Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/775

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768 PUBLIC TREATIES. hundred and ninet -seven we, the underwritten William Eaton ghlddfgmiag Leander Catheart); (Richard O’Brien being absent, )_ have con. eluded on and entered, in the foregoing treaty, certain alterations in the eleventh, twelfth, and fourteenth articles, and do agree to said treaty pim,] mmm;,,,, with said alterations, reserving the same nevertheless for the nnal ram. reserved for Presi- tication of the President of the United States, by and with the advice d°¤* °*` U¤**°°‘ and consent of the Senate. _ S°“°°°‘ In testimony whereof we annex our names and the consular seal of the United States. Done in Tunis, the twenty-sixth day of March, in the year of the Christian era one thousand seven hundred. and ninety- nine, and of American Independence the twenty-third. WILLIAM EATON. JAMES LEANDEB. CATHCART. TITNIS, 1824. Feb. 24, 1824. CONVENTION T0 ALTER ARTICLES OF TREATY OF PEACE AND FRIEND·


CLUDED AT TUNIS FEBRUARY 24 1824- RATIFICATION ADVISED BY SENATE JANUARY 13, 1825; RATIFIED BY PRESIDENT; PROCLAIMED JANUARY 21, 1825. Preamble. Whereas sundry articles of the treaty of peace and friendship, con- [See treaty or eluded between the United States of America and Hamuda Bashaw, of UW: PP- 76*76*-] happy memory, in the month of Bebia Elul, in the year of the Hegira 1212, corresponding with the month of August, of the Christian year 1797, have, by experience, been found to require alteration and amendment: In order, therefore, that the United States should be placed on the same footing with the most favored nations having treaties with Tunis, as well as to manifest a respect for the American Government, and a desire to continue unimpaired the friendly relations which have always exi ted between the two nations, it is hereby agreed and concluded between His Highness Sidi Mahmoud Bashaw, Bey of Tunis, and S. D. Heap, Esquire, Charge d’Aifaires of the United States of America, that alteration be made in the sixth, eleventh twelfth, and fourteenth articles of said treaty, and that the said articles shall be altered and amended in the treaty to read as follows: Amrronn the 6th-Aa it mw ia. Am·1c1.n 6th-Aa it war. Visits at sea. If a Tunisian corsair shall meet If a Tunisian corsair shall meet with an American vessel, and shall with an American merchant vessel, visit it with her boat, two men only and shall visit it with her boat, she shall be allowed to go on board, shall not exact anything, under peaceably, to satisfy themselves of pain of being severely punished. its being American, who, as well as And, in like manner, if a vessel of any passengers of other nations war of the United States shall meet they may have on board, shallgo with_ a Tunisian merchant vessel, free, both them and their goods; she shall observe the same rule. In and the said two men shall not case a slave shall take refuge on exact anything, on pain of being board of an American vessel of war. Slaves escaping severely punished. In case a slave the Consul shall berequiredtocause f¤\>¤fr¤>¤· escapes, and takes refuge onboard him to be restored; and if any an American vessel of war, he shall of their prisoners shall escape on be free, and no demand shall be board of the Tunisian vessels, they made either for his restoration or shall be restored; but if any slave for payment. shall take refuge in any American merchant vessel, and tit shall be proved that the vessel has departed with the said slave, then he shall beiéeturned, or his ransom shall be pai .