Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/1047

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INDEX. 1017 Pa. o. . Pago. Term of C0urta—Continucd. g Tam;] Noah, Imh¤·¤¤· --—--— - ---··---···--- ·-· -·----·- 251 clmm of, allowed by commissioners; ... 586 N ovmln .. . ... .·. 76 Teatimouy, Oregon . . ... 76 of witnesses in claims of British subjects for VQ¤¤°¤§ -·-·-- - · -·—----- - ---·· - -··-··-- 53 land subject to award of Emperor of Wisconsin. .. . ._ . . . . . . . . . 75—-76 Germany to be attached to deposition ·¤f <1¤¤f¤¤1= courts nu- of claimant .. . . . 120 Al¤·]·•¤·1¤¤ ··-- - ----- -· ·--·-· -. ·.- 195 of settlers and purchasers or Kansas Indian Ill.(llB»l1€I» ... . A .. .. . . 251 lands, how may be taken . .. 273 Iowa . . . . .. . . .. . 15 to be received as if token before oilieurs Vermont . . .. ... 53 of land-office .. .. .-. 273 _W1scons1n . . ; . ._. . . I . - . . . 75-76 lll00lll»0Sl7C(l·G10Cl’»l011 cases to be taken within ot supreme and district courts m Utah . 253 ninety days from day onwhich answer Tome and Taggm·s’ lin, is served .. .. . . 338 rate of duty on .. 308 Texas, Torre Haute and Indianapolis Railroad Conv appropriations for lighthouses, &o., in . ..220, 379 pany, _ _ for purchase of sites for forts in . 391 payment to, for carrying mmls - ... 661 poshwczuls established in . . 13, 268, 495 Terrell, Jagneq W, _ military tolegrapli to be constructed in 13, 268 appropriation to pay, for oomnussion on Toms and Pacyic Railroad Company, Baymon ts to orth Corolmu Chem- may make now mortgages to socuro cou- _ 6% ---··- ··-- .--. . ... ...··- . . . 413 struction-bonds. .. . , . . . . 197 Tcrntorial Logialaturea, mortgage on record with Secretary of Inappropriations for expenses of the several. 4, 98, tcrlor may be canceled and new sub- _ ’ 99, 357-359 stitutcd . . . . . .. 197, 108 Teyntorial Ponitmtiartea, substituted mort rages to roscrvc all rights 111 Montano, Idaho, and Wyoming, restored acquired under existing mort,gago... we to control of United totes marshals. 112 aggregate ot bonds to be issued not to cx- Tcr·rit0ria,l Courts, coed limit heretofore ilxcd by Conappropriations for pay of justices of.9S, 99, 357-359 gi-ess ..., . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. 198 act concerning practice iu, and appeals \V1lll.l;`lllOI‘t.g2l.g0 for division cast of Fort from ..-... . . .: . 27, 28 Worth shall embmco. . . . . . .. 198 common-law and clxancoryjurisdictions of, Southern Pacific and Southern Trouscontb need not beexorcise separately 27 ncntal roads to be doomed a part of.. 198 codes and rules authorizing o. mingling of to be subject to what provisions and limitsuch jurisdictions oontirnied .. .. ations .. ;. . .. . . . .. . _ 198 proceedings in conformity made valid 27 not ontitled to any or further right in public no person to be deprived of right of trial lands than now conferred by low 198 by j ury . . . . . 27 Tart-Books, appellate jurisdiction of Supreme Court of to be sold to cmlots at Military Academy at United States over, exercised- cost-prices .. . . .. . ... 467 ' in GMBH of trial by jury by writ of error.. 27 proceeds to be covcrocl into Treasury 467 in other cases by appeal .-.. 27 Thawkcr, Jtichawl B., proceedings on appeal .. . . . . 28 claim of, allowed by commissioners 588 previous proceedings not invalidated 28 £l'h¢u:lx,·r, Sluspimrd, appellate court may make noccssoryordoru claim of, allow cd by commissioners . . .. 595 to save rights of parties . . . . 28 Tloankagioiug, act not to a ply to pending cases, whore proclamation by tho President recommcuelrecord flied. . . .. 28 ing Thursday, November 27, 1873, as in bankruptcy cases, jurisdiction transferred a ay of .. . . 845 from supreme to district courts .. 182 Thursday, November 26, 1874, as a day of. . 850 actions for penalties under oivil and legal Thanks of Congress, ri hiss act may be prosecuted ui, resolution presenting tho, to Cogt. B. Gloa wiorever defendant may be found . . . 336 dell and cmcors and crow o stcmnslnp Territories, Atlantic .. . .. . .. 286 appropriations for geological, &c., surveys Thatcher, C7uu·les, _ _ _ in .. . . .. 207 claim ot, allowed by commrssxoncrs 6o9 for explorationsandsurvoys iu, west of oneThayer, Ansel, . ‘ hundredth meridian . . . . . . . . . 26 fathers pension . - .. . ... 677 for governments in- Tlwatcrs, . _ _ Arizona .. . . . •.· . . . ... .98, 357 all persons to have full and · equal on_;oy— Colorado .. .. ,... . . . . .4, 98, 357 ment of accommodations, &o., of, see Dukgm ______ · ____.. _ __.. . . . ..,. .. .. 9:9, 357 Civil Richie . .. .. . . -. 336 Dis riot of Columbia L. .. 98 359 Third Assistant Qcamincr _ Idols1c.. .. . . . . . . . . ..99; 357 grade of, in Patont—Oiilcc,abol1Shed. .. 365 -M0¤g.$¤¤, ______,,,._.,, _ , . .. 99, 358 Third Assistant Secretary of8H11p, Now Maxim _______ __ ____, __ ____,,, , ,,,_ 99, 358 appointment and compensation of --·-·-·--- 90 Um;] ______ __ _ _,___,,,,,,,. . ,.,.,.. . 99, 358 Third Auditor, · Washington .. . . . . .. ~ 99, 358 appropriation for pay of, and for clerks, &c.,F \Vyoming . . L. .. 99, 332 · I ixnoffico cf. ...,.,... 91,:}:;;] c appropriations {o1-.. . ..135, 136, 4 sa a o .. 1 . . . ._ . . o. going: gon- sums charged to them cfrgfQcem,clerks,_and employes in office of. $97 Sor arms, &c., issued to em between to continne to receive and examine certain 7 . anuary 1, 1861, and April 9, 1855, on glands of loyal citizens .. .. .. 5 proper showing, &c. .. ·. . , 455 to certify to Qecrctary of Treasury sum ncc— Hbrry, John IE, ossary in settlement of accounts for A claim of, allowed by commissioners .. . . 600 _ steamlooats and other vessels 2*22