Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/1017

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INDEX. 987 . · I Publw Amusements Pago Public Grounds, Pm all persons shalf have full num} equal enjoy- appropriations for improvement and cure of, mont of uccomgxxoqsmous, &c., of in the District of Columbia . 89, 224, 392 P mc gf, scc C£vzl1hghta.. . . 336 Fegdic Impravévncaia, t mf to u an HON '0 `vo appropriutiou;1 for ropairs,:&c., of, under t2x11£ericunr‘:1rnto;iu¥;uma¥kingr::sauct 'heusury Departnmut .. 136, 229, 394, 408 for material fm. .; .. . ... 455 monoyizupprqpriatcgii 1iiw or hcmmftcr for, 275 all laboréhezmou gzoubogaréegsrmsd within 455 rcmmu avma. o .. .. . `s' tos balances of appropriations for, remaining Public Lgzgzga, sgcxgexafdo, Igtblio. a zito? completion uf, to be covered into Public Mo-nay; n‘m¤sury .. -... ...,,,..,,., . 275 ro `at cus todosi Model 't ’ f _ unoxpondcd balances of appmpriaticns fm-, am) Iigcciviug, su.fo1§¤“kc0pin;?;:da;aQ;i:g cogtingcd a,vu,i1n,blc until ctherwiggm-H1 f outa . .. 96, 335, 405 or cm .. . , . . . . . .. or cou `u out expenses for coll t'cn, curtain uncxpondcd balsmccs made avail- uausfog, &.c., of . ... 66, 355, 406 SNS -----· . ·..-. . .·... . . 136 Atbcmcy-General to inquire into loss of cor- Sccrctmy of the Treasury authorized to dc- tain involved in bankruptcy of Jay _fer operations on, &c .. . 275 Cadre & Cc., &c .. . ... . . 114 ¤¤l6¢=h0¤ of sites for . . .. .. -... 276 acts imposing Bucs, penalties, &c., for wlmt mliidavit tobo made before expeudi- oionsas by interval-mvauuc offcors, ture and work 0n...,. .. -... . 276 ,81.0., extended to all persons having before adoption of any sim .. . . .. 276 custody or disposition of 312 selection of site void if any commissioner Public Qjiioers {the United States, fails to make and H10 nfHdu.vit ... 276 actual tmvo 'ngwxpoums of, only to be ul- Secretary of Treasury to report on necessity lowod. . .. .. . . . . 72 t cf, e&Au`bum ,... .· . . .,.. i??) ulloxvfnc? f§x· rgllcpgo, dqc., 111 uxccss do- 76 zz yu .. . ... ... cmu icg ...¤ . . .. restriction us to payments and contracts for Public I’ri·nu·r,e payment for sites for .. . . 395 up ropriaticns for offico of -. . . u-.. 88, 347 110 cxpgnditum upog, until after drawings, gg? Ear ogg]: mkeep uccountsof Coxigmssicmnl 22% c. u. rave . . .. .> co . . . . . - ... · changes 0% pqgn involving increase of cx- may dctuil an omployé to opcruw Gcvom · pc¥s<-ini axocilcodiixg 1&p¤r cout., 6:.0., 395 ml ingut tclogirupli ¥1¥1i;s0Hi¢;;>. ’ gg no zn ow un oss c .. . . .. oo ongress una x· nu c uugm o.. Pcgfupgusatioufor d?;F')`;1PSémGDtSfoI,\imih0d. 415 not mdb; deemed an ofilccr 02 the Suunto BB u in 'nga and r vucauc occurs ...,_... -.. . uppmpriutions for the im riwomeut and cum to bodoemud sm oflggor of the Ijuiwd Simms. dd of, in District of Clglumbiuh.89, 2244226, 348 to be appointed by the President by and for clerk and messenger in uiiicc of ..89, 348 mq: tho udvmo of the Sonata ... Bd nrdouors, foreman, and luborcrs 89,348 to print hmitcd number of n.m1ua.I reports faborcrs, furnace-kcc cr, 81.0., at Cnpi.1;0l.89,34B ot Executive Departments.? . .. 204 heating-apparatus 011 Eibmry of Congress, no expensive mupg, Gncrhto be printed by, Gu; . .. -.89, B4!} wxtbuut spccxnl 0 ax: oi Congress 204 3}°*"°"3‘iJ’ $’°°§°"°?§““°’°“ ‘‘‘‘‘‘-‘‘` 33*325 “° "°°,‘§.3.§§2F.$'}"b*‘.3¤¤“°:2’QL§‘(?..S ££2L”§l¤°‘ °" M uw an rn a eopc . . ._ . , .. watchman fox- Equuros, 1‘0S01‘V&ti01"lS, &c..89, 348 amounts oxpuudegto be published ¤cpucontingent and iucidcutu.1 0xp0ns0s.. 89,348 rqtxzly 115 ztlnrifxul mp?!; . 286 Public Cem ancca may prm gm o vcr ox r m 1· all porsxfg slxali have full and cqunl emjoy- , grosmousl Record on payment thoromauf of accommodations, &c., of, scc ur.1 1 . . . . .. 347 _ Civil Rights . 336 Public Pgqtzqg Bmdmg, soo Government Publix: Documenis mn_mg- cc , _ apgopriutionsyfiyr fohling . . 86, n.ppr0;;xg;:>:3 gxé? yam cnding Juno 3(304 wl

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` for glpgnsis of °<Z;isgi1$utiug, 8:: }.-.103,;gg Pun Rli;£¤·g>¤1¤M¢$ ¤$¤·*·1¤¤1¤¤ ---- -- -----·- 909 · sym ,, ‘ 0... · were _ _ ?g:§c?x 0; be cémlxetgga lgiiglgrim of 209 in Utagf g`1;e£gS6i&r§ cnt: t10d 1:0 oxuuxh. utmu 255 · Congress  ;. .. ... - , lmrgv -----·-- - --·-- ·--- ‘— lmrgef tar is to Pbl`Stm·ea _ wmm3¤g1Cicrk out 0H0mr:0 bgtghusfgggcd 1go:>(;Is,_&c3, iu, Mum}; 3, 1875, not subgect to 3 0 to Librarian . ... Pub? xuctnxmed duties . ... 4

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r¤;3%£¤¥;?:`:€{;¤:QQ;: . ... g rowiisiou og to pq pubgsléocg En cigsglzmg uw . L ... wit revision 0 s p. u as u to::1,u¢;g]Bg1u;]ddtg0§g?;%a.t£ub1ica.t.ions .. 237 _ District ot Columbm gud post-roads. {13 certitice;t£¤u·uf, by Pmsi ent, heads of Do- Publwlwra, _ _ H _ pa.rtmcnus,· and members of Gon- 237 of :1ewspap{>)1$srs;1(;g§:éu&d::L0pE£d;s$&o2:% ` _ .. .. . . may _ when; gd how pay pass free through the 343 __ g2g2x35g! &c-, wighout 233 tube gggbilgrggtzk gJQ)(;;I'?[;8I:é-l)}- gigigs- refusing to make andmvit, and aftoywmd " l Territories until &.c 405 mailing, &<>-» V! be dwmbd KUIUFY of Puma, · ,.6, ’ u misdemeanor ... -. ..- .· lm of the xy, mstheticns upon .. .. . 74, 75 PGDBJW fo!` 0¤¤b· 1'0f'~u**1 ··--· · ~ -··--- ·· - · 233