Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/1031

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INDEX. ]()()] _ _ I’¤ e. jp Sccmtary of lim Intonor—Contmued. g Secretary q/'rhg Inu·rior——Continucd. ugh by of New Yorlc Indian lends to tmnsier cexénin insane convicts to Gov-

 S i..."..`..   08 · .4...

to sell certain United States stocks, and pay coninilinsgigng of olgitgéfnngefcoézol of 251 proceeds to seven Kickapoo Indians.. 412 how made out scaled and recorded ’ 420 to sell, with consent of citizen class of Pottw Secretary of Navy, 1 ’ ' wagtoune Indians, certain bonds . 41Q spfroprmtious for salaries in oince of 102, 362

 profes s o  su e, ow to be applied  .. 41.i or oNcml postage  r-  ..102, 362

0 se ;=e;·t&1u ;o 1;dségn dn uy grgcecds of _ for construcmonot L1:ontioa{t1?g·dock, bal- ¤ a o pc aw n nuns . uncoo, · "¢ to presggbe; riilee for Indians seeking bene- donnble-tugggcdomonitomoi TY 226 0 nmestead w .. .. ... I l f t to deduct a. certain eum from installment of or Iegn(ni&t:0p:ou1e‘:l`:gt—:»i)¢l?lE(fi S). .?TTil. 388 ghF_yenn3£13&{nnsun;1 i¤vcst same for to component? officers, &c., of vessels resculllillh 63], 6 l']]];`].]],, _______ ‘ · A I u,,,.,,.,,,,,,, 22` to witnhold from any trilxe holding cup- to cletgiigomzgntimgrzoon condition otseal U gag other than Indians moneys due, iisherios, &.c., in Aioeku .. . . 33

 1 c ... 4* up oin cndetwen ineers, an all -.  192

to issue patent for certain Chippewa. laude may oliwlcr Muster Allbert Roseutlo se); duty. to M1¤s10uury Society of Methodist und before examining-board . J .. 30 . Episcopal Church .. . . . . . 425 may remove powder-magazine at Fort Low to pay, from intercetfuncl of Choomws, folk .. . . . . . . 4G William P. Lyon & Son, for publish- may furnish vessels to nautical sehoolrnt 1113 laws of Choctaw Nation 428 New York, Boston, dw ... , ,, 121 exfseneeept Govexlnmentflospitulfor the may sell necleee ordnance material see

   nwgot I;euxzZi. Hz;ek13s.2.  428 to coratmct for bronzze ztatne 05 Admiral

m cnv nzn. n- un o m mn Fm-ru. u ; nm o o one o comm' - Bureau, out of interest-fund of Choc- sion to select sculptor .. nl?. 288 taws, amount Enid from, for expenses to be one of commission to sell nsvy·ysrd,

 of Louisa Hag ins mid J. B. Jackson 428 &.c., at Philadelphia  . . . . 393

to withdmyv from invested funds ot Kms- Secretary nj 1[ne Senaie, ` k::k1&S, lgeee, Peoriask gud Fmnlxo- spgzroprmtnorg for eislcry of.. . . 85, 344 s ws ce am nmouu or mm ng or employ un er . .85, 344 purpgses, end make per capita. pay- ion- p¢§stnge}stnm§>s for oiHce 0£...E.. .. 208 111611 »--~-.---·.-.·.-.·.. . . or Bil ary 0 spec p o icemuuin t oo number and kind_ of employee at Indian of . P.. .. 205 agencies to be prescribed by . .. . 449 · for guy at telegraph-o3erator.. .. 211 when to dxrect ng0uts’ returns to be made with lerk of House an Architect of Cupi—

 on certi£ic¤.tei..é.6 .. .  .   tot ngnthogizeg tg2pfi{· cl]{1.ee6re-extinmcrelee o cmp oy y ... gn s ers or epi o ui < in  f

how to distribute supplies unrlerlndism np· to pay tel€grapl;—<;;;er:t0r for: Sexgitc from ’ propriutions . ... 4" con iugen n . ... 20 statement by, of items of Indian apnic- V to disburse uppronriutiou to defray expenses grigtione, xgat to contain and w eu offioiat se eclbeommittgacé if inquire 0 prin . . ..1 .. .> in o a. irs o ietricto o nmbis.. 4 su.laries, &c., mud number ol Indians at Secretary of §'taw, Egewai. -. .~.. appropnntxons for zxleujy 05%:11111 if ussnst.& w en an ore on rese ... ans ceres o.1n 0 co o , to convert into cosh part 0£gChick¤..•mw for expenses oi iriaitof King of Hawaiian trust-stocks, und pay nrocceds to Is ands to be oxpeude under directreasurer of nation, for re ief of tribe, tion oi; statement of to Congress 31:1 &c . . . . . .. .. 451 may make nnnual allowance to secretary ot payment liy,to Cherokcee from tmntfuud legsmon, dec, at Pam, frozn rooenpta to melxenaneczuitneg, gu: .. z . for gsrzuisxnninsnonéf cousulésr invoices. 67 cmoun o ow istri c . . .» sure ies o consu ur 0 com no ea ari to not to be nude until copy of act of nn.- be npproved by . . . . G7 tionaléfigcil of Cherokee Nation is to determine mnsimnni nmouué; on time reoeiv , c -... .» necessary m 0 tnmsi ween railroads diplomatic and consular posts und map oflievzulu County Nnmrow-Guugie Rail- Washington . . . ... . . 70 road Comgnny to be tiled wit , and decision to Exc made p1Lblic.i.. .. 70 mved ,, ., .,.. 1. revision o ecieiou to emm o pu ic "0 1:0:25 ust ternn on which any other road consent of, to be obtained proviousto recom- I may run through canons, &§., over Sicndntione foxépublw emplgment by track f Nevada cunt arrow- ip cmu. ie nn consu ur o `cem *7 gauge l;ta;]ro;:.:}231%;r;y§:vl§e;i;é;30, 131 may p;cg§rigg;£ti§ ger Assistant Secretn- Q mor o ex 1 c 1 . . . .. gcgnx, now on file in officecf, may may nqake necessery changes and transfers be can eel on certain conditions.. .197, 198 in Department .. . ... 90 mop of Arkansas Valley Railroad to be coutmct between, and Little, Brown & Co., filed with, and approved by- 274 for publication ot laws of United miscellaneous, Stowe terminated r.,. . . 113 to coingo Mm; hxmclwiu of Biennial dutnesfyf, nndezg progngnn gogglggpglni sista ‘ ,.__.. .» ico ion no o< 4 ‘ to have direction o!K*l‘;)edmeu’s Hospital. 223 the laws of the United States ... 113,114 to make estinmtes, pass accounts, and to direct. payment ot expenses of Cnnrt oi be accountable for expenditures . 223 Commissioners of Alabama. Clnzms. . 246