Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/65

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58 PUBLIC TREATIES. Negctinwm- The President of the United States of America, Henry Shelton Sanford, a citizen of the United States, their Minister Resident t0_ His Majesty the King of the Belgians; and His Majesty the King of the Belgians, M. Charles Bogier, Grand Officer of the Order of Leopold, decorated with the Iron Cross, &c., &c., Sec., his Minister of Foreign Atfn'rs· ~ .Vl;ho: after having exchanged their full powers, found to be in good and due form, have agreed upon the following articles: Aurora I. Exnogoaohmont The high contr·acting parties take note of, and record_: ¤f¢b¤S¤!¤¤i¢\¤d¤¢•· 1st. The treaty concluded on the twelfth of May, eighteen hundred sixty-three, between Belgium and the Netherlands, which will remain [Sec Annex, pp. annexed to the present treaty, and by which His Majesty the King of 59.60-] the Netherlands renounces forever the dues established upon navigation in the Scheldt and its mouths, by the third paragraph of the 9th article of the treaty of the 19th of April, eighteen hundred and thirty- nine, and His Majesty the King of the Belgians engages to pay the capital sum of the redemption of those dues, which amount to 17 141 640 norin , , s. Eanogoishment 2d. The declaration made in the name of His Majesty the King of ¤PP‘*°°*° ***1***8*- the Netherlands on the iiiteenth of July, eighteen hundred and sixty- three, to the Plenipotentiaries of the high contracting parties, that the extingnishment of the Scheldt dues, consented to by his said Majesty, applies to all flags; that these dues can never be reestablished under any form whatsoever; and that this suppression shall not infect in any manner the other provisions of the treaty of the nineteenth of April, [See Protocol, eighteen hundred and thirty-nine, declaration which shall be considered PP- 6*% 61-] inserted in the present treaty, to which it shall remain also annexed. Anrrcnn 1I. _D¤¤l•¤‘•**¤¤ of His Majesty the King of the Belgians makes, for what concerns him, K"'! °f B°‘¥l“"‘· the same declaration as that which is mentioned in the second paragraph of the preceding article. Anrrom III. _'|`¤¤¤•!¤ d¤¤¤» It is well understood that the tonna d‘ I N, _. _ _ _ ge nes suppressed in Bel in, {’;::$°· d l°°‘l in conformity with the convention of the twenteeuth of May, eighteen [su Mum I hundred sixty-three, cannot be reéstablished, and that the pilotage um, of my 20; dues and local taxes reduced under the same convention cannot be 153;;, ,,_ my again increased. The tarid of pilotagc dues and of local taxes at Antwerp, shall be the same for the United States as those which are set down in the protocols of the conference at Brussels. Anrrcm IV. lfropvrtivu of the In regard to the proportion of the United States 'n thel s m gigs W of the extinguishment of the Scheldt dues, and the mannerfsprlatse, alhd muy of my 20, time of the payment thereof, reference is made by the high contracting 1g6;;,p_ 5g_] pgrltneistgouthee convention of the twentieth of May, eighteen hundred s -· . Anrronn V. Eiw ¤ *i¤¤ of The execution of the reciprocal enga ‘ ‘ ‘ ug ,,,,,,,,, , , _ _ gegnents contained in in t ° “9 *|· treaty is made subordinate, in so far as is necessary, to the fciziizlhfies azdtggles established by the constitutional laws of the high contracting