Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/27

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20 PUBLIC TREATIES. Anmcnm XIII. Protection to The citizens of the United States, and the citizens of the Argentine P°¤‘¤°¤¤ ¤·¤d P'°P· Confederation, respectively, residing in any of the territories of the °“Y‘ other party, shall enjoy, in their houses, persons, and properties, the full protection of the Government. Religious privi- They shall not be disturbed, molested, nor annoyed in any manner, 1¤¢¤¤· on account of their religious belief, nor in the proper exercise of their peculiar worship, either within their own houses or in their own churches or chapels, which they shall be at liberty to build and maintain, in convenient situations, to be approved of by the local Government, interfering in no way with, but respecting the religion and customs of the Rishi ¤f b¤¤i¤·i· country in which they reside. Liberty shall also be granted to the citizens of either of the contracting parties to bury those who may die in the territories of the other, in burial places of their own, which, in the same manner, may be freely established and maintained. Aamcm XIV. Ratiiications. The present treaty shall be ratified on the part of the Goyernment of the United States within ilfteen months from the date, and within three days by His Excellency the Provisional Director of the Argentine Confederation, who will also present it to the iirst Legislative Congress of the Confederation, for their approval. The ratilications shall be exchanged at the seat of Government of the Argentine Confederation within the term of eighteen months. Signatures. In witness whereof, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed this treaty, and aflixed thereto their seals. D,,,,_ Done at San José, on the twenty-seventh day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred fifty-three. ·sm1.. ROBT. C. SCHENCK. san., JNO. S. PENDLETON. SEAL. SALVADOR MA. DEL CARBIL. san,. JOSE B. GOROSTIAGA.