Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/657

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650 rustic rnnuins. Anrrcm V. Lading of vos- The merchants commanders of vessels, or other subjects or citizens eels- of either party, shall not, within the ports or_ jurisdiction of the other, be forced to unload any sort of merchandize into any other vessels, nor to receive them into their own, nor to wait for their being loaded longer than they please. ARTICLE VI. Examination or That the vessels of either party, loading within the ports or. jurisdicg¤<>d¤· tion of the other, may not be uselessl y harassed, or detained, 1t IS agreed that all examinations of goods, required by the laws, shall be made before they are laden on board the vessel, and that there shall be no examination after; nor shall the vessel be searched at any time, unless articles shall have been laden therein clandestinely an d illegally, in which case the person by whose order they were carried on board, or who carried them without order, shall be liable to the laws of the land in which he is, but no other person shall be molested, nor shall any other goods, nor the vessel, be seized or detained for that cause. Ancrromi VII. Protection to Each party shall endeavour by all the means in their power to prov¤¤¤¤l¤ wd ¤6`¤¤¤¤· tect and defend all vessels and other eifects, belonging to the citizens or subjects of the other, which shall be within the extent of their jurisdiction by sea or by land; and shall use all their eiforts to recover and cause, to be restored to the right owners their vessels and effects, which shall be taken from them within the extent of their said jurisdiction. Anrromi VIII. Vessels touching The vessels of the subjects or citizens of either party, coming on any M P°**°°· coast belongingto the other, but not willing to enter into port, or who entering into port are not willing to unload their cargoes or break bulk, shall have liberty to depart and to pursue their voyage without molestation, and without being obliged to render account of their cargo, or to pay any duties, charges, or fees whatsoever, except those established for vessels entered into port, and appropriated to the maintenance of the port itself, or of other establishments for the safety and convenience of navigators, which duties, charges, and fees shall be the same, and shall be paid on the same footing, as in the case of subjects or citizens of the country where they are established. Arrrrcnu IX. Wr¤¤k¤<1<>rd¤m· When any vessel of either party shall be wrecked, foundered, or

    • 8**** "°““°1“· otherwise damaged, on the coasts or within the dominions of the other,

their respective citizens or subjects shall receive, as well for themselves as for their vessels and effects, the same assistance which would be due to the inhabitants of the country where the damage happens, and shall pay_ the same charges and dues only as the said inhabitants would be subject to pay in a like case; and if the operations of repair shall require that the whole or any part of the cargo be uuladed, they shall pay no duties, charges, or fees on the part which they shall relade and carry away, The ancient and barbarous right to wrecks of the sea shall be entirely abolished with respect to the subjects or citizens of the two contracting parties. ARTICLE X. Disposal and in- The citizens or subjects of each party shall have ower to dis ose of

‘:;`;3“;)‘:_;’pgft§T’·°" their personal goods within the jurisdiction of the Ether, by testament,

donation, or otherwise, and their representatives, being subjects or citi-