Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/1023

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INDEX. 993 P . P ·1 Retail Liquor-Dealers, me Reviued SLatuloa—C0utiuu0d. nbc} penalty fqr canying on business without. both volumes to be stereotyped, and B115- _ hnving pmd spccml tux, &c .. . . . 310 cient number to be printed and bound spccml tax on ; who arc . -. . . . 311 nt Government Printing 0Bco for certiiu gélgiticnul, to be wnxnibtod or ro~public distribution and sale . 114 _ un ... . . 311 to be sold nt cost of spar prmwcrk, Rclnred Lat of Navy, and binding, with 1,0 pmzcent. added. 114 II. M. Plunkett to be placed on . . .. 202 not to be published in nbwspugcm 115, 232 Retired O_#ic0ru,` Army, " uno hundred and fifty copigs 0 , bound, Gm., Bamucl W. praqford to be boruc on hsb of, by Congressional Prn1tor,to be taken =1sbr1g=¤d1cr~geuers»L .. . . 512 from number oxderec} by Secretary mnk 01*} when retiree] by mason of disability of 8mm ____________ , ___,_,_,,_. .- , , 203 uyising from wounds 1`0C01V0(l in uc- copies of, to be furnished tai: usb of members P t 133:2 .tw . . 512 S of Foxécyéthird Congxiicss. .. t . 320 u um 0 ‘s ·¤cr mr o mto to ma. 0 urrau 0112611 s l approygiutiong :701 envelopes for .. . . . .232, 342 L 0 with bcoksollcrs for sale of..?... Revenue- 'uttcr c iqf suction 38 1. 6 m sled. in part, . . ' uso of, as (1iove1u;c·cutt0r may be discom 20 » seutiou lg, uaacndcg .. .. inuc_ ,. . . . section u , p. 1. amen e .. .. . . . . 1 may be stimonod m Mobile Bay as boarding 20 section 7;, p. 14; amongcg .. . . s u. fion . . motion 7 p. 4 amen c ...·... .- . weguluticns for use .0f, to be prescdbed by section 10zl . lé construed .. .. .. :$3:$ s P 1 Socmmry of the '1‘rcusury. .. 20 section 127, p. 20, repealed .. . . 338 Rgvmuc-Cutler S¢zrvi¢·.e, section 29, p. 39, amonélal . .. . appropriations for .. . . 205, 372 section 284, p. 47, Amon .. .. . l Rmmuo-Laws section 330, p. 54, amended . . . . .. 317 proceedings for production of books mul suction 333, p. 54, amended .. . . 317 pu.§mrs in suits, &c.,oLh01: than crimi- section 453, p. 76, amended .. .-.. .. 317 nn , arising under any . .. 187 section 541, p. 90 amended . . .. . 317 attorney for United States may make writ- suction 563, p p. 94, 95, amended . . . $117 tcu motion for production . . 15* section 590, pI10B, nmamled . . . .317 to pu.1~t.icul:u·1y describe book, invoice, 01- section 629, p. 111, amended ... . .. . {$18 paper, and set forth a11oz5g3v15E5e;.. 187 mation Egg, p. 1%, amcnnog. .. court muy issue notice to n or scc ion ,p. ‘ , umom 0 . .. . claimant to produce, aw 187 section 735 p. 139 amcndcd. --.-.··---·- 9- $19 notice anilgicpy ofhmotiou to ba served by 187 mon gqgp. 153% amcndggd . . -..--.-· mms in w at IILMIDOY L .. ion p- Bmw -· -··- - ----·~- g on fa.iluro,t.o comply with notice, allogax- section 1011; p. 188; n.m0uded .. . . . . rl1x tions to be mkcn as ccnfcssud,uu1css, 187 scczgon uaxgcndgsnt, . .. &,c . scc wu c c p.·‘ books, &c., when produced, znay be exam- section 134%, article 82, p. 27, amended ill? ined by attorney for Unmxl Stqtos .. 187 sccqcn 1G7.>, p. 293, amended .. . ... 48:1 ·¤x¤,minm,ion to be uudcr dipcctxon of soctgcu 1676, D- 994, M¤¤¤d¢>¢1 ---~·· -··- ~-—· 48;*

 ‘‘‘‘ i."' ‘‘‘‘ T ‘‘‘‘ " {SZ “°°€i°“ }‘£é’ §‘ 33} 33335% ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘ " 2}},2

on t, c.,m¤.y oprmen scc on , . , .. ' . '-ti 1842 . 327 mended. . 316 “““’5‘.§3’.€Jf'}?Y.?‘T‘3“f.‘?f‘F?¥'€'{*.f’ff’.·.}I‘.$T‘. m 222,,33 M; *,2. svc; 3..,,...},,1 . . yn owner to have custody of b00k¤,_&c», cx· ·· section 2169, p. 382, amended .. ccptwhcnundcrexaminution mcuurt. 187 soctxon 2324, p. 428, u.moudod._ . . ... . uct in mnoml tho customs laws, soc Cuatomaigc-191 section ?503, p. :2%, xgupgalfgl m part. .. Rwwwv Lum ---- -. · .---.- . ----- ’ Nw {011 , p- r, H! .- · -··--·- — _ acts imposing Bucs, punztltics, &c., for oi- _ scctgou 2504, p. 467, smoudonl .. gl; Ionsas by inmmagiovonuo ofliiprs, scc2y0n gg}, gg?,:$gggg:11. . . . .. 3:8 &.c. extending to pursous nc mg · _ me 10X1 . r, A V .. uudier, and to persons having custody · sewtgou 2688; p- 632, ¤m¤¤:1lg ---··· - - ·--·-- gg of public money .. . . . ... 312 mctpu *37715, g. gk;, 3:::dBd .j.. . . sm Ifwiucd Statutes, ¤°° }°“ • ¤ · r ‘ ‘‘*‘ ‘ " ‘“‘,9 `e `tx] , 'nr I ton.2864 p. 557 amended . _ . 3 “""’°’;'$%‘E22€i0£T%,£? . }Ii'i‘T‘TT‘..*t-.f¥3m, 349 3221;,., m;p.m;w,.m.._ .. . gig ' Sccmtamy of .Smt0 to 08[1S£,_t0 be prepurcgl scctxcu 3190, p. 538, monica; .. . .. . 319 for pri.uting, publicntwn, uml dxstn- scp1x10n 31.>8, p. 6 8, unxom oc .. . . .. 319 buh0n_______________________,__`__ 113 5g6h!;)); 3181, p,(?`14’ gmgudgq]_;____ _,_____ __ 319 ’“°"‘°>'°°i£"2P“"°" M """“°"”‘°“‘“"‘2y‘ ““ $332 §·’§’?*"&’;,‘1“.'é.§il$}2.'{ ‘‘‘‘‘ J::";:::; my W ba $1:1 0: J?- 213, 293 section 3251; 630; repculcd in part ... ·px·inted volumes uf, to be cvidencc in ull H3 gggggn 333, 2212, :11::3333 -- .. -.--- · Mb HKU ..-"-..- .. _ 1 · 1 "" ‘'‘' """ of a ggncr.:1 and permanent natuga, with H3 sect12n gag, Zglxglnggg .. -.-. _ gg '` —.. SOC] · ·»·~·--·---··-- A to Egrlgofldllégaétgxtos was scc2Q0n p. ggxlcgndigi . . ... U 'ted.Sta.tes" ..;.\ . . 113— Sw }0¤· » P- » U · ···· * •‘‘‘ r¤1¤#i¤gI;:> District vf ¤i>1¤m1>i=»» 1¤¤¤#—r<>¤d¤. — ¤¢¢*·!°¤ 3*% P»6"5· ¤¤°¤**°d --··--·--· · 5**** · -- · · · 675 mended . . , 310 and mosh w th uxdox to be pub- seotxon 3418, P- » 8 lished, in e9’nr£to volumé. . . 113 sectjun 342*2, p. 676, amended_... . . -. to b• lvfbhisdsggievisad Statutes relating sactxon $@24, p. 701, repealed m part . -. 319

  • 0 1>i¤¤i<¤¤ of G<»1¤¤m1>i¤ wd P<>¤¤· ¤¤¤ti<>¤ 3261- 1>·797» ¤m¤¤<1¤d· -----—---·--- m

Roads. Tma.ti¤s." .. . ... , 113 . scctxou 3089, {1.732, umcndcd. . Vol. 18, pt. 3-63