Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/823

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816 LIST OF TREATIES, CHRONOLOGICALLY ARRANG ED. Page. 1554, July ll ,,,_,,, , ,.,,.,, Lew Chew ... Friendship and commoros; ---- - —---- jififl July 11 _______,____,_, (ai-me Britain _,.,,,,.. Additionfal copveniipn. Unnns ·--· - —--·-· 8;*3 ,1ni 22 _ Pussia ______, Rightso neu ra s a seo--- -----· -·---- ·_ Augist 21 ,_.,.. . . lirunswick and Luneburg.DispoSa·l of PTUPGTKY -··· ~· ·----· -- -· ·--· ·- __?·i 1855, January 1::, ,__,,, ,_,,'l‘wo Sieilies . . Lligbgzef neutrnls nt S60 ---- - -·-·---·--·· · {,6; J · 18. . . II · . .. . . `x -r i ion . .-... · - r

 22.  . . Nggiiqaliiurls . American consuls in Dutclrcolouics  .-.. 5-16

Ocwbci-1, ____ _ _______ Two Sicilian__ _,,, ,, ,,,__, Amity, commerce, navigation, and extrndi- ___8 ¢i0l1 ..----·-.· - ...-- - - - - .----·----- 4 r 1856, )·[ay ml .,._ ,.,. ,...Siam . .. niuntiydand commerce ..-- ---·----··· .lul · 3 . . . Austria. .. . . . . `X F iii0D ----·----- - ----· ------ ` Ju]; 22 _________,_____ Peru _ ____ _,_, ___, , ,..,,,, Rights of ueutrals at sea . . . . .. (323 December 13 ____ _ ,,,,, Psi-sia ,_,.,. . ... ..Friendsbip and commerce . 599 1557, January 30, .,,,,, .,,,Bad€“ ,_.. . . .. EXiI`3dl[i011 .- . ...·--·.------- 37 XVI. President Bnchmw-n’s Administration: March -1, 1857, to Jlarch 4, 1861. Alu-il 11 ..,... ,. .. Denmark . Sound and Belt clues .. . . ... 173 Juno 11 ___, ____ ____, Japan __,, .- ,,,, ,. ..,, Opening of Nsngasaki ; coin, eonsuls. &c.. 448 July 4 ,_,,_. ,,-. . ..,,, Peru .,.. . Interpreting 12th article of treaty of 1551.. 025 September 10 . New Granada . CIaims .. .. . . . 50-1 1858, February 10 ,_,. . .,.., France ... Additional article. Extradition . . . 253 May 13, ..., .. ,,,. ,,.,Bolivia, ... ...Fricndship, commerce, and navigation . tid J una 18 ..,, - . China . .. . Peace, amity, and commerce .. lll July 17. . . Belgium .. ..-.Commerco and navigation ... -- . .. 52 July 29 .. .Japan ... . . . . Amity and commerce .- -. .. ... 440 November8 ... China . ... Regulation of trade .. . . .. . . . .. 1117 Vovember!3. .. China . . . . Claims . 146 1{ovember 10 . . Chili ... .. Arbitration of Macedonian claims . 114 1859. January 14. .. -...Venezuela .. . . Aves Island claims . -.. ... 796 February -1 ... Paraguay .. .. United States and Paraguay Navigation Company . . . . . . . . . . 592 February -1. . . Paraguay .. . . ..--Friendsbip, commerce, and navigation . 504 1860. March 21. Sweden and Norway .. Extradition .. . . .. 7-12 July 2 .. . . . ... Costa Rica .. . . Claims . . -- . . . . . . . 163 August 27 .. . . Venezuela . ... Amity, commerce, navigation, and extradition . . .- .. . . 797 XVII. President Lincolnls Administralion: March 4, 1861, to April 15, 1865. 1861. July 11 . .. . -..De¤mark ... -. ... .Ad(Iitional articles to convention of 1826.. . 175 governsgrlfi --·- - ----· lrianpvor ---9-- -... ...;b0liSon of Stado or Brunshauseu dues 306 ecem r .. 1 exioo .. . xtr ition .. . ... . . . . 506 1862. February 25 . . Ottoman_Empire. . Commerce and navigation . . . . 585 April 7 ... Gr•w·iiBr1tu1n . Suppression of slave·trade .,.,,,,, 33.1 (1`}ctobe:’t21£. lgibzia ... .--. gpmmerce and navigation 461 ovem r .. ... .cu or .. sims, ,.,.. . ,,,,, , ,___,__,___ _ __,______ 196 1863 December1z0 -...-- gern ... - . Ships "Lizzie Tl10Ill]1S0ll”1-\!1ll"G00l‘gi&Dl11\” 627 ‘. . anuary ... ern . aims ,. . ..,.. . ...,.,,,.,. , ..,,, , _,,, 628 Fob1'\1al'y 1.7 . . Great Britain .. ..-Add;tgonal article, Suppression of glavg. , tr e .. . . . . 34' May 20: . . Belgium .. Imipert duties and capitalization or Sohgldl; 0 1108 -.-. - .--·... . . . " July l ---- ---· -------- Great Bl`l1i€|:ll1-- -·---.--... Claims of Hudsolfs Bay and Puget; Sound 00 _ Agricultural Companies, ,,,___ , ___,_ ,___ 346 1964 gnly 20- ----- - ----- gclginm .-.--. . ... Exginguishrneéit of Sebeldt dues ...,,, , ,,,. 57 . nnnary -·.---- upon . . . -... c uct' o ti s , .,.,, , ,,,__ __ ____ _ 4*3 February 10 . . Colombia. .. . .,.,. Claims wil, ,_,_ if _? _____ _ _____ _ ____________ gg grbyg . . . Ilonduras .. -- Prilendship, commerce, and navigation . 426 c .o cr . . . .. apau ,. . ..,. .-.. n omnity .. .. .. -... .. . .. 4'9 Novcmbcr 3 - --.-· Hnyn .. . . Aniity. commerce, navigation, and oxtrndi- 0 tion .. . ... . . . .. 412 XVIII. President Johnson2a Administration: April 15, 1865, to March 4, 1869. 1865. May 31. .. . ... Morocco . .. ..,. . , Li 111;.11 |; C S t 1 ______ __ _ ____ . i- 1866. April 25 .. . ... Venezuela .. .. Clgimsglfé .:1. ..1‘K.£?r.?.. ... 1 . 1867. February 8 . .. Dominican Republic. . Amity, commerce, navigation, and extradi- 1011-- -·-·----.. . . ..-. . .. .. 1*8 Fcbrnnry 14 .---·.---. Madagascar -..- . . Ponce, friendship, and commerce -. 404 Mnrob 30 ----- ·- ------ Rnssnn --.- . ---- - ------.-- Cesswn of Rnssinn possessions in North , Amcncn ---...-. . . . 671 June 21 ...- - -----..-. Nicaragua .--- ---- -U-Friendship, connnerco, ond navigation . 566 December 17-31 .. .Siam . .-.. ·...hIO(1l[1C111»10D of treaty of May 29, 1856 .. 702