Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/694

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SARDINIA, 1838. 687 Antricnn XIII. Considering the remoteness of the respective countries of the two Bmcksded em. high contracting parties, and the uncertainty resulting therefrom with P respect to the various events which may take place, it is agreed that a merchant-vessel, belonging to either of them, which may be bound to a port supposed at the time of its departure to be blockaded, shall not, however, be captured or condemned for having attempted a tirst time to enter said port, unless it can be proved that said vessel could and ought to have learned during its voyage that the blockade of the place in question still continued. But all vessels which, after having been warned od` once, shall, during the same voyage, attempt a second time to enter the same hlockaded port during the continuance of the said blockade, shall then subject themselves to be detained and condemned. Anricnn XIV. All articles of commerce the growth or manufacture of the United Merchandise in States of America, and the products of their fisheries, with the excep· *'“P*?i*“ *h"°“Sh tion of salt, gunpowder, and tobacco manufacturer] for use, shall be §::d"“°" °°"" permitted to pass in transitu from the iree port of Genoa through the y` territories of His Sardinian Majesty to any point of the inland frontier of the said territories; and, vice versa, all articles of commerce coming from any one point of the Sardinian inland frontier, destined for the United States, shall be permitted to pass the territores of His Sardinian Majesty to the free port of Genoa without being liable to the payment of any duty whatever levied in the name or to the profit of the Government, the local authorities, or of any private establishment whatsoever, other than such as are required to meet the expenses of the necessary precautionary measures against smuggling, which precautionary measures to be observed in regard to transit to the frontier shall be the same whether the said articles of commerce are imported by the vessels of _ _ the one or of the other of the high contracting parties. But if peculiar N<>¤¤¤ ¤f *¤·¤¤* circumstances or considerations should render the re-establishment of d“"Y* transit duties necessary on the said articles of commerce directed to any one point of the Sardinian frontier, the Sardiniau Government, in reserving to itself the full right to establish such duty, engages to notify to the Government of the United States such determination six months before any such transit duty shall be exactcd. lt is also understood that all articles of commerce imported directly from the United States of America shall be taken and considered as the products of the sand States, and shall be entitled equally and in like manner, with the exceptions above mentioned in the present article, to afree transit through the territories of His Sardinian Majesty. Anricnn XV. The two high contracting parties reciprocally grant to each other the C<>¤¤¤\¤¤‘ <>¤¤¤¤‘¤· liberty of having each in the ports and other commercial places of the other, Consuls, Vice-Counsels, and Commercial Agents of their own_ appointment, who shall enjoy the same privileges, powers, and exemptions as those of the most favored nations. But if any of such Consuls shall exercise commerce, they shall be subjected t0_ the same laws and usages to which the private individuals of their nation, or subjects or citizens of the most favored nations are subject in the same places, in respect to their commercial transactions. Aarrcnn XVI. It is es 'all understood that whenever either of the two contract- Citizens or one ing partidgghalfsclect foraconsular agent to reside in any port or com- is nwrcial place of the other party a subject or citizen of this l-ist, such M_ _