Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/127

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FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. 1. Ch. 328. 1874. 97 For recoinage of gold coins, to meet the difference between the nomi- `Becoinage of gold nal and bullion value of gold coins now in the Treasury, reduced by °°m“· natural abrasion below the legal limit, and to be recoined, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, twenty thousand dollars. Mina: AT Pu1LA1>mLrn1A.-For salaries of the superintendent, four Mint at rumanithousand five hundred dollars; for ·the assayer, melter and reiiner,Phl*· coiner and engraver, at three thousand dollars each; the assistant assayer, assistant melter and refiner, and assistant coiner, at two thousand one hundred dollars each; cashier, two thousand five hundred dollars; chief clerk two thousand four hundred dollars; book-keeper, deposit-clerk, and weigh-clerk, at two thousand dollars each; and two clerks, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each; in all, thirtyseven thousand three hundred dollars. d Eor wages of workmen and adjusters, two hundred and fifty thousand o ars. For incidental and contingent expenses, including new machinery and repairs, eighty-five thousand dollars. For freight on bullion and coin, five thousand dollars. Mmcr AT SAN Fnnuorsoo, CALIFORNIK.—-Fo! salaries of superintend- At San Francisco. ent, tour thousand five hundred dollars; assa-yer, melter and refiuer, and coiner at three thousand dollars each; chief clerk two thousand five hundred dollars ; cashier, two thousand five hundred dollars; four clerks, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each; in all, twenty-nve thousand seven hundred dollars. For wages of workmen and adjusters, two hundred and forty-one thousand dollars. _ _ For material and repairs, fuel, lights, chemicals, and other necessaries, seventy-five thousand dollars. Mmcr Arr Ciumson, Nuvnna.-For salaries of superintendent, three At Carson. thousand dollars; assayer, melter and reflner, and coiner, at two thousand five hundred dollars each; chief clerk, two thousand five hundred dollars; cashier and book-keeper, at two thousand dollars each; weighclerk and voucher-clerk, at two thousand dollars each ; computing clerk, two thousand dollars; assayer’s clerk, one thousand six hundred dollars; in all, twenty-four thousand six hundred dollars . . For wages of workmen and adjusters, sixtyseven thousand dollars. For materials and repairs, fuel, light, charcoal, chemicals, and other necessaries, fifty-three thousand two hundred dollars. ` Muir AT Dn1~zvEn,CoLoRAno.-For salaries of assayer in charge, Atotnver. two thousand five hundred dollars; melter, two thousand five hundred dollars; three clerks, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each; in all, ten thousand four hundred dollars. _ l d ger wageslof workmen, fifteen thousand three hundred and thirty-five o ars. For fuel, lights, acids, chemicals, crucibles, repairs, and. other necessaries, five thousand dollars. To re-open the branchmint at New Orleans to be conducted here- At New Orleans. after as a mint, subject to the provisions and restrictions of the coinage act of eighteen hundred seventy-three, the following appropriations are 1873, ch, 1;»,;_ VOL made: For salaries of superintendent, three thousand five hundred xvii, pp. 424, 436. dollars; assayer, who shall perform the duties of melter, two thousand fivehundred dollars; wages ofthree workmen, three thousand dollars ; for fuel, lights, acids, chemicals, and crucibles, two thousand dollars; and for repairs and apparatus necessary to put the mint in condition, live . thousand dollars; in all, sixteen thousand dollars. ‘ AssAY—Or·r1on AT N1:wYonK.-For salary of superintendent, four Assay -0mte at tliousand five hundred dollars; for assayer, three thousand dollars; for NW Y0?}?- _ melter and refiner, three thousand dollars; chief clerk, two thousand eight hundred dollars; weighing clerk, two~ thousand eight hundred_ dollars; paying clerk, two thousand two hundred dollars; bar clerk, two thousand dollars; three clerks, at two thousand dollars each ; and four clerks, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each ; for assistants Vol. 18, pt. 3-7