Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/895

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888 INDEX TO PUBLIC TREATIES. Page. , . · Page' Rwipfvcal Privileges of Citizens- Continued. Reciprocal Privileges of Qmzens-Coutxrmcd. fl\< T1·;p011, 1795,1305 __,,__ _, _,,_ 756, 760 Peru—B¤11V¤¤, 1*3** -Z-; -.-1-,-4- ’ *7 Ou the breaking out of war between the SHS1w0C6d 11€1'8011S 1}1•15 _ *1 i}*flK11$‘1 " two countries, the citizens of each move into the 1uter10r mt 1111 1— W1 in the country of the other may I6- 7 P€Y11»1&’]· _ ·---·· · ······‘ ‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘ ‘ ’ ‘‘‘‘Q6., main and continue to trade as long 1 PCI'll-B0ll\’1&l, 1836 ------ - - ------ 1- · - -.· *1 — 1 ag tbgy bglmvg Pm5e11b1y- All can remam and be protected rv xo 1: Argentine Confederation, 1853 . 19 h11Y0 P€¤P€11b]5' and °'~““““t “" 0i' (;,1-mg; Britain, 1794 ______ _ _____ _ ______ 281 fense agarnst the }3WS- _)!, garagirétg, 1859 . . . §§>¤<1111`9-S, 11%%; - - ···· - - -··-·· · ···· · · 660 jt;b ern, 1 .. . ..-. l03m-g11¤·, ------3- -·-- ·- ····· ·¤*' Peru-Bolivia, 1836 ,_,. ,,., .. . . 608 1 ThE1I' 8H001B 319 Uot 1¤=¤b1<> te Ccnhscm All persons may remain unmolestcd whose 1 iw1I- _ _ occupations are for the common Argentine C0¤f€d01`¤·U0¤, 1803 -------- · 11,.1,?’°£$°°f"‘““"‘“°‘* ,,4* E3l;2i“1é§3*‘ ··‘‘‘ ;;;i;;111;;;;;:;;;i; LJ Mexieo, 1848 ,.__.,,,,, _ _,_,,,. . , . . ..., 500 l Central America, 1825 ..-------·- · - - -· -· 11*1 Pmssm, 1785, 1799, 1828 .. 636,654, 659 Chili, 1832 .. -- - ---- - ----- 119 All but merchants can remain, protected 1 C0ll1IDbi=l,l824 ------ - ---- - ·--···---·- 1·]¤’ iu person and property, unless they 1 Costa Rica, 1851 .. . . .. 199 forfeit the right by their conduct- ‘ Dominican Republic, 1867 -·----------- 14 6 Bolivia, 1858 . 76 l Ecnader.18539 .. . . . . . . 11:3 Brazil, 1828 . . . . .. 87 1 France, 180 .. . . . . ‘ x7 Central America, 1825 1 101 Great Britain, 1794. ... 273 Chili, 1832 .. . . . . . . 110 Guatemala, 1849 .. . ..--- . . 354 Colombia, 1824 .. . . ... 155 Hayti,1B64 . . . 413 Costa Rica, 1851 .. . ... .. . .. 162 Honduras, 1864 . . . .. . . 429 Ecuador, 1839 .- . . . ... 193 Mexico, 1831 .. . ... 4*3 Guatemala, 1849 .. . ... 384 New Granada, 1846 ... 556 Mexico, 1831 .. . . . . Q . . . .. . . 483 Nicaragua, 1867 ... 570 New Granada, 1846 ... . ... 556 Paraguay, 1859 .. - . ... 597 San Salvador, 1850 . .. ,_ 681 Peru,1851 .. . . . . . . . 620 Venezuela, 1836 . . . 793 ; Peru-Bolivia, 1836 . . . . 608 Six months are granted to merchants and 1 Spain, 1795 . .- . . . . . .. 706 citizens to arrange their business Sweden, 1783 . ... 728 and withdraw their effects- l Sweden and Norway, 1816, 1827 . . 735, 741 Dominican Republic, 1867 ... 178 Two Sioilies, 1855 ,, . . 779 France, 1778, 1800 .. . . . ..209, 226, 227 Venezuela, 1836, 1860 . . . . 793, 798 Hayti, 1864 . . . .- . . 412 Or to other demands than those made TWO SiC11i9S, 1855 . . . . 779 upon the property of na,tives— Venezuela, 1860 .. . . . . 798 Argentine Confederation, 1853. .. - . 19 Six months allowed to those on the coast, l Costa. Rim, 1851 ____,_____ _, ___________ 162 and twelve months to those in the Shall be placed on an equal footing with B l_il1fo1i§1‘g— 7V __6 gatives in respect to indemnity for o rv1a, 5 . .. ...,.. .;,1 uma. es— Brazil, 1828. . . . . .. — 87 Orange Fgee State, 1871 . . . 580 g§11tr=11g§&2merica,1825. .. . , 101 · Swxss Cnnfederatiw,1850. .. . . 749 1 lr · ·--·- · ----- - -·--·--·-··--·- 110 Te U6 al10W8d ass orts which shall ro- Colombia, 1824 .. . 155 I · tect thempsmdptheir property- p E0stadRic1¤, 1351 .. 162 1 Bolivia, 1858 __,___ , ______ _ ___________ . 76 ·cua er, 83 . . . . 193 Brazil 1828 ,,,_,, , ____________ ____ 87 (I§¤a¥§ma1aiég29 .. .. .. 2345 l g•1¤1sr:·1gAmerica,1825 .. . .. 101 en uras, .. , i i, 32 .,,,,_ _ _____________________ 110 Italy, 1871 ---- - ---------·..-·.---...- 444 E Colombia, 1824 ,___,, , _____ _ __________ 155 Mexico, 1831, 1848 ... 482,483, 500 I Costa, Riga, 1851 , _____________ __ ______ 152 New Granada, 1846 ... 556 g Dominican 381,11},110, 1867 ______ _ ____ __ 173 Nicaragua, 1867 .. . .. . 569 ‘ Ecuador, 1339 ______ _ _________ _ _______ 193 San Salvador, 1850. .. .. . . . 681 Fra11qc,139() ______ _ _____ _ _ ______ _ _____ 287 Nine mouths granted- 1 Guatemala, 1549 ______ _ _ _ _ ____________ 384 Morocco, 1787, 1836 .. . ... 520, 524 * Hgytiy 1354 ____ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ ________ _ ____ 413 Netherlands, 1782 .. . .. .. .. 538 H0m1r1r11S,1354 ______ __ ______ _ _ _ _ 429 Prussia, 1785, 1799, 1828 .. . .. .646, 654, 659 { 1m1y,1371 ____ _ ______________ _ _ 444 Venezuela, 1836 .. . 793 N5;113r]a11r1s, 1732 _____________________ 838 Sweden, 1783 ..-- - --·-- - -----· ----- 728 l New Granada, 1846 ._,, ,, ____ _ 556 Sweden and Norway, 1816, 1827. .. 735, 741 ‘ Nicaragua, 13,,7 ___________ _ _ _ ```' 569 One year granted- , Paraguay, 1859 .. . .,, I ,:"i Z: 597 Spai_n,179§- .--- - .------.·-----~-. 707 1 Peru, 1851 .,,_ _ ________ __ _ ______ ff 621 Turns, 1794 ------·- · -------- - - -- ;- ; - -- 767 Peru-Bolivia, 1836 ..., ,_ ______________ 608 111demmty is to be made for any mgury San Salvador, 1850 ,,,_,, 681 done during that time- $,1, 17111;,,,,17133 ____ ___ ____ " `'` 728 Spain, 1795 .. . . .. .. . . 707 SW63m and `'``' They are to have such time as they re- Two Sieilies§(855v?¥'.{?{?'.¥§?T1;;::1735,779

  • 1“1Y€··· Venezuela, 1836, 1860 .________ _ _______ · 98

W1;=~r¤z}1¤>¤ 1859 ------··--------------- 597 Their geqas shall not bg dggigpqygd ,,,397 7 en ordered to remove shall have twelve than- fi3];]; `va,gt,€d_ months after notice- i Italy, 1871 ______ __ __ 444 P<¤¤· 1851 . ---- - ·---- - ·---- · --------- 620,621 i Mexico, 1848 ZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZQCZZ 500