Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/11

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LIST_ OF, -PUBLIC,;ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. X1 ` Page. George Henry Preble., An act authorizing the President to appoint George Henry Preble, now a cap- .._ tain on the active list of the Navy, to be a commodore. June 23, 1874, ch. 487 . . . .. . 283 Osage Indian. land.: in Kansas. An act to extend the time for completing entries of Osage Indian lands in Kansas. June 23, 1874, ch. 488 ’ ..., . ... 283 Public building at Auburn, M K An act directing the Secretary of the Treasury to report upon the necessity of a_ public building at the city of Auburn, New York. June 23, 1874, ch. 48 . - 283 Board of Health, District of Columbia. An act to further deiiue and enlarge the powers and duties of the Beard of Health of the District of Columbia. June 23, 1874, c . 490. . ... . . . . 283 J2 Scott Payne- An act for the relic! ot J. Scott Payne, second 1ieutenaut·SixthIJnitecl States Cavalry, late hrst lieutenant Fifth United States Cavalry. J uno 23, 1874, ch. 491 . . . . . . .283, 284 , PUBLIC RESOLUTIONS. . [No. 1.] Agent and consul-general at Alexandra:. Joint resolution providing for a change in the name and title of the agent and consul-general of the United States at Alexandria. January 8, 1874. 285 [No. 3.] Smithsonian Institution. Joint resolution iillin existing vecanciesin the Board of Regents _ of the`Smithsonian Institution. January 19, 1875 ,... , 285 [No. 4,] General O. 0. Howard. Joint resolution authorizing a special court of inquiry concerning enema1C. 0. Howard. February13, 1874,.-. .. . .. . . .L 285 [No. 5.] · Stmhee ofJej'erson. Joint resolution in relation to the bronze statue of J elferson resented · to Congress by Uriah P. Lev , late an officer in the United States Navy.March 18: 1874 . .285, 286 [No. 6.i|··’·OohZraotofor stationery. Joint resolution explanatory of resolution approved January 31, ‘ ‘ 868.·entitled “A resolution limiting contracts for stationery and other supplies in the Executivellepartments fto one year;" March 24, 1874 .. . . ---. .. ... L .. 286 [N a. 7. Cholera.- Joint resolution authorizing the Secretary of War to detail a medical odleer of the 5 to inquire into, and report upon, the causes of epidemic cholera. March 25, 1874 .. 286 [No. 83 jicers and crew ofsteaxmslvlp “Atlantlc." Joint resolution tendering the thanks of Congress to aptaiin Benjamin Gleadell, ofllcers and crew of the steamship “Atlautio," of the White Star Line for saving the briiantine "·Scotland" in mid-ocean; April 27, 1874 .. .. --.- 286, 287 [No. 9.] [my rations and clot ing. J oiut resolution anthorizingvphe President to issue Army rations a£ the- destitute people on the Tombigbee, arrior, and Alabama rivers. May 287 [No. 10.] Treaty with Belgium. Joint resolution providing for the termination of the treaty between the United States and His Maéesty the King of the Belgians, concluded at Washington, July seventeenth, eighteen hundre and fifty-eight. June 17, 1874 .t .. . . .- . . .287 [No. 11.] Army clothing. Joint resolution -anthorizing the issue of clothing to certain enlisted men of the Army. J unc 19, 1874. . . . . .. 287 [No. 12.] Congressional Record. Joint resolution directing the Public Printer to keep an account of ag expenditures for printing, mailing, and binding the Congressional Record, &c. June 20, 288 1 74 .. . . . L. . ..; . .. -. .. [No. 13.] La Fayette’a watch. Joint resolution making an appropriation for the purchase and restoration to the family of the Marquis de la Fayette of the watch presented to him by General Washington. June 22, 1874 . ... . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . 288 [No. 14.] Statue gflfarragut. Joint resolution amending joint resolution of April sixteenth, eighteen hundre and seventy-two, relating to astatuc of the late Aclmiral Farragut. June 22, 1874 . 288 [No. 15.] Purchaser fromJohn PK Norton. Joint resolution authorizing the Postmaster-General to rfect title to certain real estate obtained from John W. Norton, a clefaulter to the Postal mney Order Bureau. June 22, 1874 .. .. . -- .. . . . .. .288, 289 [No. 16.] Two ·nw1•tluv’ pay to clerks. Joint resolution for the relief of certain clerks and employees of the United States; June 23, 1874 . .. . .. .. .. ... ,.;. .. 289 [No. 17.] National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers. Joint resolution to iill a vacancy in the board of managers of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers. June 23, 1874 289 ‘ STATUTE II.-1874—’75. _ Prepayment of postage on newspapers. An not making an appropriation to enable the Postmaster-; General to carry into offcct the law requiring the prepayment of posta e on newspapers, ap- - proved June twenty-fifth, eighteen hundre and seventy-feur. December 15, 1874 .. .. .. 291 Shoshone Indians. An act to coniirm an agreement made with the Shoshone Indians (eastern band) ‘ for the purchase of the south part of their reservation in Wyoming Territory. December 15, 291 1874 ,, . . . .,... . .. . .. . . ..., Chelsea street, Boniml. An. act to reimburse the city of Boston for certain expenses incurred in the improvement of Chelsea street, (formerly Charlestown,) in connection with the United States . navy-yard. December 19, 1874 . . . .. - -. . . . . __ 292 Lamla in Sheboygan, Wu. An act relating to the disposition of certain lands to be reclaimed, in sections . fourteen, twenty-three, and twenty-six, in township sixteen north of range twenty, in the county of Sheboygan, in the State of Wisconsin. December 21, 1872; r . . . . ... 293 Revised Statutes. An act reserving for the use of Congress one hundred and fifty copies of the Revised Statutes authorized to be printed by the act of June twcuirieth, eighteen hundred. and seventy-four. December 24, 1874 .. . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . -, . .1. 293 Suprenw court of District of Columbia. An act to enable the supreme court of the District of Columbia to proceed wit its jury—busiucss. December 28, 1874 ..---- _ -... _ . _ ... . -... 2 93 Revised Statutes and originals of laws. An act providing_ for the authentication of the Revised Statutes . of the United States and for preserving the originals of all laws in the Department of State. . December 28, 1874 .. -... . ... . ...-~ .. ..·- ..·-- . ---.· ..-. 293