Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/363

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356 PUBLIC TREATIES. Goderich, Baron Grantham, a Baronet, a Peer of the United Kingcloin, Lord President of Her Majesty’s Most Honourable Privy Council, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, etc., etc.;·tl1e Right Honourable Sir Stafford Henry Northeotc, Baronet, one) of _Her Majesty’s Most Honourable Privy Council, a Member of 1arliainent,`a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, etc., etc.; Sir Edward Thornton, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Her Maiesty’s Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the United States of America; Sir John Alexander Macdonald, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath,. a Member of Her Ma_jesty’s Privy Council for Canada, and Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Her Majesty’s Dominion of Canada; and Mountague Bernard, Esquire, Chichele Professor of International Law in the University of Oxford. _ And the said Pleuipotentiaries, after having exchanged their full powers, which were found to bein due and proper form, have agreed to and concluded the following articles : Anrrorm I. Preamble. Whereas differences have arisen between the Government of the United States and the Government of Her Britannic Majesty, and still exist, growing out of the acts committed by the several vessels which have given rise to the claims generically known as the “Alabama Claims: " And whereas Her Britannie Majesty has authorized her High Commissioners and Plenipotentiaries to express, in a friendly spirit, the regret felt by Her Majesty’s Government for the escape, under whatever circumstances, of the Alabama and other vessels from British ports, and for the depredations committed by those vessels : Arbitration o f Now, in order to remove and adjust all complaints and claims on the t h 9 M ¤ b Mlm part of the United States, and to provide for the speedy settlement of C]”‘""°· such claims which are not admitted by Her Britannic Majesty’s Government, the high contracting parties agree that all the said claims, growing out of acts committed by the aforesaid vessels, and generically known as the "A1abama Claims/’ shall be referred to a tribunal of arbitration to be composed of five Arbitrators, to be appointed in the follow- Apnointmcut of ing manner, that is to say: One shall be named by the President of the “'b‘°'”“’”· United States; one shall be named by Her Britannic Majesty; His Majesty the King of Italy shall be requested to name one; the President of the Swiss Confederation shall be requested to name one; and His Majesty the Emperor of Brazil shall be requested to name one. Vacancies. In case of the death, absence, or incapacity to serve of any or either of the said Arbitrators, or, in the event of either of the said Arbitrators omitting or declining or ceasing to act as such, the President of the United States, or Her Britannie Majesty, or His Majesty the King of Italy, or the President of the Swiss Confederation, or His Majesty the Emperor of Brazil, as the case may be, may forthwith name another person to act as Arbitrator in the place and stead of the Arbitrator originally named by such head of a State. And in the event of the refusal or omission for two months after receipt of the request from either of the high contracting parties of His Majesty the King of Italy, or the President of the Swiss Confederation, or His Majesty the Emperor of Brazil, to name an Arbitrator either to fill the original appointment or in the place of one who may have died, be absent, or incapacitated, or who may omit, decline, or from any cause cease to act as such Arbitrator, His Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway shall be requested to name one or more persons, as the case may be, to act as such Arbitrator or Arbitrators,