Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/272

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GREAT BRITAIN, 1783. 265 mentioned suspension of arms, and that in consequence they shall enjoy the benefit of the cessation of hostilities at the same epochs and in the same manner as the three Crowns above mentioned, their subjects, and their respective possessions; the whole upon condition that on the part and in the name of the said United States of North America, a similar declaration shall be delivered, expressly declaring their assent to the present suspension of arms, and contain’g the assurance of the most perfect reciprocity on their part. " In faith whereof we, the Minister Plenipotentiary of His Britannic Signature. Majesty, have signed the present declaration, and have caused the seal of our arms to be thereto aiiixed.

    • V1:ns,u1.1.ns, Jan’y 20, 1783. Date.

(Signed) “ALLEYNE FITZ HERBERT. [1.. s.] " Have, in the name of the said United States of North America, and Declaratiorfof by virtue of the powers with which they have vested us, accepted the A¤¤°*i<>¤¤ ¤¤i¤*¤· above declaration, do by these presents merely and simply accept it, t°“" and do reciprocally declare that the said States shall cause all hostilities to cease against His Britannic Majesty, his subjects, and his possessions, at the terms and epochs agreed upon between his said Majesty the King of Great Britain, His Majesty the King of France, and His Majesty the King of Spain, so, and in the same manner, as has been agreed between those three Crowns, and to produce the same eifects. In faith whereof we, the Ministers Plenipotentiary of the United Signatures. States North America, have signed the present declaration, and have amxed thereto the seal of our arms.

 January 20, 1783. nm.

JOHNWADAMS. [L. s. B. FRANKLIN. [L. ss.] Copy of the jirst and twenty-second of the preliminary articles, between _P;-eliminary sr- France and Great Britain, signed at Versailles the 20th January, ;}°1°° b°f,“é°°‘; usa. BESZ. °° m ARTICLE I. Article 1, As soon as the preliminaries shall be signed and ratified, sincere friendship shall be re-established between His Most Christian Majesty and His Britannic Majesty, their kingdoms, states, and subjects, by sea and by land, in all parts of the world; orders shall be sent to the armies and squadrons, as well as to the subjects of the two Powers, to cease all hostilities and to live in the most perfect union, forgetting the past, according to the order and example of their sovereigns; and for the execution of this article sea—passes shall be given on each side to the ships which shall be dispatched to carry the news to the possessions of the said Powers. ARTICLE XXII. Article 22. To prevent all the causes of complaint and dispute which might arise on account of the prizes which may be taken at sea after the signing of these preliminary articles, it is reciprocally agreed that the vessels and effects which may be taken in the Channel and in the North Seas, after the space of twelve days, to be computed from the ratification of the present preliminary articles, shall be restored on each side. That the term shall be of one month from the Channel and the North Seas to the Canary Islands inclusively, whether in the ocean or in the Mediterranean; of two months from the said Canary Islands to the equinoxral line or equator; and lastly, of five months in all other parts of the world without any exception, nor other more particular distinction of times and places.