Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/1052

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1022 mn mx. _ U Page. Page Umzponded Balmwen, §·o.—C0ntmued. Upham, Nathan, for publick buildings, arte; completion of Upensicn .. . ... . 634 wor to e covers i to the ressury er a. Lower a ouw Indiana, Unybrma, Army . gécretury of Interior uuthorizcd to discharge certain ertlicieslof old pattern not to be 74 obligéationsof United Statestoeredit- 4 purc use .. orso .. .. .. . .. .. 1 . certaixrpurehsses not to be made until ar- limit to amount to lie paid. .. · 47 ticles on Iiund exhausted. . . . 74 'appropriation to carry act into eifect 47 10,000 suits of disused to be transferred to Upper Columbia River, · Iéhitiona.1 Home f,orDisa.bled Volunteer 83 Ucpprcgrictioii fokimprcving . . . . . . . 460 0 iers . ... . . . . ppcr aaissippi ver · Union Railroad Company, see Paeijlc Uupprgpriationaz iuipmving .. . . 239, 458 a ways, per ommga wer octiongforrdainggestmuy be Iérouglét against, Uldppmppristions go; improving -.. ..240, 458 or ng opera m . as — ppcr i ahwtlc ver - h a. continuous linelg I C. . Uappropriingion jor improving. . . 460 w erc_zw ion may e roug ‘ rcuhar an; . - plmutiif entitled on recovery to treble ex- c aim (if, ullowed by commissioners. . .. 659 cess) of clliitrges collected . ... 112 Um, _ M * 69 uu tre e amount 0 ces sus- su of consul at ontevideo tained . ...-... . . li .. 1 12 of minister to, when also accredited to new csusefof action to arise for each viola- 2 U h Paraguay .- ... . . .. .. · 483 tiouo act .. , . . . . ... 11 ta _ tory, · in suits in 'léerritories, how process may 112 ·a.pproprligtion(s for g0verume)1;tin.;.. :*99, 136,£ e serve .. . .. .. . . .. may use or expenses courts · United Staten, to be re-imbursed. . . s.. .. . . ‘ . ·_ 358 title of, to ceritazinlzreal Iesteiéc in gfenuessee 33 for incressed psy to governor and secre- 135 mouse o oss i smc cry .. " . tary .. , .,_,,.. ..,,. ... to certain lends in Missouri released to fcrlndien agents sud interpreters in 147, owners of equitable titles. . ; .. .. 62 148, 421, 422 to midagg ground in Saginaw River re- 198 for general incidental expenses of Indiuujz 446 · ecs to riparian owners . .. service in L . .. ... . . 141, 1 not to be liulitle for expenses of international 53 for office of s?nrv<%or·Eu(;ssrii1 iu. 106, 366; cxpcsi ion ... ... or surve o pu 10 n m ... embczglilng, stealing, &»c., property of; pun- 479 portionl of Bump Dtcgglss military reserv£84, 4 is mon .. _ L.. . _ .. ._.. _ 'oum,gru.n orcem rypnrposes 6 receiving, concealing, dec., with intent, post-roads established iu.. .. . . . . 270,495 dw., property of, whichimd been em- act in relation to judicial courts sud omcers V bezzled, stolen, &c . i .. . . 479 in .. . . ... -.263-256 receiver triable before or after conviction marshals, duties of .,...,.. ,. . ..,.. 253 of principal, &c ... . ... 479 service of recess, .,,.,,,_,,,,.,_,,,. ,,. __,, 253 United States Bonds, d mt aw ny sherigs . .,.. . . .; .j 253 appropriation or e in ., persons mi euge . . . . L . .. . . 253 engaged in counterfeiting . . • . 375 deputy marshals, provisions concerning 253 Secretary o' Treasury to give notice of re- United States attorney, duties of;-.- ..‘ 253 . demption of five-twenty bonds for assistants cf. . . . . ... ... , 253 purpose of obtaining bonds for sinklim 402 county prosecuting attorney, election and mg- und . ... .--- -. , serviceso . . . . .. 253 interest on,tc cessepfter three months supreme court, terms of . . . L-.—.; 253 from not1ce .. .. 402 _ writ of error to, from Supreme Court ot United States Commissioners, see Commissioners United States, where accused seuof Circuit Courts. teneedtc cupitn,1 punishment, or con- Unued states of Colon; bea, vxcted of bigamy or polygumy . I . 954 Usggugs of cioggls in .. . .. . 68, 69 maypmnéoint commissioner, with certmn 255 m a cs rs..,..- - . . . appropriation fcr gurchsse bef engine mid districgcourtsip, terms of, how iixed. . ‘ 253 mac mery macera suc as au- juris ic ion o . . .. .. .. .. 253 h thorized toeléetdelstrgyeél .. .. 206 removalrtoftdivorce causes from probate 254 oresfter estroy 0 e es roye ymac— . cou s o ..-- ..., ---. eration .. t .. 206 districtjudge of one district may request repeclboi low requiring destruction of, by 206 sssistgznce from judge of another die· 254 urmug -. . .. nc c .. . ... ., . pulp from maeeration of, to be disposed of probate courts in, jurisdiction ct ... 254 under direction of Secretary of Treas- 966 remove.} of divorce causes from,to district ury . . .. courts . . 254 deposit of, with Treasurer by national banks may enter lend in trust for towns. ... * 254 cqucl tcdsmongit of their circulating- judgénentcsl and decrees of certuin, counotes rc eemc , . 123 rme .. . . . ... 254 nmountf cf, outstundiugdte be ima:} as part · uppeuzérom, to district courts how reguo circu QL mg-m mm no 0 cxccec · a ..,,.. . .,,,... , ,,,,,,,._,,, 254 $382,0Q0,000 -. . . . .. . 124 where judgment remains unexeeuted. . 254 to appear 1H monthly statements 124 time for taking not enlarged. 254 U no ggtlto be used cs reserve .. . . 194 duty of judges of, in preparing jury-list mtam nptruments . - and drawing jurors;: . . . .. . . 255 uct fo provide for stumpuig. . r . .. . 250 justices of the peace iu, jurisdiction of, oxmust be stumped prior to January 1, 1876. 250 tended. . . . . . ... 254