Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/1021

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INDEX. 991 _ _ Page. Pago. Registers and Reccwcra of Land-0]lecs—Cout’d. Rent of Buildings, see Buildings, fees of,_for entering loud for cultivation of no contracts to be hereafter mode for, &o., _ timber . . . . . . 22 until appropriations intermsmsde by 4 oppom eu , powers, an ccmpensa on w , ongress .· . .1 ... 14 for Epo. Messnlla land-district in New Bent of Prisons, Mexico . _ . . ., - . . .. . .. 18, 19 appropriations for, for American convicts in ’ for Bismarck lend-district authorized 34 Siem, Turkey, China, and Japan . 70, for Western and Arkansas Vulleydistrlcts 321, 322, 327 in Kansas . · . . ... 1 22 Bontjro, James IL, Ior Del Norte district in Colorado. .. 122 claim ot, allowed by commissioners .. .. 654 for Boumuu land-district, Montana . 123 Reporicr,

forDslles district, in Oregon, appointment, of Court of Commissioners of _A.ln.bsma

. _ res1<1ence,o0mpeusa.tiou :mdIp0w ers. . 295 Claims, appointment and psy of. 246 Begulatzmw, _ _ _ Reporters of Committees oflilouaa of Beprcaenta» detailed, agreed upon with postal udmuns- tives, $1‘Mi0¤ of Sweden- .. .. 767—781 deiiciency appro riution for . . , 403 of N01‘W¤Y --------·---.-... .-.782-795 psy of, to be $5,800 oooh per annum. .. 145 of Zb‘ra.nce ..._... .. . ... .-.. .816-82l to be in lieu of all other cergitpensetien for Remolatwns for Government of Army, _ reporting proceedings each and all President may make and £;1blis11, in`eccerd- committees . . .. 145 ance w th existing Wl...; .. 337 Re orlcra of Proceedings and Debates of Congress, Reimer, Benedict, Ilzlouse of Representativesclaim of allowed by commissioners .. .. 596 appropriation to psy, for Bret year of Reichert, julian, . _ _ Forty-third Congress. . .. . . .. 5 qlmm of, allowed by commisswners 642 to be paid monthly at rote Hxed by low. 5 Rewhert, Sabaauan, _ to psy, for remainder ot Forty-third payment to, to re-xmlmrse consideration Congress .. . .. . . 145 money psidforlsud and ccstsotsuitso 566 not exceeding $12,000 to be paid to, for Reid, George W, reporting proceedings for any one claim ot, allowed by commissioners .. .. 644 . Congress . . . .. . . 5 Reid, Static K, admmietravriz, to be ond under direction of House .. 5 claim of estate of William S. Reid allowed psy o , hereafter to be $50,000 for cock _ by oommlssioners. . . ...- ...‘. 658 Congress. .. ..,.. .. -... 145 Rad, Wausau S., Senateclsim of estate ef, allowed by commission- appropriation to psy for special, March ers. . . . .. ..` . 658 session, 1873 .. . . ..-. ...`. 5 Bake); ‘ . for the remainder of the Forty-third use ot revenuescutter, may be discontinued, 20 Congress .. Z. .. . . 145 to be stationed in Mobile Boy for use, doe., for congressional year ending March 4, of customs-ollloers . .. . .,, 20 1874. . .. ._ . . . 5 Bcliefand Protectimn, - to be added to contingent fund of appropriations for, of American seamen in Senate_ and disbursed y Secretary foreign countries. . , 70, 321, 327 according to resolution. .. T, 5 Relief .LightqShip, hereafter not exceeding $42,000 to be paid · appro rietion for .. . ... . . . 221 to, for reporting pmooeedmgs of any Jicuqf of »Sw4§»·era from Ovcrjlow, _ one Congress .. . . .- . 5 of Lower issiesippi River,provlsions for . .. ..34 psy of, hereafter to be $50,000 {or each 45, 46, 230 Congress . .. 145 of Tombigbee, Warrior, end Alabama Riv— Rziwu to Congress, ers. . . . 230,287 y l1h0_Pl‘0§IdQllE{ of Tennessee River .. . . ... 230 of Ins notion in lvertlug_to_ other uses Rcligum, . _ certain Indlsn ogproprmtmns .. _ . 177 provisions concerning freedom ot, m treaty to transmit report c the board of nudzt with Peru,. ,...,,.,.. ,-,.,,, ,,,... -, 705 on sweouintg, &q,, of District of Co. in treaty with Salvador .. ... .: . . 731 lumbia ---·· = -·_ --··--- - - ·---- · -· ---· 120 Remission of lllinm, Ps-naltiea, and Foofeicm-ea, of bourd of engineers on reclumstion power of Secretary of Treasury for, in cases and reuemptlou of ullnvial busm of of failure of owner muster, &c.,_ of _ Ml8BlBSlpP1'RlVOP- . Z .. . . 199 vessels of the United States to report ot commnssioners oi District of Colum- ° 3ccid,g])tg’&,n ,._,,, ,.1,.-,,.-; ,,.,. 128 1113,,1 ,.., , ,,., ,,- .,._.. _,__ ____ 210 under custoniswevenue laws ... 190 ot medical omcers of the Atrmy enc} su- Lkenuwal q/’ Suits. pcrvising surxon of murine-hossitals from State courts to circuit courts, in what relative to e causes ot epi emxc cases .-.. .. 470,47l eliolem. . .. .. .. 286 ' for..: . . . . . . 471 results of investigation, by omeer de— proceedings . . . . ocntinmrlnon of attachments, bonds, in- 471 miles, into existence ot cholera in 399 uu0h°·|:sE&,¤,,,_;, ,_____,__________ gxwo ,,,_,, , _,__, ,, ,,,_ ,__________ ` remgmdiug suits improperly removed. 4*72 by the Att0I'ncY-General, _ p of circuit courts in eases re- of items, umounts,_und causes at exgendrmov .. _. . . . .. . 472 tures of contmgent expenses ot has refusal of clerk of State count to furnish pcportmentu : .. : .: 109 oopy of recorl. . . . ; . 472 of Ins oreeeedmge m prosecuting clmm of ce¤:ti0ruritoSta.te;sourt for copy ofmeord. 472 United States to moneys involved nn l proceedings in c cult court when record bmikruptcy of Henry D. Cooke, or of not £umsm£_,, .. ,,.. , 472 { Jay Cooke & Co., npgopnnted for Rcnfro, Samuel S., E Reform School of the xstrlct of Cooleim ef, allowed bgcommissionem 595 ‘ lumbm . 146