Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/905

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898 INDEX TO PUBLIC TREATlES. Page. _ Pu,_;¢—. T1mis—Continued. Two Siciliea- Continued. _ _ _ 23. Infractions of treaty ·— No arbitrary searches or inspection.. it Friendly application for satisfaction . 767 Protection to persons and property. . . Lil No resort to arms till application re- 7. Ma¤8ge¤1€¤¢ of b¤S¤¤€S¤ --·—-·-- -· - - gi jected ,. . .,.,_,..,.,,, 767 j Employment of agents __,_ , _____ __ _ _ L; 1 In case of war, time allowed residents to l Liberty of trade . . {li remove _,_,,,,., , ,___ __ ____ _ __,____,_, 767 r 8_ Consular gifcgrg, appointment of ____ 7,;, Certificate of negotiation .. -.- .767, 768 Privileges and powers .. ., . . 77o Final ratification reserved to President When in business to be subject to M- of United States . . 768 ~ laws --·---·----·----- · ~-·~- · ··-·- I Q C•I|v0I1li0l1 to alter articles of I Reclamation of deserters from vessels 77u the treaty 0I` 1797-1799,9. Shipwrecks, proceedings in case of . -. 775 February 24, 1824 . 768-770 j Salvage and quarantine . _ 775 Amendment of Article VI- [ 10. Asylum to vessels seeking refuge 771),771] Regulation of visits at sea .. . . 768 11. Differential dut1es abolished.. ... 77u Slaves escaping to American ships of Duties on wines and cottons. 7715 wu to be free .,..,,. - ,,.. 768 I 12. Duration of treaty .. . . . . 77fj Amendment of Article XI- I 13. Ratiiications . ... . 770 Salutes to ships of war . .. -. .. 769 { C0llV€l]ti0ll l'0IElEiV0 to l'lgIlIS Amendment of Article XII—‘ · of neutrals at sen, Jun- Commeroe to be on the most favoreduary 13, 1855 .. 777, 778 footing ,,.,,. . ..., 769 1. Principles recognized- Rule as to fi-sights .- .. 769 Free ships make free goods .. 777 Vessels not to be detained, when .. 769 Neutral property on enemy’s vessel Ports not to be closed to ships of war.. 769 not subject to conhscation 777 Protection to citizens by local oilioers.769, 770 Applicability of principles ... 777 By the chief authority, when . 770 2. Ulterior understanding reserved. 777 Preference to Tunisian government in 3. Accession to principles by other freights .. ... . ..-. 770 nations .. . .. 777-77S Amendment of Article XIV- 4. Ratiiications .. .. 778 Freedom of trade. .. . . 770 Convention of amity, commerce, Usual duties only to be paid .. 770 and navigation, 0ct0bcr Final ratification reserved to President l , 1855 ... 778-786 of United States .. 770 1. Peace and friendship . ..-. 779 Two Sicilies, (see Italy,) Agreement in case of war- Convention for termination of Time a111owed merchants, &c., to rereclumations, Octobcr 14, move .. .. . ... 770 1832 . . . . . . 771, 772 Their effects not to be seized 779 Indemnity for depredations upon Debts, &c., not to be confiscated . 779 American commerce .. . ... 771 Sale and conveyance of real estate. . . 779 1. Sum to be paid to the United States . 771 Withdrawal of proceeds. .. .. 779 Application and distribution. 771 Dues same as payable by natives .. -. 779 2. Method of payment . .. .. 772 Safe·conduct to be furnished . 779 Interest .. . ... . . 772 2. Blockaded ports, regulations at .. 779 3. Ratiiieationsn ..-. .. .. .. 772 3. Contraband articles .. . . 779, 780 Treaty of commerce and Not to be contiscated -... 780 navigation, December 1, 4. Right of travel and residence . -. . 780 1846 . . 772-776 5. Exemption from military service, &c. 750 1. Freedom of commerce and naviga- No arbitrary searches ... . . , . 780 - tion . L. 773 Protection to persons and property -. 7sO Duties on products of either country. 773 6. Management of business . 780 Favors granted to other nations to Employment of agents .. 780 become common .. . ... 773 Liberty of trade .. . . 780 2. Importations and exportations in vos- Patents upon inventions .. . .,.,_ 781 sels of either nation .- 773 Premiums for ship-building . 781 Duties, bounties, and drawbacks. 773 7. Succession to real or personal property 781 3. Tonnage dutim, &c . 773 y Disposal of estates .. .. .. 781 4. Coasting-trade reserved . .. . . 773 Dues same as payable by natives 781 Vessels may proceed from port to 1 Property of absent heirs to be cared port .. . .. . ... 773 for . . . 781 5. No preferences in importations .. 773 Consular officers to assist in proceed- 6. Privileges of residents in either ings of administration .. . , 781 country- ‘ Delivery of hereditary eH`eets .. .. 781 Travel, residence, and business .. 774 Questions among claimants, how de- Disposal of personal aproperty ... 774 cided . ..,...,,,_, 781 Succession to person estates- ... 774 Access by residents to judicial tribu— Dues same as payable by native citi· nals . ,. . . 781 zens . . . . . . . . . . . .. 774 Employment of attorneys, &,e . . . . 781 Property of absent heirs to be eared ; 8. Freedom of commerce and navigation 781 for. . . . . .. ..·...·. 774 t Tonnage duties, &c .. . . . . 781 Questions among claimants, how de- j 9. Nationality of vessels .. .. .. . . 781 cided ...:.- .-·--·.. · ----· 774, 10. Importations and exportations in the Taxes and imposts on most favored { vessels of either nation 782 footing. . . ... .. ... 774 Duties, bounties, and drawbacks . 782 Exemlption from military service, &c. 774 { 11.,.No preferences in im rtations .. 782 Dwel ings and warehouses to be re- __f.| 12. ljio distinction as to direct or indirect spected .. . . . . 774 a " navigation ... ... . 782