Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/719

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712 PUBLIC TREATIES. l?¤¤¤¤i¤¤*i<>¤ of 4th. The Commissioners are authorized,hy the said contracting parties, °l°“”’· to hear and examine, on oath, every question relative to the said demands, and to receive as worthy of credit all testimony the authenticity of which cannot reasonably be doubted. D¤¤i¤i0¤¤ $0 M 5th. From the decisions of the Commissioners there shall be no appeal; °“‘l· and the agreement of three of them shall give full force and effect to their decisions, as well with respect to the justice of the claims as to .the amount of the indemnification which may be adjudged to the claim- P¤·y¤¤6¤*5 of ants; the said contract-ing parties obliging themselves to satisfy the '·‘"“`d’· said awards in specie, without deduction, at the times and places pointed out, and under the conditions which may be expressed by the Board ot Commissioners. _ 'Ruuved claims. 6th. It not having been possible for the said Plenipotentiaries to agree upon a mode by which the above-mentioned Board of Commissioners should arbitrate the claims originating from the excesses of foreign cruizers,.agents, Consuls, or tribunals, in their respective territories, which might be imputable to their two Governments, they have expressly agreed that each Government shall reserve (as it does by this convention) to itself, its subjects or citizens respectively, all the rights which they now have, and under which they may hereafter bring tbrward their claims, at such timesas may be most convenient to them. Ratidcations. 7th. The present convention shall have no force or effect until it be ratified by the contracting parties, and the ratilications shall be exchanged as soon as possible. $i¤¤¤*¤¤‘¤¤· In faith whereof we, the underwritten Plenipotentiaries, have signed this convention, and have aliixed thereto our respective seals. D“*°‘ Done at Madrid this 11th day of August, 1802. PEDRO CEVALLOS. [L. s.] CHARLES PINCKNEY. [L. S.] SPAIN, 1819. Feb. 22, 1819. TREATY OF AMITY, SETTLEMENT, AND LIMITS BETWEEN THE UNITED ·L·**"‘ STATES OF AMERICA AND HIS CATHOLIC MAJESTY, CONCLUDED AT WASHINGTON FEBRUARY 22, 1819; RATIFICATION ADVISED BY SENATE FEBRUARY 24, 1819; RATIFIED BY PRESIDENT; RATIFIED BY THE KING OF SPAIN OCTOBER 24, 1820; RATIFICATION AGAIN ADVISED BY SENATE FEBRUARY 19, 1821 ; RATIFIED BY PRESIDEN'I‘ FEBRUARY 22, 1821; RATIFI- CATION S EXCHANGED AT WASHINGTON FEBRUARY 22, 1821; PROCLAIMED FEBRUARY 22, 1821. Treaty of amity, settlement, and limits between the United States of America and Hts Catholic Majesty. _Coutracting par- The United States of America and His Catholic Majesty, desiring to l>¤¤¤· consolidate, on a permanent basis, the friendship and good correspondence which happily prevails between the two parties, have determined to settle and terminate all their differences and pretensions, by a treaty, which shall designate, with precision, the limits of their respective bordering territories in North America. N¤s•>¢i¤*<>¤· With this intention the President of the United States has furnished with their full powers John Quincy Adams, Secretary of State of the said United States; and His Catholic Majesty has appointed the Most Excellent Lord Don Luis De Onis, Gonzales, Lopez y Vara, Lord of the town of Rayaees, Perpetual Regidor of the Corporation of the city of Salamanca, Knight Grand Cross of the Royal American Order of Isabella the Catholic, decorated with the Lys of La Vendée, Knight Pensioner of the Royal and Distinguished Spanish Order of Charles the Third, Member of the Supreme Assembly of the said Royal Order; of the Council of His Catholic Majesty; His Secretary, with Exercise of Decrees, and His Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Pleuipotentiary near the United States of America; ‘