Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2a.djvu/59

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54 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. legal title shall thereupon become exclusively vested in the whole number of the trustees and their successors. Who may suc Sec. 455. A majority of the acting trustees for any such congregation

        • 1 *’° °“°d· may sue and be sued in their own names, in relation to the title, posses.

17 June, 1844, e. sion, or enjoyment of such property, without abatement by the death of 101. ¤· 4. V- 5- Pr- any of the trustees, or substitution of others; and the action or suit may 679* 680- be prosecuted to its nnal termination in the names of the trustees by or against whom the same was instituted, and all other proceedings had in relation thereto, in like manner as if such death or substitution had not occurred. Limitation touse Sue. 456. Land authorized to be conveyed and held subsequent to of 1¤¤d» June seventeenth, eighteen hundred and forty-four, and prior to May " u,,,,, ,,_ 6,.,,, nfth, eighteen hundred and seventy, for the uses_of any religious con- 5 May, 1870, e. gregation, in quantity not exceeding fifty acres, of rn the District outside 80.¤·2,v·16»p-99- of the cities of Washington and Georgetown, nor exceeding three acres, if in either of said cities, shall not be held by the trustees of such congregation for any other use than as a. place of public worship, religious or other instruction, buria1-ground, or residence of their mruxegrk g 5 l s., :0. Ginn and rr e- Sec. 457. The thirty-fourth section of the Declaration of Rights of the vases. State of Maryland, adopted seventeen hundred and seventy-six, so far 2;, July. ]866' ,,_ as the same was recognized and adopted in the District prior to July 237, v.14, p. 232. twenty-lifth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, is repealed and annulled, · and all sales, gifts, and devises prohibited by said section, or by any law passed rn accordance therewith, are, when made, valid and eifectual: Provided, That, in case of gifts and devises, the same shall be made at least one calendar month before the death of the donor or testator. QUIETING LAND-TITLES. Certain awismr SEQ. 458. No deed or conveyance of squares or lots of public land iu ro he invalid. the city of Washington made in pursuance of law prior to March third, 3 M,,,._ 186% °_ eighteen hundred and sixty-three, by the commissioner of public build- 11s,v.12,p.s0v. 1llg'S, or any other authorized officer, shall be deemed invalid in law, for the want of an acknowledgment by the commissioner or other autho51ze)dtofficer befogefsluch judicial as degds lqf reagdgaolperty ma e e weenrn rvr u sarerequue y awto ac now Dereersve a c - Sec. 459. All deeds and acknowledgments recorded in the land-records

  • sr‘$1°d3m°¤*° of the I;_isltrit;_t lprior to lMarch third, eighteen hundred and sixtydlvo,

._.;... 0 any o the o owing c asses namely: 3 Mar., 18§5, c. First. All deeds which have been executed and acknowledged by gf; ggé: "· 1·*· PP- married women, their husbands having signed and serned the same, for conveying any real estate or interest therein, situated rn the Drstrrct. Second. All acknowledgments of deeds which have been made by married women, whether they have executed the deed or not, for the purpose of releasing their claims to dower in the lands described therein, situated rn the District, in which acknowledgments the form prescribed by law has not been followed. Third. deeds which hav? been executed and acknowledged by an attorney rn fact, duly appointed for conveying real estate situated in the District. Fourth. All deeds executed and acknowledged, or only acknowledged by such attorney rn fact, for conveying real estate situated in the Distrrct, as to which the acknowledgment was made before officers different from those before whom proof of the power of attorney was made, rmcllrrs to which the power of attorney was proved before only one justice o ·_ e peace; _Frfth. All deeds for the purpose of conveying land situated in the District, acknowledged out of the District, before a. judge of a United States court, or before two alderrnen of a city, or the chief magistrate of rr·_c1ty, or before a notary public; _ I U _Srx_th. All deeds for the purpose of conveying land situated rn the District, acknowledged by an attorney in fact, duly appointed, or by an