Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/804

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VENEZUELA, 1860. 797 Interest at the rate of five per cent. per annum shall be paid on the Intermgross amount of indemnity, commencing from the lst day of this present month, January, 1859, and being added to the several instalments as they fall due. The interest being always computed on the amount of indemnity, ramaining unpaid at the time of the payment of the several instalments. Anrrcnn III. In consideration of the above agreement and indemnification, the No further claims Government of the United States, and the individuals in whose behalf *’° *’° “"'·d°· they have been made, agree to desist from all further reclamation respecting the Island of Aves. Anrrcnn IV. This agreement shall be submitted to the present National Convention, Ratincntions. and in case it should not be ratified by it before the closing of its present session, then it shall be considered null and void. Valencia, January the fourteenth, of eighteen hundred and fifty-nine. Date. E. A. TURPIN. LUIS SANOJO. The National Convention having seen the foregoing agreement con eluded on the fourteenth of January last past between the Secretary of Foreign Relations of the Republic and the Minister Resident of the United States, Resolves, To give its approval to the convention aforesaid with the suppression, in article 3d, of the second part, which is as follows: “Abandoning to the Republic of Venezuela whatever rights might pertain to them,” (rights to Aves Island;) and with the provision that the interest stipulated in article 2d shall always be simple interest, which shall only be paid successively, on the unpaid principal. Done at Valencia in the Hall of Sessions of the National Convention, February first, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine. The President, F. TORO. The Secretary, R. RAMIREZ. VALENCIA, February 3, 1859. Let it be executed. ' J. CASTRO. By His Excellency. The Secretary of State in the Department of Foreign Relations, LUIS SANOJO. A copy. The Assistant Secretary of Foreign Relations, R. VALENZUELA. [L. S.] VENEZUELA, 1860. TBEATY OF AMITY, COMMERCE, NAVIGATION, AND FOR BURRENDER OF Aug. 21, 1860. FUGITIVE CRIMINALS, BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA —-·-w-·—··· AND THE REPUBLIC OF VENEZUELA, CONCLUDED AT CARACAS AUGUST 27, 1860; RATIFICATION ADVISED BY SENATE FEBRUARY 12, 1861 · RATI- FIED BY PRESIDENT FEBRUARY 25, 1861; RATIFICATIONS EXCH,ANGED AT CARACAS AUGUST 9, 1861; PROCLAIMED SEPTEMBER 25, 1861. [This treaty was terminated October 22, 1870, pursuant to notice from Venezuela, under Article XXXL] The United States of America and the Republic of Venezuela, equally Contracting paranimated with the desire. of maintaining the cordial relations, and of tiesti ghtening, if possible, the bonds of friendship between the two countries, as well as to augment, by all the means at their disposal, the commer-