Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/320

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GREAT BRITAIN, 1827. 313 The President of the United States has appointed Albert Gallatin, Ncgotiators. their_Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at the Court of _H1s Britannick Majesty; and His said Majesty, on his part, has appointed the Right Honourable Charles Grant, a member of Parliament, a member of His said Ma_]esty’s Most Honourable Privy Council, and President of the Committee of the Privy Council for Affairs of Trade and Foreign Plautations, and Henry Unwin Addington, Esquire ; _ Who, after having exchanged their respective full powers, found to be in due and proper form, have agreed to and concluded the following articles: ARTICLE I. It is agreed that the points of difference which have arisen in the Reference efdlfsettlement of the boundary between the American and British Dcmin- femmes. ions, as described in the 5th article of the treaty of Ghent, shall be referred, as therein provided, to some friendly Sovereign or State, who shall be invited to investigate, and make a decision upon, such points of difference. The two contracting Powers engage to proceed in concert, to the choice of such friendly Sovereign or State, as soon as the ratiiications of this convention shall have been exchanged, and to use their best endeavours to obtain a decision, if practicable, within two years after the Arbiter shall have signified his consent to act as such. Anrxomu II. The reports, and documents thereunto annexed, of the Commissioners S*¤*¤!¤¤¤* ¤f W6 appointed to carry into execution the 5th article of the treaty of Ghent, "'“P°°°"° °‘““• being so voluminous and complicated as to render it improbable that any Sovereign or State should be willing or able to undertake the office of investigating and arbitrating upon them, it is hereby agreed to substitute, for those reports, new and separate statements of the respective cases, severally drawn up by eachof the contracting parties, in such form and terms as each may think fit. The said statements, when prepared,shall be mutually communicated to each other by the contracting parties, that is to say, by the United States to His Britannick Majesty’s Minister or Chargé d’AHaires at Washington, and by Great Britain to the Minister or Charge d’Aifaires of the United States at London, within fifteen months after the exchange of the ratiiications of the present convention. After such communication shall have taken place, each party shall have the power of drawing up a second and definitive statement, if it thinks dt so to do, in reply to the statement of the other party, 0 communicated; which definitive statements shall also be mutually communicated in the same manner as aforesaid, to each other, by the contracting parties, within twenty-one months after the exchange of ratitications of the present convention. Anrroma. III. Each of the contracting parties shall, within nine mouths after the Evid•¤¤c¤i¤t¤¤d— exchange of ratiiications of this convention, communicate to the other, °d *° "° °’f°‘°d· in the same manner as aforesaid, all the evidence intended to be brought in support of its claim, beyond that which is contained in the reports of the Commissioners, or papers thereunto annexed, and other written documgnts laid before the Commission, under the 5th article of the treaty 0 hent. Each of the contracting parties shall be bound, on the application of the other party, made within six months after the exchange of the rat1— iications of this convention, to give authentick copies of such individually specified acts of a publick nature, relating to the_ territory in question, intended to be laid as evidence before the Arb1ter, as have