Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/1027

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INDEX. 997 I‘n Peg Raine, E, . gu Sq/2;-Keeping of Public Money, Q eiie1eu 3 a]>pmpr1ntion to pany .. . . ·405 appropriations for expenses of . . 96, 134, 355 Rudd! Isa . Sa_U"ord, Charles, claim ot snowed by commissioners 581 claim ot, allowed by commissioners . `. .. 599 Rudder, Eflvu Jane, _ Sagclgi, John C.,

 W gfhsllowed by commissioners    . -581   claim ef, allowed by commissioners  . . . . 584

U , 0'H · _ agimzw liver clmm of, ullosiedby commxssnoners .. . . 595 I appropriations for improvement of .. .242, 457 Ruempkorj}, Henry, . rights of United States to middle ground in,

 clam; ofgénllowed by commissioners  . . .. 654     relinquished to riparian owners . ..,. 198

upc am . — - ‘ wi . clniim of, allowed by commissioners . . . . 684 increase of pensions to totally disabled 78 Rrgqcn George W, > 4 to those wholmve lost annrxn or leg, &e.. 78 · c mm of, allowed by commissioners 584 to be sent home after expiration of enlist- Rua0, Joa?h, _ , _ inent, uuless, &q...: .. . . 484 clmm 0 yibllowed by commissioners .. . . 658 detention of, after expiration, &.c. . 484 Ruaht Nancy, i . . . subject: to regulations; utter expiration, &c., elaum of, allowed by commissioners . .. 584 when . . , 485 Ruabpsora, · . additional pay of, alter expiration, &.c . 485 clmm of, allowed by commissioners. .. .. 599 Sailors, Jeremiah, Russel, James, . claim of, allowed by commissioners . 644 clmm of, allowed by commissioners ... . 646 Sailors and Marinas, Russell, Daniel C., ‘ nypproprisition for payment of bounties to... 390 claim oi', allowed by commissionqrs 639 Sain: Clair and Carondelat Bridge Company, Russell, George W1,bridge oi, how to be constructed .. 511 eluim of, a loved by commissioners .. . . 639 to elose Ceiliokiu Bond, in n. certain case . . . . 612 Jtuaaell, Joseph L.,~ . plain of, to be submitted to Secretary of . claim of, allowed by commissioners 590 War . ... . .. 512 Russell, Thomas, subject to conditions, &c., of former act 512

 cluimgf, allows;} by commissioners  595   iiglzfo amend or repeal act .. . . .. .512

usnqy rnjamin . aint air an inc ivcrn,

 clnini of, allowed, by commissioners  . . . . 654 nppropxkieition for dredging bur nt junction

ua , o , - .--. 461 salaries of consular officers in .. 68, 69 Saint Clair River, of minister to .. . 483 appropriations for improvement ot ... 238, 457 dcclumtionsby,mxdUnited States respecting; Saint Clair, Susan, - previous treaty stipulations in regnrel claim of, allowed by commissioners 654 to trmle-marks .. . . b2!}, 830 .iS' Grab: River, Maine, citizens of each country to enjoy in the npproprietion for improving . . . ... 241 other the same protection as to trn.¢lo- Saint Jolm’s, U. E., marks as native citizens thereof . 829 ·n:ilm·y of consul ut .. . . 69 said article to form part of treaty` of De- Saint Jolm’n, N. II., cember 61.11, 18th, 1832 ... 829 salary of consul at . ... 68 Rutledge, Bnfamin, Saint Juhn’a River. _ claim of, nilowed by commissioners. .,... . . 595 npproprintion for improvement amtmoutli of. 240 Rutledge, Plwcbé, ‘ may be used for dredging inside passage .. 'M0 of, allowed by commissioners 644 Saint Joaqgh, Mich., ]IuH:m·fo:·d, John W, nppropnations for improving harbor nt 238, 461 clniin 01`,zillowed by commissioners. . .. 584 gag"; Long, ya, U.W6*'> ;H¢”’!/ U-, F 3P appropristionsfcroffice of assistant treneurexB pension .. . ...-· - - --------··---- - · .> o at _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ 1?u*vu·J<>'~· R-, _ _ m mum-1mm and posi-omee buuuin ' churn of, n110W8d by ¢‘°¤l“—“$*\0“¢‘YS ——--- · . . 658 at ___ _ _ _ __ _$g gg.; ”’1fiZ¥¤¤’3‘éf‘55m it ...s so ‘°'°`.ZK$`.§`“.1’£‘Y‘II‘£*.‘fT?T‘f€‘T`}{‘fE`?‘?TTWT 395 1f¤=’·<¤, Jv/vn - assistant musursi- mi, to open me keep iw. numoehangee1toJolin Lxmbede Lnubeniuls. 541 counts with tmmmmm of ghsmkeol ` Creek, Choctaw, und Chickasaw Nu- . . S- tions. . ... . . . . . . 44 S"'*“”{"°'» not re ulnting sgxmé of bridge ut, to be built salary of G011B1I] Mi ·---·- · --·-··---·--·---- 69 diy Saint lnir and Curondelet Bridge Sabina PGQO,£TG¢G;, Company ,.,, ,,,,,,,, ,,_ ,.,,.. ...,., 511 GPPIOPHB 10D O1' \!Dpf?V0mBD .- 2. . · S i t M v IT u C L S“"°"°°"t? ag"} Fm"!"` R"'"', G";M?""'“* ul zigpmariitionsifortiiiiinrovement of. ., .. 238, 456

§sppr<;p? ut an ig nmprovemen o ..   i Sami MEM, mma

§§1'0pr£’.-iii3i3Q ifi °£“J§’.m..i of mm M, °PP”°PQ““;*;j’Q"‘°;{*jj‘;j;j°;* 0*;, ·-···· '¢”»·*5° erection of sc ool-house, &o .. ..164,438 8**** Pa'; W MW * WW yr ' not exceeding 50 or cent. may be used °¥*°¤¤°¤ °t t·i'¤°*°» f°{°°mPl°**°;%fm“*- 203 for purposes of education and civili- *'BhW;L3**lm °¤ MMS Emu *’°» *'°· 203 GODS2z2L:; jihiixlg ]“Q'f¥g'Jg{di',{é(j '``'``'` ig; acceptance of- iQue11836E1s` by, to be filed in ' Sw, and Foam of m`MmmipP,; `````` Department of the Interior .. 203 ! appropriations for nn.vmenfof nnnuity and Saint Paul and Saint George Islands, interest to. .,.· . ..» ... . . .163, 438 months when fnrqseals may be taken on, to portion may be used for education, &c. .? 163 be designated by Secretary ct Treesconspnt of In¢li|D| to babbtained 163 nry . . . .. .. . 24