Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/491

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484 PUBLIC TREATIES. Arvrrcrn XXX. Deserters from The said Consuls shall have power to require the assistance of the vwwie authorities of the country, for the arrest, detention, and custody of deserters from the public and private vessels of their country; and for that purpose, they shall address themselves to the courts, judges, and officers competent, and shall demand the said deserters in writing, proving, by an exhibition of the register of the vessel, or ship’s roll, or other public documents, that the man or men demanded were part of said crews; and on this demand so proved, (saving always where the contrary is proved,) the delivery shall not be refused. Such deserters, when arrested, shall be placed at the disposal of the said Uonsuls, and may be put in the public prisons at the request and expense of those who reclaim them, to be sent to the vessels to which they belong, or to others of the same nation. But, if they be not sent back within two months, to be counted from the day of their arrest, they shall be set at liberty, and shall not be again arrested for the same cause. Auricrm XXXL _0<>¤¤¤l¤* <=<>¤V¤¤· For the purpose of more eifectually protecting their commerce and “‘°“· navigation, the two contracting parties do hereby agree, as soon hereafter as circumstances will permit, to form a consular convention, which shall declare specially the powers and immunities of the Consuls and Vice-Consuls of the respective parties. Aarrcm XXXII. Interior com- For the purpose of regulating the interior commerce between the ¤*°¤'°°· frontier territories of both Republics, it is agreed that the Executive of each shall have power, by mutual agreement, of determining on the route and establishing the roads by which such commerce shall be conducted ; and in all cases where the caravans employed in such commerce may require convoy and protection by military escort, the Supreme Executive of each nation shall, by mutual agreement, in like manner, fix on the period of departure for such caravans, and the point at which the military escort of the two nations shall be exchanged. And it is further agreed, that, until the regulations for governing this interior commerce between the two nations shall be established, the commercial intercourse between the State of Missouri of the United States of America, and New Mexico in the United Mexican States, shall be conducted as heretofore, each Government affording the necessary protection to the citizens of the other. Anricmr XXXIII. Indianhostilities. It is likewise agreed that the two contracting parties shall, by all the [Seo Article II, means in their power, maintain peace and harmony among the several fzzbty °*` 185% P- Indian nations who inhabit the lands adjacent to the lines and riV01‘S " ‘] which form the boundaries of the two countries; and the better to attain this object, both parties bind themselves expressly to restrain, by force, all hostilities and incursions on the part of the Indian nations living within their respective boundaries: so that the United States of America will not suffer their Indians to attack the citizens of the United Mexican States, nor the Indians inhabiting their territory; l19i' will the United Mexican States permit the Indians residing within their territories to commit hostilities against the citizens of the United States of America, nor against the Indians residing within the limits of the United States, in any manner whatever. P¤'i¤Q¤°!'¤ '¤¤d° And in the event of any person or persons, captured by the Indians by I"d‘"‘"°‘ who inhabit the territory of either of the contracting [)i·\l‘i»iGS, being 0* having been carried into the territories of the other, both Governments engage and bind themselves in the most solemn manner to return them to their country as soon as they know of their being within their rc-