Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/839

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INDEX '1`O PUBLIC TREATILS. Pa c_ I Paige. CoMula—C0utinucd. g { Cansu1a-—Co¤timicd- Q_ Except in places where thereigalegmiuu- 1 German Em_pu10, 1871 . . . . . . . tm; Austria, 1870 ____ _ ______ _ _ __ _ 29 1 They have Jurisdiction over disputes Belgium, 1868 . . . .. .. .. 64 i between mastcrs,0fEcers, and crews German Empire, 1871.. .. , . _. . 256 of uatwnal ycssels-l Italy, 1868 . .. . . . . 4:33 Austpu., 1848, 1840 .. . .. 2.-, .11 To Place the mms, name, and Hug on Belgium, 1868 . .. . . 92 their oiiees or <lwe11ings—— Dsumqrk, 1801 .. T - .. 17.3 ¥1'aiuce,81i%53 .. ... . .. . . . . ..  ;)om|1i1cE1§8R$g§;;lic, 1867 .,,_,,,,____ 3 lg th 1 - .. .. . ... . . `ramce, , ‘ t.;,; ,• ' To plume the Mme and flag on their dwell- i german @pirs, 1871 . . ... in s- meta, . . . ..,.. , , .,..,. , ,.., , , New (§rn.¤ada, 1850 . . . 563 Hanover, 1840, 18116. .. - --.·-----. 389, 393 To hoist their flag OD l10e13d vessels cm- 2 Hsmseatic Republics, 1852 .,_,,,,,__,__ 404 ployed by them in port- i Italy; 1868 - .- .· -- ---·--.----- 434 German Empire, 1871 ..,. ,. ... 256 1 .Mec lonburg-Schwcrm, 1847 .. 470 The consular archives to be i¤vio1a.b1e—- , New Gmundn, 1850 - .. 561 Argentine Confederation, 1853 . 19 Q Oldenburg, 1847 .. . . . . 578 Austria, 1870 . . . . . 29 ‘ Portugal, 1840 .. . -..-·. .--- 637 Belgium, 1868 -.-- ...,... . 64 Prussiu.,1828 . . .. ... .. . -. . 658 g0hviaiég858 . - .. . gg gums, 183% . . . 668 ` .. . . . .. · we eu an orway, , .. 733, 740 Central America, 1825 -- . . 102 I Two Sicilies, 1855 .. . . .. 784 Chili, 1832 .. . . -- .. 111 l Venezuela, 1860 . . .. . .. 805 Colombia, 1824 . .. . . . . 156 l They may require aid of local authorities Denmark, 1826 ... 169 { for arrest ofdeserters from vessels- Dominican Republic, 1867 . 185 Austria, 1848, 1870 .. . . . . .. 2,5. 31 Ecuador, 1839 .. . . . ... 194 Belgium, 1845, 1868 . .. . . . . 51, 65 France. 1788, 1853 . ... . ... 220, 250 Bolivia, 1858 . . . .. - - . . 77 germanllémpim, 1871 . .. -. x gi-¤zi1,11i28 . ..,,,., , , ...,,... 88 reeee, r ------ - . . . entm merica,1B25 . .. . .. 102 g·;;;¤·¤&l·;- 1849 ---------------------- 23.5 H ghili-1)832iéé-4 iii . ------- · ·---- - ----.. . . 0 0m ia, ... 5 Mexieo, 1831 ------ .. . . 483 » Denmark, 1861 .. .- .. 175 New Gr¤¤~1¤.1850· ---- .- . . 562 Dominican Rc ublic, 1867 . 185 0¤>¤ze Free 8tei>e.1871 ----------·-.-- 581 i Ecuador, 1839 ? ... 194 Pew. 1851 ------ - ----- - --------- . - 621 I Frauce,17B8, 1822, 1853 .. . . . .222 244, 251 Peru-Bolivie, 1836 ---- -. . . 609 l Gorman Empire, 1871 .____, , _,_,,_ ,,1, 258 Portugal, 1840 637 ; Greece, 1837 _ _____________________ ___ _ 375 San $a1vud0r, 1850 .. .. .,...,,, 682 Guummala, 1849 ______ _ _____ ____ _____ 385 Sardmia, 1838 .. . . . . . . 688 1 Hanover, 1840, 1846 .. . . . . 389, 394 Sweden and Norway, 1816, 1827 .. 733,740 { Hauscatic Republics 1828- . . .. 403 Swiss Confederation, 1850. . ... 750 i Hawaiian Islands ]é49 ____ _ __________ wg Two Sigma , 1355 ______ ___, _ _____ 184 1 Haygi, 1864 ______ I ____ ____ __ ______ 420 The cgggular 05;:433 and dwellings to be Italy, 1868 ,..,..,__, . ,.,_,, , 434 iuvaoisbis- Madagascar, 1867 .. . I Lf I II 466 Belgugm, 1868 . . . . . . . . 64 Meclylcnburg-Schwcrin, 1847 .. . . . . 470 Bolivia, 1858 .. . .. . ... 76 Manco, 1831 _____ _ _____ ____ _ ____ 434 Daum, 1853. Z 250 I New Granada, 1846, 1850 . 537, 562 Gomeouiuipire, 1871, (of eonsuls not 256 gldguburg, 1841 ______ __ __________ 578 m s . I om, 1851 .,,,,,,. . ,.. 622 Italy, 1868 . . . 433Pcru—B0liviu, 1836 .. . . .. . . . . 609 But not to be used as places of asylum- Portugal 1840 - l l 637 F;·3_¤cg’17B8, _,,__ _ ___,_ ____________, 220i Pmggig {828_"--nonH--nun--H 658 ggimtl-ésigmpirs, 1871. .. . . 256 Russia.,’1832.. ZiZCZZZZI[Z]fC" ZZ"`: 668 y, _.- . . . . . 433 San Salvador, 1850..-. 682 What depositions engl papers they may Sardinia, 1838 . ... 688 Amaeieemsegnd ve¤fy— 30 Spam, 1819 . .. . . .. 716 _ , ... .. we eu and Nor . Belsrum. 1868 ------ · ------------·---- 64 Two Sioffics,1845w1585??7 . . 775 ggevee-27:89, --------- ~--221.250. 252 Veiiezuela, 1860. .’ . ..:.1::.;:2:;. ,805 Ita¤i¤;¤¤;*g68¤¤P¤¤» 1 ---·- · ---·- -· ---- 25;; Bei if the deiscmterlhsis committed a crime 1'‘'°‘‘‘‘· • •···· · ·--- 3 3-IDS 0ca, N?" G¤`8¤*¥1¤» 1850 ··--· - - ·----- - ----- 661 bg delayed till glleigycugiglgiglgrsg-m Their authority over vessels of their Austria 1870 31 32 oouow i¤ the vous of obo oowry Doumoik, 1861- I ZZ ZZ ```` `'``````` ive uy which they reside- · Dominican Republic-1é(:)7u l U U l I · ll- 185 gse3E_18g2B —----- - ---- - -—------- gg groooo,ie3g4 ..--ZIICZIZIZZZZZZ 376 » --------·--------------- Mover, 1 0, 1846 . . 94 Frsuoe- 1788- 1858 —---- ------ - ----- 222,251 Hanseatic Re ubiics 1828 . 38% 204 .. P , --.. ?;*;m°F8g8mP11'°» 1871 - -·-· - -·--·-- ·-·- 258 Heweimn Islands, 1847 .. . Q 409 N,,.,?;},,,,,,,,;,;.; iggzyjjjjj ·············· Q }§‘§§"‘i,“““’8—S°“W°*i¤» 18*7 ·--- -· ---· ‘"° Thgy havg gi, {,0 bg ¤gtj§°(] Of ju- U--n U--U -I--U nu tended searches by cllgt0ms.0mcem’ Prussia -U--. U.--- -`--n u--N 6:-9 undtobgpyguug Russia ,1832 -U-H--U"- ---- ·-·---U · -) Aush-ia,]87()_________ 31 S · 1 H`"` ```' """`° ```` "" (,68 _ .. .. zmhuiu, 1838 ..,_,_ ____ ______ _ _______ 688