Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/473

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466 rustic rrnnnrlns. D¤¤¤¤‘¤><=¤‘¤ fr¤¤¤ In cases of mutiny or desertion, the local authorities shall, on appli. "°“'°1“· cation, render all necessary assistance to the American Consul to bring back the deserters and to re-establish discipline, if possible, among the crew of a merchant-vessel. VII. shipwreck, In case of a shipwreck of an American vessel on the coast of Madagascar, or if any such vessel should be attaked or plundered in the waters of Madagascar adjacent to any military station, Her Majesty engages to order the Governor to grant every assistance in his power to secure the property and to restore it to the owner or to the U. S. Consul, if this be not impossible. VIII. Ratificatious. The above articles of treaty, made in good faith, shall be submitted to both the Government of the U. S. of America and Her Majesty the Queen of Madagascar for ratitication, and such ratiilcations be exch an ged within six months from date of ratiiication, at Antananarivo. Should it, at any future time, seem desirable, in the interest of either of the contracting parties, to alter or add to the present treaty, such alterations or additions shall be effected with the consent of both parties. Duplicate originals of this treaty, with corresponding text in the English and Malagasy languages, which shall be both of equal authority, have been signed and sealed at Antananarivo this day. SUPPLEMENTARY ARTICLE T0 § II. Supplementary P. S.-Should therebe any business of the Queen requiring the serv- Much- ices of such labourers, they shall be permitted to leave without giving previous notice. The sentence in Article II, stating that previous notice must be given, refers only to labourers leaving on their own account. J. P. FIN KELMEIER, U. S. O. A. SEAL.] RAINIMAHARAVO, issue] Chief Secretary of State, 16 vtra. ANDRIANTSITOHAINA, 16 vtra. RAFARALAHIBEMALO, Loholona Ohibe amy ny Brz. AN:uNA1un1vo, 14th February, 1867.