Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/122

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92 FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. OH. 328. 1874. ‘ sistant messenger; and two laborers; in all, seventyeight thousand six hundred dollars. . ruth Auditor, Fmcrn AUDITOB.—FOT the Fifth Auditor, three thousand dollars; <=l•>¤k¤» &-°- chief clerk, two thousand dollars; four clerks of class four; seven clerks of··class three; seven clerks of class two; nine clerks of class one; six copyists, at nine hundred dollars each; one messenger; one assistant messenger; and two laborers; in all. fifty-two thousand four hundred dollars. Ammo,. of -;-,0,,,,, AUDIT011 OF THE TREASUQY FOR THE POSTOFFICE DEPARTMENT.— ury str Post-oline For compensation of the Auditor of the Treasury for the Post0iiice loel>¤l>Mt¤¤¢>¤t ¤l¤¤‘k¤» partment, three thousand dollars; chief clerk, two thousand dollars ; nine &°· clerks of class four, and, additional to one clerk of class four as disbur-sing clerk, two hundred dollars; =sixty-two clerks of class three; sixty-nine clerks of class two · thirty-seven clerks of class one; one messenger; one assistant messengeir; and eighteen laborers ; al o, fifteen female assorters of money-orders, at nine hundred dollars each; in all two hundred and A M f e eighty-nine thousand six hundred and twenty dollars. °,d;°,.2_ "° m°° y For ten assorters of money-orders, ten thousand dollars. Treasurer, assist- Tm¤Asom¤n.—For compensation of· the Treasurer of the United ¤mt.¤1¤rk¤»&¤·- States, six thousand five, hundred dollars; assistant treasurer, three thousand eight hundred dollars ; cashier, three thou and eight hundred dollars; assistant cashier, three ·thousand five ·hundred dollars; tive chiefs of division, at two thousand seven hundred dollars each; two principal book-keepers, one at two thousand six hundred dollars and one at two thousand five hundred dollars; two tellers, one at two thousand seven hundred dollars and one at two thousand six hundred dollars; one chief clerk, two thousand seven hundred dolliars; two assistant tellers, at two thousand three hundred and nfty do lars each; thirteen clerks of class four; thirteen clerks of class three; nine clerks of class two; eight clerks of class one; sixty female clerks, at nine hundred dollars each; seven messengers-; five male laborers, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; and seven female laborers, at two hundred and forty dollars each; in all, one hundred and eighty thousand four hundred and sixty dollars. Register, assist- Bmusmim or THE Tnnnscnrs-For compensation t the Register of ant ¢l•=¤‘k¤» &¤- the Treasury, four thousand dollars; assistant registei two thousand dollars; chief clerk, two thousand dollars; seven clerk. ~f class four; ton clerks of class three; fourteen clerks of. class two; rht clerks of class onuyeight copyists, at nine hundred dollars each ; one messenger; » two assistant messengers; and two laborers; in all, seventy-six thousand seven huudred-and twenty dollars. Comptro ll o r or GOMPTROLLER or THE GUmz.ENOY.—For Comptroller of the Currency, the Currency. dopu- nve thousand dollars · deputy comptroller, two thousand nve hundred

  • Y·°*°lk*’»&°· dollars; thirteen clerks of class four; fourteen clerks of class three;

twelve clerks of class itwo; eleven clerks of class one; thirty-three female clerks; four messengers; four laborers; and two night-watch men; in all, one hundred and twenty-one thousand six hundred and eighty dollars. _witndr¤.wing nn.- For the purpose of withdrawing from circulation the genuine notes tlgleékgnisggfaw of national banks which have been counterfeited, ten thousand dollars. Hopus of ,,,;,,,0,,,,1 For expenses of special examinations of national banks, three thoubanks, sand dollars.= G<>mmi¤¤i¤¤¤r of Gommssrounu on INT1t1zNAr. Rnvzzzuun.-—For Commissioner of Ing’;*f1‘{;;1cf,ff,lQ;"1,‘;;» ternal Revenue, sixthousand dollars; one deputy commissioner, three P ’ ’ 'thousand five hundred dollars, and one deputy commissioner, three thousand dollars; seven heads of divisions, at two thousand ive hundred dollars each; one stenographer, at two thousand dollars; thirty clerks of class four; fortynve clerks of class three; nfty-two clerks of class two; eighteen clerks of class one; ,seventy·ve copyists at nine hundred dollars each; live messengers · three assistant messengers; and fourteen laborers; in all, three hundred and forty-three thousand uve hundred and forty, dollars.