Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2a.djvu/48

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METROPOLITAN POLICE. 43 tent surgeon, stating the manner, cause, and condition of the in u and a::zi$.“*..S* ‘t$??z;“;:.t*"*· me mma o me M *i¤`i·’*~·~· _ · ma u mgsfacggy y iscontmue s ch allowance for any no. ‘ . e ard of police shall provide specific rules for uniform Uniforms. clothing of the police force, which shall be procured by each of the mem- bers thereof respectively, strictly in conformitywith such rules, at his 215 B, 4 'V, 14, K own expense and risk, and any member shall be removed irom the force 213: ’ ’ for not complying with such rules. Sino. 366. Clhe salaries of the omcers, privates, and detective of the 8=~l¤ri<=¤ of memp0ll0€ fol`06 shall be as follows; bers of police force. Major, seventeen hundred and forty dollars per annum. 6 A‘}€·• 1*** °· Captain, twelve hundred dollars per annum. gk ?`1€;2fy`f Lieutenants, eight hundred and forty dollars per annum. c. ltll s. 8uv¥’12 pf Scrgeants, sixtynve dollars per month. 581; he Jhly,1é66, Privates, sixty dollars per mouth o. 296. s.6.v.1·§.1g· Detectives, ninety dollars per mouth. ;v2(T4D;?li7¥i?6b’ Sec. 367. The metropolitan police force, its officers and clerks, shall F¤l`°h°*` °°“°P°“‘ receive a further compensation of fifty per centnm upon their respect §*j"‘°“• h"" P“"‘° ive salaries, asprovnded for in this chapter, which further sum shall be paid by the cities of Washington and Georgetown and the District be- 141 v_ 1; Q., 15o’· 2 yond the limits of said cities, in the proportion corresponding to the Mu}., 18ti5,v.13:p. number of prlvates allotted severally to said precincts. 25g3S2g -;:15% agi; 20 Doc., 1866, v. 14, p. sn; 2 mr., ism, c. 166, v. 14, pp. 4:.4;, 451 ; 20 ,i¤1y,’1é<ss,’v?`1s, pi 1l6; 3 Mar., 1869, c. 122, v. 15, p. 307; 15 July, 18l0, c. 292, v. 16, p. 293; 3 Mar., 1871, v. g€:,Jpp.499,500; 10 June, 1872, c. 415, s. 1, v. 17, p. 859 ; 3 Mor., 1873, c.227, s. 1, v. 17, p. 8110. 368. The proper authoritie of the District are authorized and `Distript *0 my reguxred to levy a special tax in Washington and Georgetown and the '·!“‘f°} ‘“' P"°P°'} District beyond the limits of aid cities, not exceeding one-third of one §,°;£°°°° ° per centum annually, which shall be specially deposited once in each ——-—--——— Week, as such collections are mode, to be appropriated and expended mdonly for the purpose of defraying the expenses of maintaining said metéopolitan police torce, in the proportion mentioned in the preceding sec on. ramcrucrs AND STATIONS. Sec. 369. The board of police may divide the district into precincts, Precincts. not exceeding ten, and may assign one lieutenant of police to each pre- cinch- ggés lb: v. 12: p. Sec. 370. The board of police may, from time to time, but without Stations ond subexpense to the United States, establish stations and station-houses, or ”°*'°”°- sulrstations and substation-houses, at least one to each precinct, for 16 July, ieee, c. the accommodation thereat of members of the police force, and as tem- 181. ¤· 5. v- 12. 1•· porary places of detention for persons arrested and property taken 580- within the precinct. _ Sec. 371. It shall be the duty of the proper authorities of the District proper mesonto provide at the expense of the cities of Washington and Georgetown, houses to be prorespectively, all necessary accommodations within their respective limits E'::;;,:: l°°°l °“‘ for the stationhouses required by the board of police, for the accommo- .._._... dation of the police force, for the lodging of vagrants and disorderly per- 6 Aug-, 1861, c. Sons, and for the temporary detention of persons arrested for offenses, &'· “» '· 12• P· and to suitably warm and light the same. ' Sec. 372. In case the authorities of the District neglect or refuse to Power of board comply with the provisions of the preceding section, after having been in wo of nocloot thereto requested by the board of police, then the board may make their ” my own provisions in the premises, and the same, when made, shall become a proper charge and debt for the expenses and disbursements thereof against the city whose proper authorities so neglected or refused to make the provision required.