Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/598

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OTTOMAN EMPIRE, 1862. 591 Egypt, and in the other parts of Africa belonging to the Sublime Porte, in Servia, and in the United Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia. Anrrcrn XXI. It is always understood that the Government of the United States of Treaty construc· America does not pretend, by any article in the present treaty, to stipu- *i°¤¤· late for more than the plain and fair construction of the terms employed, nor to preclude in any manner the Ottoman Government from the exercise of its rights of internal administration where the exercise of these rights does not evidently infringe upon the privileges accorded by ancient treaties, or by the present treaty, to citizens of the United States or their merchandise. Anrrcnn XXII. The high contracting parties have agreed to appoint, jointly, commis- TariH'¤£ custom sioners for the settlement of a tarii of custom-house duties, to be levied h°““° ‘l““°*‘- in conformity with the stipulations of the present treaty, as well upon merchandise of every description being the produce or manufacture of the United States of America imported into the Ottoman Empire, as upon articles of every description the produce or manufacture of the Ottoman Empire and its possessions, which citizens of the United States or their agents nre free to purchase in any part of the Ottoman Empire for exportation to the United States or to any other country. The new tariff, to be so concluded, shall remain in force during seven years, dating from the date of the exchange of the ratifications. Each of the contracting parties shall have the right, a year before the expiration of that term, to demand the revision of the tariff. But it, during the seventh year, neither the one nor the other of the contracting parties shall avail itself of this right, the tariff then existing shall continue to have the force of law for seven years more, dating from the day of the expiration of the seven preceding years; and the same shall be the case with respect to every successive period of seven years. Anrrcnn XXIII. The present treaty shall be ratified and the ratifications shall be ex- R¤¤6¢¤·*i¤¤¤· changed at Constantinople in three calendar months, or sooner if pos- S,g,,,,,,,m,_ sible, and shall be carried into execution when ratified. _ Done at Oonstantinople on the twenty-fifth day of February, eighteen Defehundred and sixty-two. EDWARD JOY MORRIS. [L. s.[ AALI. [L. s.