Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/471

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464 PUBLIC TREATIES. MADAGASCAR. MADAGASCAR, 1867. F6b_ 14 Iggy_ TREATY OF PEACE, FRIENDSHIP, AN l) COMMERCE BETWEEN THE UNITED ..4. STATES OF AMERICA AND THE QUEEN OF MADAGASCAR, CONCLUDED AT ANTANANARIVO FEBRUARY 14, 1861; RATIFICATION ADVISED BY SENATE JANUARY 20, 1868; RATIFIED BY PRESIDENT JANUARY 24, 1868; RATIFICATIONS EXCHANGED AT ANTANANARIVO JULY 8, 1868; PRO- CLAIMED OCTOBER 1, 1868. Treaty between the Government of the United States of America and of Her Majesty the Queen of Madagascar. Ngggtigtgrg Between Rainimaharavo, Chief Secretary of State, 16 vtra., Andriantsitohaina, 16 vtra., Rafaralahibemalo, head of the civilians, on the part of the Government of Her Majesty the Queen of Madagascar, and Major _C¤¤*»1‘¤<>¢i¤gP=¤f· John P. Finkelineier, the Commercial Agent of the U. S. for Madagas- “°S· car, on the part of the Government of the U. S. of America, all duly authorized to that effect by their respective Governments, the following articles of a commercial treaty have this day been drawn up and signed by mutual agreement: I. poooo nnimionii- Her Majesty Rasoherina Manjaka, Queen of Madagascar, and his Ex- ¤bip· cellency Andrew Johnson, President of the U. S. of America, both desirous for the good and welfare of their respective countries, to enter into a more close comercial relation and friendship between the subjects of Her Majesty and the people of the U. S., hereby solemnly declare that peace and good friendship shall exist between them and their respective heirs and successors forever without war. Dominion and The dominious of each contracting party, as well as the right of domdomicile- icil of their inhabitants, are sacred ; and no forcible possession of territory shall ever take place in either of them by the other party, nor any domiciliary visits or forcible entries be made to the houses of either party against the will of the occupants. But whenever it is known for certain, or suspected, that transgressors against the laws of the Kingdom are in certain premises, they may be entered in concert with the U. S. Consul, or, in his absence, by a duly authorized officer, to look after the offender. The right of sovereignty shall in all cases be respected in the dominions of one Government by the subjects or citizens of the other. Citi- Roiigiono fi-oo- zens of the U. S. of America shall, while in Madagascar, enjoy the privriom. - ilege of free and unmolested exercise of the Christian religion and its customs; new places of worship, however, shall not be builded by them without the permission of the Government. Rigiiio oinonoono They shall enjoy full and complete protection and security for themmin property. selves and their property, equally with the subjects of Madagascar; the right to lease or rent land, houses, or store-houses for a. term of months or years mutually agreed upon between the owners and American citizens; build houses and magazines on land leased by them, in accordance with the laws of Madagascar for buildings; hire labourers, not soldiers, and if slaves, not without permission of their masters.