Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/647

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640 Punmo rnnnrins. A1m·1cL1t IV. $¤¤¤ *0 be Mid The pecuniary indemnities which Her Most Faithful Majesty promises [°' °°h“' °]“"““· to pay, or cause to be paid, for all the claims presented previous to the 6th day of July, 1850, in behalf of American citizens, by the Government of the United States, (with the exception of that of the “General Armstrong/’) are fixed at ninety-one thousand seven hundred and twenty-seven dollars, in accordance with the correspondence between the two Govern ments. Anrxonn V. Payment, how The payment of the sum stipulated in the preceding article shall be '””·d°· made in Lisbon, in ten equal instalments, in the course of five years, to the properly-authorized agent of the United States. The first instalment of nine thousand one hundred and seventy-two dollars seventy cents, with interest as hereinafter provided, (or its equivalent in Portuguese current money,) shall be paid, as aforesaid, on the 30th day of September of the current year of 1851, or earlier, at the option of the Portuguese Government; and at the end of every subsequent six mouths alike instalment shall be paid——the integral sum of ninety-one thousand sevenphundred and twenty-seven dollars, or its equivalent, thus to be satisfied on or before the thirtieth day of September, 1856. Anrrcmn VI. Interest. It is hereby agreed that each and all of the said instalments are to bear, and to be paid with an interest of six per cent. per annum, from the date of the exchange of the ratiilcations of the present convention. Anrrorn VII. Ratifimticns. This convention shall be approved and ratified, and the ratiiications shall be exchanged in the city of Lisbon within four months after the date hereof, or sooner if possible. signature., In testimony whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the same, and aiiixed thereto the seals of their arms. Date. Done in the city of Washington, D. O., the twenty-sixth day of February, of the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty- one. DAN’L WEBSTER. _ L. sl J. C. DE FIGANIERE E MORAO. {L. s._