Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/607

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6()() PUBLIC TREATIES. Freedom ofcom- They may reciprocally bring, by I311d of lf)` 8%; mm €lth‘**` °°¥mU`Y» ‘“°’°°· and export from it, all kinds of merchandise and products, and- sell,. exchange, or buy, and transport them to all places in the territories oi either of the high contracting parties. It being, however, undertood that the merchants of either nation who shall engage in the internal commerce of either country shall be governed, in respect to such commerce, by the laws of the country in which such commerce IS carried on; and in case either of the high contracting Powers shall hereaiter grant other priviledges concerning such internal commerce to the citizens or subjects of other Governments, the same shall_be equally granted to the merchants of either nation engaged in such internal commerce within the territories of the other. Anrxcmt IV. _ Equality of du- The merchandise imported or exported by the respective citizens or

  • '°°· subjects of the two high contracting parties shall not pay in either

country, on their arrival or departure, other duties than those which are charged in either of the countries on the merchandise or products imported or exported by the merchants and subjects of the most favored nation, and no exceptional tax, under any name or pretext whatever, shall be collected on them in either of the two countries. Anrroru V. settlementofdis- All suits and disputes arising in Persia between Persian subjects and P¤*¤•· citizens of the United States shall be carried before the Persian tribunal to which such matters are usually referred at the place where a Consul or Agent of the United States may reside, and shall be discussed and decided according to equity, in the presence of an employe of the Consul or Agent of the United States._ All uits and disputes which may arise in the Empire of Persia between citizens of the United States shall be referred entirely for trial and for adjudication to the Consul or Agent of the United States residing in the province wherein such suits and disputes may have arisen, or in the province nearest to it, who shall decide them according to the laws of the United States. All suits and disputes occurring in Persia between the citizens of the United States and the subjects of other_foreign Powers, shall be tried and adjudicated by the intermediation of their respective Consuls or agents. In the United States, Persian subjects, in all disputes arising between themselves, or between them and citizens of the United States or foreigners, shall be judged according to the rules adopted in the United States respecting the subjects of the most favored nation. Trials for crimi· Persian subjects residing in the United States, and citizens of the M1 ¤¤`<>¤¤¢¤· United States residing in Persia, shall, when charged with criminal offences, be tried and judgedin Persia and the United States in the same manner as are the subjects and citizens of the most favored nation residing in either of the above-mentioned countries. ARTICLE VI. E,,,,,,, of 1,,,. In case of a citizen or subject of either of the contracting parties dy- sous dying intcs- ing within the territories of the other, his effects shall be delivered up hw- integrally to the family or partners in business of the deceased; and in case he has no relations or partners, his effects in either country shall be delivered up to the Consul or agent of the nation of which_ the deceased was a subject or citizen, so that he may dispose of them in accordance with the laws of his country.