Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2a.djvu/66

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LIMITED PARTNERSHIPS. 6] and if, after payment of such interest, any profits shall remain to be divided, he may also receive his portion of such profits. Sec. 509. lf it shall appear that, by the payment of interest or profits When capital reto any special partner, the original capital has been reduced, the part- gsm l?Y}’“Y":°“**° ner receiving the same shall be bound to restore the amount necessary to make good his share of capital, with interest, on being notified 16), ,,_ 13_{,_ MQPQ thereo . 437. Sec. 510. Every sale, assignment, or transfer of any property or eifects Sel B ¤ . ¤¤¤i2¤· of a partnership, or of any general partner, made by such partnership :*3*;*;;*% :;’]‘:!l’;':§‘g" or general partner when insolvent or in contemplation of insolvency, or hm after or io ctontemplation fof the insolvency oittan y gene?1 pmtnerilwith 11>¤d·,¤. 14,p. 437. e in en o giving a pre erence o any cre 1 or 0 suc pa ners ip or insolvent partner, and every judgment confessed, lien created, or security given by such partnership or general partner under the like circumstances and with the like intent, shall be void as against the creditors of such partnership. Sec. 511. Every special partner who shall violate any of the provis- Further liability ions of the two preceding sections, or who shall concur in or assent to °f°P°°'°1P°'°*”°”· any such violation by the partnership or by any individual partner, in1d.,s. 15,p.4s1. shall be liable as a general partner. Sec. 512. In case of the insolvency or bankruptcy of a partnership Special partnerno special partner shall, under any circumstances, be allowed to claim ¤°¤ _¤¤ _¤l¤¤¤¤ M as a creditor until the claims of all the other creditors of the partner— ship shall be satisiled. [Socll.B.U.8.,§5l2l.] ¤ -»¤· »1•· · Sec. 513. All suits respecting the business of the partnership shall Suits; how be brought by and against the general partners only, subject to the pro- l>¤>¤zl¤*· visions of section nve hundred and five, except in those cases in which Ibm_, ,,_ 11, p_ 43-_ provision is made in this chapter, that_spec1al partners shall bedeerned general partners and special partnerships general partnershg>s,·u;w:1ch cases all persons so becoming general partners may be joine wit t cse originally general partners in any snait brogght against such partgersbipsi h I Sec. 514. If in any case or suit roug t against genera an speeia W cu speciu partners, it shrill appear at thettfiajootglhe ghgt tho spotigaljpartnerz goylmagf °PP°¤¤‘ or any one of them are not 13 e c wr: o epaiu 1 e cour —.T.._.__ may proceed to judgment or decree against the partners who may ap- Ibid-. s. 18. pppear to be liable, in the same manner as if such partners were the eng **37-*38- parties defendant to the writ, excepting that the partners who_ may deemed not liable shall recover their legal costs against the plaintilfsr _ Sec. 515. If, in any case or suit brought `against general and special When special partners, the creditor shall recover a judgment or obtain a decree Egg? m*':° against general partners only, and shall afterward discover that special No artners or some one or more of them have become liable as genera ——¢————————— partners, he ma brin a new suit againét such special partner or partners. md- P 3 y g , , Sec. 516. In the suits mentioned in_the two preceding sections the Judgmooto judgment recovered shall be prim;-facietovrtkzriize of oh; among; due by iith rtnershi and the partners ip de t s a not merg in any · judgment or dgcree reclovered pr obtained!} against any partner or parters as against any other par ner or par ers, n Sec. 517. No dissolution of such partnership by act of the partners moooluuoo of

hall take place previous to the time specified in the certificate of its p,,,-t.m,mp_

formation, or in the certificate of its_renewal, unless in consequence of: the death of one of the partners, or insolvency of the partnership, or ot ’ ’ one of the general partners, nor until a notioetof spchtdigsollutiou shall h ve been filed and recorded in the office 0 ec er o the supreme cdurt of the District, and published once a week for four weeks in two newspapers, itéodbe desigéiated blyéhe cllerk, w,l3_ch publicatticgré pzaytpe v d b a avit an recor e as erein ore prescn or o pi-iblfcatioli of the certiiiciztc for the fo]rmatioi;_ot{)f1u<;h partneriht?. h L b I t f Sec. 518. The genera par ners s 13 e 0 aecoun eac ia i i y o genother and to the special partners for the management of the concern, both in law and equity. ma., s. 20, p. 4ze.