Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/525

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518 PUBLIC TREATIES. Article IX. Stranded vessels. If any vessel of the United States shall be cast on shore on any part of our coasts, she shall remain at the disposition of the owners, and no one shall attempt going near her without their approbation, as she is then considered particularly under our protection; and if any vessel of the United States shall be forced to put into our ports by stress of weather or otherwise, she shall not be compelled to land her cargo, but shall Grtemainlin tranquillity until the commander shall think proper to proce on is voyage. Anrrom X. Y¤9¤¤l¤ ¤¤z¤z•>d If any vessel of either of the parties shall have an engagement with };;Qh‘“ K“"““°° °f a vessel belonging to any of the Christian Powers within gun-shot of [gw Ammon, the forts of the other, the vessel so engaged shall be defended and pro- Mticle, p_ ;,20_] tected asl as ppssiblehuntnl shears in sajfetéy ziéd 1f any American; vesse s e cas on s ore ou e coas 0 oon, or any coas thereabout, the people belonging to her shall be protected and assisted, until, by the help of God, they shall be sent to their country. Anmom XI. Dep an- t u re of If we shall be at war with any Christian Power, and any of our vessels ¤¤¤¤¤y’¤ V0 ¤¤¤i• sail from the ports of the United States, no vessel belonging to the enemy f'°'“ P°'*· shall follow until twenty-four hour after the departure of our vessels; and the same regulations shall be observed towards the American vessels sailing from our ports, be their enemies Moors or Christians. Anrronm XII. Ships or wsu- of If any ship of war belonging to the United States shall ut into any U'“*°d S“‘°°°· of our ports, she shall not be examined on any pretence whlatever, even though she should have fugitive slaves on board, nor shall the governor or commander of the place compeh them to be brought on shore on any pretext, ·nor require any payment or them. Anrrcnm XIII. $•l¤¢¤•· If a ship of war of either party shall put into a port of the other and sal:te,t;:s shall belreturned from the fort with an equal number of guns, no wi more or ess. ARTICLE XIV. c p m m erce on The commerce with the United States shall be on the same footing as $2*338 °€_¤¤°¤* T3- is the commerce with Spain, or as that with the most favored nation for “" ‘°"· the time being; and their citizens shall be respected and esteemed, and have fall libertyhto passwarnd repass our country and seaports whenever ey p ease, wi ou 1D uption. Anrronn XV.

’¤'lE•s¤¤ ¤f¤¤¤¤‘· Merchants of both countries shall employ only such interpreters, and

° '“' such other persons to assist them in their business, as they shall think proper. No commander of a vessel shall transport his cargo on board another vessel; he shall not be detained in port longer than he may think proper; and all persons employed in loading or unloading goods, or in any other labor whatever, shall be paid at the customary rates, not more and not less.