Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/554

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NETHERLANDS, 1855. 547 Anrronn I. Consuls-General, Consnls, and Vice-Consuls of the United States of Consular officers Amerika will be admitted into all the ports in the transmarine possess- °f U“i“"’ B*!‘*°' i" ioogs or colonies of the Netherlands, which are open to the vessels of all Dumb °°l°'"°°‘ na ions. Anrrcma IL The Consuls—General, Consuls, and Vice-Consuls of the United States Their powers and of Amer1ca are considered as commercial agents, protectors of the mar- °m°°· itime ooilomerce of their countrymen, in the ports within the circumference o their consu ar districts. _ They are subject to the laws, both civil and criminal, of the country To be subject ui in which they reside, with such exceptions as the present convention **1** l¤·W¤· establishes in their favor. Aarronm III. The Consuls-General and Consuls, before being admitted to exercise Cqmmiggiqug and their functions, and todenjoy the immlpnities attached thereto, must pre- vxeqrmurssent a commission, in ue orm, to the government of His Majesty the King of the Netherlands. After having obtained the exequatur which shall be contersigned as promptly as possible by the governor of the colony, the said Consular Agents shall be entitled to the protection of the government, and to the assistance of the local authorities, in the free exercise of their functions. The Government, in granting the exequatur, reserves the right of withdrawin the same or to cause it to be withdrawn by the Governor 8 s of the colony, on a statement of the reasons for doing so. . ARTICLE IV. The Consuls-General and Consuls are authorized toplace on the outer Insorigzien on door of their consulates the arms of their Government, with the inscrip- °°¤¤¤¤¤‘ ¤ ¤¤¤· tion: “Consulate of the United States of America! » lt is well understood that this outward mark shall never be consid-_ Not to giverlght ered as conferring the right of asylum, nor as having the power to ex- ¤f ¤•yI¤¤•- empt the house and those dwelling therein from the prosecution of the local justice. Aarrcnu V. It is, ueverthless, understood that the archives and documents relat- Iuyiolabllity or ing to the affairs of the consulate shall be protected against all search, ¤¤h¤’¤•· and that no authority or magistrate shall have the power, under any pretext whatever, to visit or seize them, or to examine their contents. Aariomn VI. The Consuls-General, Consuls, and Vice·Consuls shall not be invested pommunimions with any diplomatic character. _ :2* *h° G°'°'“‘ When a request is to be addressedto the Netherlands Government, it must be douo throoghutge medium of the Diplomatic Agent residing at the Hague, i one - re. · The Consul may in case of urgency apply to the Governor of the colony himself, showing the urgency of the case,band_ stating the reasons why the request cannot be addressed to the su ordinate authorities, or that previous applications made to such authorities have not been attended to. Anrroma VII. ` Consuls·General and Oonsuls shall free to establish ViceConsuls Vice Gomuls. in the ports mentioned in art. 1, and situated in their consular districts. The Viee·Consuls may be taken indiscmmmately from among the subjects of the Netherlands, or from citizens of the United States, or of