Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2a.djvu/52

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METBOPOLITAN POLICE. 47 Sec. 400. If any member of the police-force shall neglect making any Po¤¤l¤Y for Msarrest for an offense against the laws of the United States committed in lm ‘° ‘““k° “”‘ his presence, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be {'?-°.ti-———— pupishableby imprisonment in the District jail or penitentiary not ex- 626 ,,A;%"v¥Sg,i’ gf ceeding two years, or by a fine not exceeding nve hundred dollars. 3214.’ y Sec. 401. The board of police shall provide suitable accommodations Detention of witwithin_the district for the detention of witnesses who are unable to fur- ¤°¤¤°°· nish security for their appearance in criminal proceedings, and such ao- Ibid_ ,,_ ic ,,,324, commodations shall be in premises other than those employed for the ’ , confinement of persons charged with crime, fraud, or disorderly conduct ; and it shall be the duty of all magistrates in committing witnesses to have regard to the rules and regulations of the board of police in reference to their detention. Sec. 402. If any member of the police force, or if any two or more Authority of house-holders shall report in writing, under his or their signature, to §°¤*°h {lm ***6** the major of police that there are good grounds, stating the same, for ‘“ ‘”’"“‘“ °°““‘ believing any house, room, or premises within the police—district to be 16 July, 1862, o, kept or used for any of the following purposes, namely: }§}» S- 3H'- 12- PI>~ First. As a common gaming-house, common gaming-room, or common "‘°°·58°· gaming-premises, for therein playing for wagers of money at any game of chance; or, Second. As a bawdy·house, or as a house of- prostitution, or for purposes of prostitution; or, _ Third. For lewd and obscene public amusement or entertainment; or Tourth. For the deposit or sale of lottery-tickets or lotterypolicies, it shall be lawful for the major of police to authorize any member or members of the police force to enter the same, who shall forthwith arrest all persons there found offending against law, and seize all implements of gaming, or lottery-tickets, or lottery-policies, and convey any person so arrested before the proper court, and bring the articles so seized to the office of the bomd of police. {soot uu.] Sm:. 403. It shall be the duty of the major of police to cause all per- Duty of major to sons arrested in pursuance of the provisions of the preceding section to P'°°°““*·°·‘°°· be rigorously prosecuted, the articles seized to be destroyed, and such Ibid. room or house to be closcd,_ and not again used for such unlawful purpose. LICENSED PAWNBBOQBS, mrc. Sec. 404. The board of police shall possess powers of general police Supervision of supervision and inspection over all- m‘;gg“l °“°“"1‘“h‘ Licensed pawubrokers. ...;._.. Licensed venders. 1bid.,s. 4,p. 580. Licensed hackmen and cartmen. Dealers in second-hand merchandise. Intelligenceofiice keepers. Auctioneers of watches and jewelry. _ Suspected private banking-houses, and other doubtful establishments within the metropolitan police district; and in the exercise and furtherance of said supervision may, from time_to time, empower members of the police-force to fulfill such special duties in the premises, as may be ordained by the board of police. _ Sec. 405. The board of police may direct the major to empower any Exnininntion_ of member of the police-force, whenever such member shall be in search of books andpremises. property feloniously obtained, or in search of suspected offenders, to mj examine the books of any pawnbroker or his business premises, or the business premises of any licensed vender or dealer in second-hand merchandise, or intelligenceoffice keeper, or auctioneer of watches and jewelry, or suspected private banking-house, or other doubtful establishment.