Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/209

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QQQ PUBLIC TREATIES. Anrxctn IV. Concurrencc in The contracting parties agree that in case either of them should form °“°°"¥"'i°°°· any particular enterprise in which the concurrence of the other maybe desired, the party whose concurrence is desired, shall readily, and with good faith, join to act in concert for that purpose, as far as circumstances and its own particular situation will permit; and in that case, they shall regulate, by a particular convention, the quantity and kind of succour to be furnished, and the time and manner of its being brought into action. as well as the advantages which are to be its compensation. Antrlcnn V. Conquests that If the United States should think fit to attempt the_reduction_of the shall b¤1<»¤g to the British power, remaining in the northern parts of America, or the islands U'“”"d 8********- of Bermudas, those contries or islands, in case of success, shall be confederated with or dependant upon the said United States. Anrrchn VI. France mah- The Most Christian King renounces forever the possession of the quisbes all claim islands of Bermudas, as well as of any part of the continent of North ‘°. °€}***¤ °°r';$‘ America, which before the treaty of Paris in 1763, or in virtue of that "‘°°" °°"q"° ‘ treaty, were acknowledged to belong to the Crown of Great Britain, or to the United States, heretofore called British Colonies, or which are at this time, or have lately been under the power of the King and Crown of Great Britain. Anricnn VII. conquests that If His Most Christian Majesty shall think proper to attack any of the EPYMU b<=l<>¤l; to islands situated in the Gulph of Mexico, or near that Gulph, which are '“"°°· at present under the power of Great Britain, all the said isles, in case of success, shall appertain to the Crown of France. Anrrcnn VIII. Neither party to Neither of the two parties shall conclude either truce or peace with ¤<>r;9}¤g¤ 1>¤¤¤¤, Great Britain without the formal consent of the other iirst obtained; ““ ‘ = °· and they mutually engage not to lay down their arms until the independence of the United States shall have been formally or tacitly assured by the treaty or treaties that shall terminate the war. Antrrchn IX. No claim or tom- The contracting parties declare, that being resolved to fulfil each on pcnsatwn afwrtlw its own part the clauses and conditions of the present treaty of alliance, “*“'· according to its own power and circumstances, there shell be no after clam} ot} ppmpensation on one side or the_ other, whatever may be the even o e war. Anrronn X. To admit 0,;,,,, The Most Christian King and the United States agree to invite or poivlprs utc accedo admit other powers who may have received injuries 11-om England, to

  • ° ° ¤ ¤¤¤¢¤· make common cause Wlth them, and to accede to the present alliance,

under such conditions as shall be freely agreed to and settled between all the parties. Anrrcnn XI. Mutual guar. The two parties guarantee mutually from the present time and for- ¤¤*¤°°· ever against all other powers, to wit:_The United States to His Most Christian Majesty, the present possessions of the Crown of France in America, as well as those which it may acquire by the future treaty of