Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/1045

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INDEX. 1 g) P. o. Surgeon-General of the Army-—C01itinued. mg Sutherland, James, Pago. to continue on duty acting assistant sur- claim of, allowed by commissioners 582 germs employed on . . . . . . 301 Sutherland, John, Surplus_ land,‘of, allowed by commissioners 659 certain unexponcled. balances to be carried Sutherland, Robert, , *° ---- · -~-------------·------· - ---·- 110 payment to, of beck pay and omolumente. 571 certain balances of Army appropriations to Sutton, John A., be carried to .- .. . . . 75 claim oi) allowed by commissioners 591 certain sum, certified, ow., excepted . 222 Sutton, Wesley, use of appropriations carried to, in settle- claim of, allowed by commissioners 654 . ment of disbuxsiug accounts .-.. 418 Sutton,Scborn., Survey of the Coast seo Coast Survey,' claim of, allowed by commissioners 584 appropriations for ... 216, 377 Swmip;-Lapd.¤, Survey of Moors and Lakes not gmntin certain, to Holt County, Mo., appropriations for, of Nlississiplpi, Missouri, for sciool-purposes . 16-17 u.ud.Ohio Rivers, for lig t-house pur- when settlers on certain lands in Missouri poses. . .. . . - . . -. . .. . 220 claimed to bo, tolmve priority of right of northern and northwestern lakes 223,389 to pre-empt or homestead -.. 334 Surveying Public Lands, Swann, Deborah A., · appropriations for expenses of,. .. 142, 383, 411 widow’s pension. . .. . . . . . . 560 for testing accuracy of Held surveys . 213 Swanton, Swrvcyor·General, appropriations for improving harbor at. . .239, 458 appropriations for offices o£..105, 142, 211, 366, 382 Swanton, Benamin F., Surveyor of District of Columbia, claim of, mowed by commissioners .. .. 644 to receive no salary oxogpt fees . . . . 117 Swotow, oillce of assistant. and ditional assistant, salary of consul at . ... 68 abolished . ... J. .. . . 117 Swaien. and Norway, Surveyor of Port, postal convention with, of March 15, 187 3..762-766 of Cincinnati, appropriation to pay judg- detailed rc ulations .. ... ;..767-794 ments against the late .. 207 Sweoton, Mary 1%., Surveyors of Customs, · claim of, allowed by commissioners 654 salaries of, at ports of- Swcezy, Aqzluz, - Boston ... . .. . . . 191 claim of, allowed by commissioners .. .. 591 New York .. 191 Swm, Richard H, Philadelphia . .. 191 payment to, of informer’s moiety in case San Francisco .. . . . ... .. 191 United States v’a. J onatban M. Dair 644 performing duties of collectors, maximum Swindle, Jesse, compensation of . ... 401 claim of, allowed by commissioners 582 to reside at Patohogue, N. Y .. , . .-. 304 Switzerland, ‘ powers, duties, bond, and fees of 304 salariesof consuls in . . . ... 69 Surveyors, Intemabllevenue, additional articles of agreement of March appropriations for pay of .. 93, 352 31. and April 21, 1 e4, with Post-Oillco ‘ Surveys,Department of, for an exchange of appropriations for- . postal cards . . . . 809 of boundary between United States and ‘ Sykes, Henry, _ British Possossions . . 71 claim of, allowed by comnnssioners (iw of Indian reservations .- 213 Sykes, Isaac, _ of land of North Carolina Cherokee2s 213 claim ot] allowed by commissioners (69 of private land-claims in California . 213 Sykes,1£icl•m·d, _ _ _ of transportation routes to the seabuard. 242 claim of, allowed by commissioners . 659 to be expended under direction of Seem- Sypluw, William., tary of War .- .. 242 appmpriation for payment to. .. .. 409 of Tarkio Lake, to be made under direction of Commissioner of General-Lanlb T. Office . ... .. .-.- 16 _ of new reservation at Fort Sanders, Wyom— Tabeguachc Band of Utah Indwma, ' in , how to bomado .. . . 65 appropriations for . . . 158, 169, 442, 443 · Surveys an€Ea:am€nations, · ratitication of agreement made with, Sep- Secretary of War to cause to be made, at tomber 13, 1873. ... . . . . ..36-4l various oiuts. 242-244, 461-463 Tadlock, Jauws, of mouth of lldlississippi River to be made claim of, allowed by commissioners.. .. 591 by board of engineers ...‘. . 244, 466 Tahm, S¤M··u¤ M E¤¤1>l¢>~»¢€~¤¤» , . ¤¤l¤¤y -4 9<>¤¤¤1 M ----·—-~---- -·-·-· · 69 appropriations for continuing,m Territories Talbeyt, llhlleam T, _ _ F _ west of one lmmlgedtlrlgxiezldgan. .. . gg4e, gig T52e13a lot, allowed by commissioners oils f av' Gro. tos' us ainv... , a 0 om, _ by:}:?? Hauydenut? . .. -..343, 207, 374 clainl of, allowed by commissioners. .. 654 by J. W. Powell . ... .. . 207, 374 Tabcahumw, Sumeyg and Roooqmaiggaqwgg, _ _ _ salary of consul at, . . . . . .- G9 appropriation for, in military divisions and Telkqi N¢v¤>!/, _ , M r _ depmmonu ______ __ L _ _ ____ _ _ _ _ ____ _ 26 claim of, allowed by commissioners . . --.·.· ·»J·> for sosfeoast defenses . . . 314 Tally, Wnlilam, _ _ 654 Sway, fm. Milifayy pdmu, , l claim of, allowed by commissioners .. .. . unexpended balances of appropmatious for, Tampwo, _ 69 continued available . -. . . 223 salary of consul at . ... ,g,“p,,,mm,' _ Tamtauc, l G9 of sales of unredeemed. lands for dxreot taxes. 252 salary of consul at .. . . . . ·. .