Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/883

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INDEX TO PUBLIC TREATIES. mso- Prussia-·-Continued Pugs- 1’ruaeia—C0nti11ued‘ 654 b vessels of Proofs and surety-... -------- · -····· V W'~*·*’=**—*`?**’?i"?’··`¥“$`$`?··?' --—- - ·---· zz mi.::;:;.,?:;·;:$.;“m#.;;·;;;; 2;;: ¥}$J’S£Zi”$££§·'YY$`?Z?.-. 646 ez- ¤<»¤v<>s¤ ¤>.v¤¤¤¤*¤ of °;Pggg;g{£1;é 65* Admission of prizes into ports. .. 23~ Agfgzlaggt m °“° ° w 1éi]i1:ad1:g?1i(;liigf1sl:flf?. ; I 646 Timo allowed merchants to remove .. 22. Con voys to vessels of either party . . . _646 Their eifects not to \&ocse1€0edBé.;1;!;l; 23. Agreement in case of war between the WH>m€:d ¤h11df°¤» -» 654 atties—- - “ ·‘’' '.‘ '‘' 1 ‘° '' Time allowed merchants to remove .. 646 Wh? may ¤0¤t1¤¤¤ th°&°5!¤P5°ym3¤“ gg Their effects not to be seized . 646 Thclr p1'0P§1'$y 110* to t 8; EW? -· 654 “'¥"“°“· °"“""“· "‘°‘* *° "° ‘“““°` 646 M €£i'§LP‘Z'1Z“22°£.£$r.‘é‘€{’i2Ei§..§‘ i2£‘i;.‘ ggtgd ______ _ _ _ _ _ , _,__ _ _ _,.. . . » U 2 ` Who may continue their employ- 646 St;;;E3;)1:¤U:1g§t;%-Lg- ~8:I;éhHéé - 2354, 655 ments .. . . .. . ..--- - - - - A s K Their ro e not to be destroyed- .. 646 suspended . . . ... . 65, Comp•£1sa&i£1yfor property token 646 25. Cousuiar omcers, appointment and r Freedom to trading-vessels ------ 647 privileges of ..-. - ------ 6¤>5 Neither party to send out privateers. 647 When engaged in trade to be subject 655 24. Prisoners of war, regulations for hu- in laws 0 the country .-:-.. . . mane treatment of . . .. 647 26. Favors granted to other nations to be- Stipulatious not to be annulled or sus- 647 27 comic com:::;; ... . .- ggé, . ended .. . . . - .. -. . Dura ono . - .. .. _ 25. Cognsuleu officers, appointment and Ratxicutiou 1. .. . ... 655 functions of . . . . . . 647 · 1`rcaty of 00lll¤l€1'¢€ Btn} navi- When engaged in tmde to be subject , gation, May 1, QSJS. j. ..:556-660 to laws of the country ______ _ _____ 647 1, Fseedom of commerce and navigation 606 26. Favors granted to other nations to be- Rights of residence and business . 656 ‘c0me common . . .. 648 2. Tonnage duties, &o . .. .1 _ 65b 27, Duration of treaty ., 648 3. Importatious in vessels of either Ratmcations . . . . . .. . 648 notion . 657 Renewed treaty of anmity and Equality of duties ond charges. .. 657 commerce, July 11, 1790.648—656 4. Applicability of stipulations . 657 1. Peace and friendship . . . . 649 { 5. Duties on products of either country. 657 2. Privileges of Prussian subjects in the . 6. Exportations in vessels of either - United States ,, .. 649 nation .. _ · ..--. . ...-. 657. 658 3. Pxgilegss ogfititens of the United 649 7 gqustiity gfadigtieseenddohugw . 657,6653 a. in ussm. . .,.. . on mg r s ··----·-- 4. Freedom of navigation and commerce 649 8. No preferences in importations .. 658 5. Luding or unladin g of vessels .. -- 650 9. Favors granted to other nations to be- 6. Examination of goods . . . 650 come c0mm0¤ ..--·· _ L- ·---·· - ··-·· 658 7. Protection to vessels and eH`ects.. 650 l 10. Consular officers, appointment of 658 B. Treatment of vessels touching nt ports 650 Their privileges and powers . .. . - 658 9. Assistance in case of shipwreck .. 650 When in business, to be subject to 10. Disposal and inheritance of personal laws of the country - . - 658 property .. ... ... . ...650, 651 Settlement of disputes between mus- Real estate, withdrawal of proceeds of 651 — ters and crews . . . . 658 11. Religious liberty .. . . t. .. 651 11. Reclamation of deserters from vessels.658, 659 , Rights of burial . . . . 651 12. Article XII, treaty of 1785, revived -. 659 12. Rights of neutrols at sea to be the Articles XIII to XXIV, treaty of 1799, subject of future treaty . . · . 651 revived .. . . . . .. . , 659 Principles to be observed in the inter- 65 . Exception to paragraph of Article 659 va .. .. . . 1* XIX .. . .. -;---;.- 13. Contraband goods not subject to con- Neutral rights at sea to be the subject iiscstion . 651 of future treaty_ . . - - - L . 659 Detention in case of contraband . 651 13. Blockaded ports, re ulations at .. 659 Proceedings on detention .. . 652 14. Disposal of persona? property 659 Contmbsmd articles specihed ... . 652 · Succeésion to personal estates - .. 659 14. Ships’ papers in time of war .. ... 652 Duties payable same as by native citi- When to be exhibited ... 652 zens only. , , ,,,... ,, . , ,,,, _ _ _ _ 659 15- Beglllltivn of visits Mises -. . 652 Property of absent heirs to be cared 16. No embargo without indemnification. 653 for ______ _ , _ _Q ,,___,_,____________ _ 659 Arrests for debt or offenses. .. . .. 653 Real estate, time allowed heirs for dis- 17. Reeaptured vessels, restoration of ,_,_ 653 posal of ,... . . -- ,. 660 18. Asylum to vessels seeking refuge ,,,, 653 No duties of detmction .. . . . . 660 19. Privileges of prizes in the ports of Prussian laws to prevent-emigration either party .. . . .. 653 not derogated from . . . 660 No asylum in United States to prizes 15. Dumtion of mmy ______ _ _____ _ _____ 660 ooptured from Great Britain ______ 653 [6, Rq,ti§(;3,tioi;5 ____ ____ __" ____ __ ____ __ 660 20. Letters of marque not to be accepted. 653 Prussia and other States, Neutraiity to be maintained . 653 Extradition convention, J unc 21. Wag with a. common enemy, regulu.- 1.6, 1852 . .. . . . - . .660-662 tions in case of- Contracting parties ... 661 Restntutwn of recaptured vessels 654 I 1. Fugitives from justice to be delivered What oomponsgtioutobgmg;dg_ _____ .654 up ____ _____ ____________________ 661