Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/745

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738 PUBLIC TREATIES. And, reciprocal1y, all that may be lawfully exported_from the K ingdoms of Sweden and Norway in Swedish and Norwegian vessels, or in those of the island of St. Bartholomew, may also_ be exported therefrom in vessels of the United States of America, without_ paying other or higher duties or charges, of whatever kind or denomination, levied in the name or to the profit of the Government, the local authorities, or of any private establishments whatsoever, than 1f exported in national vessels. Anrrcrs V. P orts o f St . The stipulations contained in the three preceding articles are to their BM‘t·b¤l¤¤¤¤W· full extent applicable to the vessels of the United States of America, proceeding, either laden or not laden, to the colony of St, Bartholomew, in the West Indies, whether from the ports of the Kingdoms of Sweden and Norway or from any other place whatsoever, or proceeding from the said colony, either laden or not laden, whether bound for Sweden or Norway, or for any other place whatsoever. Amucrn VI. Coating trade. It is expressly understood that the foregoing second, third, and fourth articles are not applicable to the coastwise navigation from one port of the United States of America to another port of the said States, nor to the navigation from one port of the Kingdoms of Sweden or of Norway to another, nor to that between the two latter countries; which navigation each of the two high contracting parties reserves to itseltl Anzrrcrm VII. Ng pmrmnu of Each of the two high contracting parties engages not to grant in its importation purchases, or in those which might be made by companies or agents acting in its name or under its authority, any preference to importations made in its own vessels, or in those of a third Power, over those made in the vessels of the other contra[c]ting party. Anrrcun VIII. Tonnage duties. _ The two high contracting parties engage not to impose upon the [See sep arate navigation between their respective territories, in the vessels of either, article, p· 742-] any tonnage or other duties, of any kind or denomination, which shall be higher or other than those which shall be imposed on every other navigation except that which they have reserved to themselves, respectively, by the sixth article of the present treaty. Anricm IX. I,,,,,,,;,,;,;,,,,, and There shall not he established in the United States of America, upon orportotione. the products of the soil or industry of the Kingdoms of Sweden and [See separate Norway, or of the island of St. Burtholomew’s, any prohibition or re- ¤'¤°l°» P- 7*2-] striction of importation or exportation, nor any duties of any kind or denomination whatsoever, unless such prohibitions, restrictions, and duties shall likewise be established upon articles of like nature the growth of any other country. And, reciprocally, there shall not be established in the Kingdoms of Sweden and Norway, nor in the island of St. Bartholomew’s, on the products of the soil or industry of the United States of America any prohibition or restriction of importation or exportation, nor any dhties of any_ kind or denomination whatsoever, unless such prohibitions, restrictions, and duties be likewise established upon articles of like nature the growth of- the island of St. Bartholomew, or of any other place, in case such importation be made into or irom the Kingdoms of Sweden and Norway; or of the Kingdoms of Sweden and Norway, or of any other place, in case such importation or exportation. be made into or trom the island ot St. Bartholomew. `