public highways. 257. When owners of land object md 247. Legislative assembly to havejurisdlc· claim damages. tion over roads and bridges. 258. Marsha] to give notice to owners. 248. Public snghwaysto he surveyed and 259. When objections shall be prgspsided. recon- e . · 260. Mnrshdtos mmon u in- 249. Boundariestobepermanentlymarked. istsroatlnu j ry an 250. Width and location of roads. 261. What thejnry shall consider. 251. helds, gardens, andmynrds, when not 262. Proceedings upon rendering verdict. tobetnken for ro s. 263. When s second jury muy he sum- 252. Layinfg out or widening or changing moned. rea s. _ 264. Verdict of second jury conclusive. 253. Notice to be given and objections 265. Costs, by whom paid. heard, 266. Fees of marshal and jurors. 254. Procgedmgs when route objected to g howlmsp be coudemed. anoersroposed. nt 'u'u i 255. Who; no objection is mode after 269 Proud? or W;) mj ry to Pam 0 no cc. . lt f stm in f so 256. When parties interested are agreed. ihlilghivsyb. 0 ct K me u of [ 270. Fines, how collected and disposed oil _W1mtarepub1i¤ Sec. All public roads within said District, outside the limits highways. of Washington and Georgetown, which have been duly laid out or do- 30 M,,,." 1S"",,,, ,,_' clared and recorded as such, are public highways. 2l. ¤.1.v.2, .569- 1 Jul 181 117, 4, . 2, .772· 3Ms ,1862, .63,s.2 *.12 p, l,B2;81餧·.é mia, s.8s1{L :5 {chg. cgshzvuprf 1863%:. 106,,s. s, v. map. soireoci ",' Y 1;51¤•; ¤ • ; g -,• pn • ; n, 139,sSl 1,2, mw, 1,.586. v , p ay S60 c 7 v 14,p 45 3 ar l87l,c.