Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/421

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414 PUBLIC TREATIES. Amrzcnm IX. Disposal and in- The citizens of each of the high contracting parties, within the jurislwri¤¤¤¤¤ vf PM- diction of the other,` shall have power to dispose of their personal prop- “°““* P'°P°"’Y· erty by sale, donation, testament, or otherwise; and their personal representatives, being citizens of th: oltherbcontracting partyl, shall succeed to their personal property w et cr y testament or a intestate. They may take possession therbof, either by themselves or by others acting for them, at their pleasure, and dispose of the same, paying such duty only as the citizens of the country wherein the said personal property is situated shall be subject to pay in like cases. In the absence of a personal representative, the same care shall be taken of the property as by law would be taken of the property of a native_in a similar case, while the lawful owner may take measures for securing it. Ifa question as to the rightful ownership of the property should arise among claimants, the same shall be determined by the judicial tribunals of the country in which it is situated. Anrrcnn X. Importation into The high contracting parties hereby agree that whatever kind of pro- U¤i*qd 8***** m duce, manufactures, or merchandise of any foreign country can be, from H“'Y°‘““ '°‘"]“‘ time to time, lawfully imported into the United States in their own vessels, may also be imported in the vessels of the Republic of Hayti, and no higher or other duties upon the tonnage or cargo of the vessels shall be levied for collected than shall be levied or collected of the vessels of the most avored nation. Importation into And reciprocally, whatever kind of produce, manufactures, or mer- H¤y*¤ i¤ V¤¤¤¤l¤ <>f chandise of any foreign country can be, from time to time, lawfully im- U“'“°d s'*“**°“· ported into Hayti in her own vessels, may be also imported in the vessels of the United States, and no higher or other duties upon the tonnage or cargo of the vessels shall be levied or collected than shall be levied or collected of the vessels of the most favored nation. Anrrcnn Xl. Exports, It is also hereby agreed that whatever may be lawfully exported or re-exported from the one country in its own vessels, to any foreign country, may in like manner be exported or rc-exported in vessels of the other · and the same duties, bounties, and drawbacks shall he collected and allowed as are collected of and allowed to the most favored nation. It is also understood that the foregoing principles shall apply, whether the vessels shall have cleared directly from the ports of the nation to which they appertain, or from the ports of any other nation. Ancrxcnm XII. gouging gmac_ The provisions of this treaty are not to be understood as applying to the coasting trade of the contracting parties, which is respectively reserved by each exclusively, to be regulated by its own laws. Ancrrcrn XIII. E_q n al ity o t Ile higher or other duties shall be imposed on the importation into the

 °¤ P¤'0g¤°° United States of any article the growth, produce, or manufacture of

° °‘ ‘°" °°““ "Y· Hayti or her fisheries; and no higher or other duties shall be imposed on the importation into Hayti of any article the growth, produce, or manufacture of the United States or their fisheries, than are or shall be pglyable on the like articles gigs growth, produce, or manufacture of any o cr oreign country or its heries. No other or higher duties or charges shall be imposed in the United States on the exportation of any article to Hayti, nor in Hayti on the