Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2a.djvu/42

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PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 37 ODS-fol1l‘fb for the 1‘lII1{lI‘ schools in g'S25 Jun 1864. ¤· without the limits of Washington and Geoi-lgegowpfiituou of the D1 mc'; 156** 19?v‘ 13** One-fourth for the public schools in the city of Georgetown. 1Q3i Feb mi G Two·fourths for the public schools in the city of Washington. 62,) ¤. 41,°v. 16; pi 42 . Sec. 314. The funds obtained for educational ur ses in accordance T° ba “Pll"1 with the preceding section shall be applied tolthelxeducation of both °q“‘Fu’ f°'}tE°,,°?',i,Q white and colored children, in the proportion of the numbers of each ::?]m(:;lo?·edwc1ii1— between the ages of six and seventeen years, as determined by the dren. late? census report that shall have been made prior to such apportion· "mg"—""‘ men · Sec. 315. The governor of the District is authorized and instructed to P*¤P°m°¤ f" pay over every three mouth such portion of said money as by the pro- ‘;1"'°€1d“°,L',°°trl°¤¤°°¤ visions of the two preceding sections are applicable to the education of m.,,?:,; mud of eolored children in the cities of Washington and Georgetown, to the trustees. treasurer of the board of trustees of schools for colored children in said —————-—-— cities, to be used by sand trustees for the education of colored children, 25 ·l¤¤°»186‘*·°· according to the provisions of law. {gg °· *9· "· *3•P· 3 Mar., 1873, e. 306, s. 5, v. 17, p. 620. Sec. 316. Any officer failing to pa over the mone s as rovided by Y°""“Y f" Yi°' the preceding section, shall be liablg to a iine of mh; lesspthan three i,$§g,;’_fPr°°°dm8 hundred nor more than five hundred dollars, to be collected by prosecu- ————-——· tion in the criminal court of the District. ,5%*-’s‘?‘;'Q,;’*vi8g; °: 192; 12 July, 1862, c. 158, s. 5:3, v. 12, p. 54; PROVISIONS RELATING T0 LAND CONTEYED BY Tm: UNITED STATES 1*012 SCHOOL PURPOSES. Sec. 317. The lot of land marked upon the plan of the city of Wash- Comin land givington as lot number fourteen, in square number two hundred and sixty- g': lg *,P° three, which was conveyed to said city by the Commissioner of Public p,,°:.,,,,m°;,,t to be Buildings, under authority of an not of Congress dated June fifth, eighteen diverted. hundred and sixty, for the use of the public schools in said city, shall not be sold, assigned, or conveyed or diverted, for any other purpose ·,y,,_12’°,;_ 2y_ ’ except as provided in the following section. 29: Jugs, 1%%, o. 1 v• 1P- • Sec. 318. The proceeds of that portion of lot number fourteen, in solo or part or square number two hundred and fifty-three, which was authorized to be M ¤¤¤b<¥¤¤ sd; sold by an act of Congress dated June fourth, eighteen hundred and {;0‘°f;’:gs‘£ed °w °° seventy-two, shall be invested by the authorities of the District in __?..;._. another lot or part of a lot in the city of Washington, and in improve- Ibid. ments thereon; and the property so purchased shall be used for the purpose of the public schools, and for no other purpose. Sec. 319. The lots of land numbered one, two, and eighteen, in square Certnl n lots number nine hundred and eigbty-five, in the city of Washington which granted for ¤¤l<>¤>d were designated and set apart by the Secretary of the Interior to be used gsm? *° §°;’:Q“,f‘; for colored schools, and conveyed to the trustees of colored schools for ,,,,6,,,,,c,. ,,,,,,1 f,,, the cities of Washington and Georgetown, by the Commissioner of Pub- any other purpose. lic Buildings, under authority of an act of Congress dated July twenty- eight, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, for the sole use of schools for col- 308, v_ 1,,,, 34:i ored children in the District of Columbia, shall, if converted to other uses, revert to the United States. Sec. 320. That parcel of land marked and designated upon the map gcrtaluvgicees of of the city of Washington as part of lot number eleven, in square num- land in askingber one hundred and forty-one, beginning at the northwest corner of tim eggzbgi said lot, and running thence due south on the west line of said square, ;',;';°“{_ ilfty feet; thence due east, thirty feet; thence due north, fifty feet; -..—-——— thence due west on the north line of said square, to the point of beg1n- 283 ·;¤¥;» 18;% °· ning, and also that piece of land marked and designated upon said map * ‘ ’P‘ ' as a public reservation, located between Eighth and Ninth streets and K street and Virginia avenue southeast, known as the Anacostia engine-