Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/826

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INDEX TO PUBLIC TREATIES I A• Page. Page Alabama Claims, AI95,". Contiuu _ Treaty for settlement of—Great Britain, 5. Enemykiepro erty to pass freein ves- 1871 --···· · ·--···-··-·--- ·· ··---- ·--· 355 sels of eachparty. ,.., _--, 6 AWN _ 6. Citizens or subjects taken on board an _Treaty for cession of—Rnssin, 1867 .. 671 enemyg vessel to bg ]ibqmt,gd_ ____ 6 419***, 7. Passports to vessels of each party-.. 6 T|`€$tY of P¢H0€ Ella llllluyy Still- Riight of visit restricted . -. .6 tembcr _5, 1795 . . 1-5 0 enders to be punished for abusing I- PGUW 6B1Q5ml8h6d ----··· · . .. 1 the right of visit _,,_ , ____ ,___ ____ 6 2. Commercial intercourse regulated.. .. 1 j Vessels of war of United Statesto suf- 3. Vessels of cash nation to pass unmo- fer Algerine cruisers to pass unmo- ]ested,.,, ..,. ., ..,..,,., 1 1331336, ,..,.. , ,._.,.. · . , .,. . 6 4. Examination of passports of vessels 8. What shall be a sntiicient assport-.. 1 and ships of war .. . . . . 2 9. Provisions to be furnished to vessels 5. No Algerine cruiser to take any person in Med, at market Price ___________ 7 . out of a vessel of the nited 10. Protection to property and crew of States · ----- - --·-···- _ - · ----.-.. . . . 2 vessels cast ashore 7 6. Stranded vessels of United States to 11. Protection of vessels in ports 7 be relieved .. . .. . . 2 12. Commerce on footing of most favored 7. Algennes not to sell vessels of war to nations .. . . . . .. ,. 7 enemies of United States .. 2 ’ 13. Consnls not responsible for debts of 8. When passport is not necessary .. 2 citizens .. 7 9. When other Barbary States not to seH 14. Salntes to vessels of war of United prizes in Algiers .. . . . . 2 States. .. . .. . . 7 10. United States vessels may send prizes 15. Pretexts arising from religions opininto ports of the regency .. 2 ions not to interrupt harmony . 8 11. Treatment of ships of war of the Consuls may travel within territories United States .. . . . 3 of each party .. . . . 8 12- How slaves shall be redeemed . .. 3 16. How disputes may be settled .. .. 8 Captured persons shall be lawful 17. Prisoners of war not to be made prize .. . · .. ..-.. .. 3 slaves .. .. B 13. Settlement of estates of citizens of To be exchanged within twelve United States .. - ... . . 3 months .. . ... 8 14. No citizen of United States compelled 18. Captured American vessels not to be to purchase goods or pay debts of sold in Algiers .. .. 8 .another .r . 3 19. Consuls of United States to decide dis- 15. How disputes shall be settled .. .. 3 putes between American citizens.. 8 16. Punishment for assault.. .. . . 3 20. Assault, &o., how punished .. 9 17. Prgvileges of consul of the United 4 21. Consul of United States not to pay du- 9 tates . . . . ties .-.. . ... . ...·· 18. In case of war, citizens of United 22. Estates of citizens of theUnited States States may embark unmolestcd 4 dying in Algiers .. 9 19. Citizens of either nation, captured by Treaty of [CIBC and Bmlly, Dcthe other, to be set at liberty .. 4 c61lb4B!' BB-$8, ISIS. --- 9-14 20. Vessels of war to be saluted .. 4 1. Peace and friendship l0 21. Consul not to pay duty . . . ... 4 Favors in navigation and ¤0lnln¤l‘00.- I'} 22. War not to be declared immediately 2. Tribute abolished ... . ... 10 in case of breach of treaty 4 3. Restitution of prisoners, &.c... .. 10 Sum to be paid to the Dey ... 4 4. Delivery of cotton, dw .. 10 Certificate of David Humphries .. 5 5. Enemy's property in vessels of either Ratiiicatinns . ... , . . . 5 party . _. .. . l0 Treaty of peace and umity, June 6. Treatment ot citizens taken on board 30-July 6, 1815 . . . . . 5-9 an enemy’s vessel . . --.--- l0 I. Peace and friendship .. . . 5 7. Passports to V6¤¤6l¤ .--- · -··--···· --- 10 Favors in navigation and commerce to Right of visit limited · .--. - -.--- I0 be common ... . . . . 5 Abuse of right of visit .. .. .. 11 2. Tribute abolished. . . 5 Treatment of Algorine cruisers · -. 11 3. Prisoners to be delivered np. 5 S. Passport, what sufficient _ . 11 4. Indemnification to American citizens. 6 ‘ 9. Supplies, &c., to vessels in distress.. . 11