Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/19

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12 PUBLIC TREATIES. Consuls, are declared to be on the same footing, in every respect, with the most favored nations, respectively. Amucnn XIII. Consul um; liable The Consul of the United States of America shall not be responsible ft"' d¤b°¤ °f mi- for the debts contracted by the citizens of his own country, unless he ‘“"“‘ gives previously written obligation so to do. Anrrcnn XIV. salutes. On a vessel or vessels of war belonging to the United States anchoring before the city of Algiers, the Consul is to inform the Dey ot her arrival, when she shall receive the salutes which are, by treaty or custom, given to the ships of war of the most favored nations on similar occasions, and which shall be returned gun for gun; and if, alter such arrival, so an- Cbristlan cap- nonnced, any Christians whatever, captives in Algiers, make their

  • i'¢=¤· escape and take refuge on board any of the said ships of war, they shall

not be required back again, nor shall the Consul of the United States or commander of the said ship be required to pay anything for the said Christians. ARTICLE XV. Religious mm. As the Government of the United States has,_in itself, no character ty. of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquillity of any nation, and as the said States have never entered into any voluntary war or act ot hostility except in defence of their just rights on the high seas, it is declared, by the contracting parties, that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony between the two nations; and the Consuls and Agents of both nations shall have liberty to celebrate the rights of their respective religions in their own houses. - prmjcgo, .,4- The Consuls, respectively, shall have liberty and personal security consuls. given them to travel within the territories of each other by land and sea, and shall not be prevented from going on board any vessel they may think proper to visit; they shall likewise have the liberty to appoint their own dragoman and broker. Anrronn XVI. Violation s of In case of any dispute arising from the violation of any of the articles

  • ¤=¤·W· of this treaty no appeal shall be made to arms, nor shall war be declared

on any pretext whatever; but if the Consul residing at the place where the dispute shall happen shallnot be able to settle the same, the Government of that country shall state their grievance in writing, and tran mit the same to the Government of the other, and the period of _ three months shall be allowed for answers to be returned, during which Case of wu. time no act of hostility shall be permitted by either party ; and in case the grievances arenot redressecl, and a warshould be the event, the Consuls, and citizens, and subjects of both parties, respectively, shall be permitted to embark with their effects unmolested on board of what vessel or vessels they shall think proper, reasonable time being allowed for that purpose. Anrrcm XVII. Prisonersofwur. It] in the course of events, a war should break out between the two nations, the prisoners captured by either party shall not be made slaves; they shall not be forced to hard labor, or other confinement than such as may be necessary to secure their safe-keepin g, and shall be exchanged rank for rank; and it is agreed that prisoners sha-ll be exchanged in twelve months after their capture; and the exchange may be effected by any private individual legally authorized by either of the parties.