Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/140

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]_1() FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 328. 1874, Expenses or ua-appropriations required for said expenses; and for the fiscal year end-

  • i°¤{¤ 1****** *°' Ym ing June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-ive, the following

ES;';? J ° u ° 3 O’ sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby appropriated to defray the expenses of the natronal loan, for the following clerical and other employees, to wit: _ In limes or score- In the Office of the Secretary of the Treasury.—-Two princ1pal clerks, my °f the T’°°°‘ at two thousand eight hundred dollars each; two assistant clerks, at my two thousand four hundred dollars each ; fourteen clerks of class four; eight clerks of class three; six clerks of class two; four clerks of class one; forty copyists, at nine hundred dollars each; eight messengers, at eight hundred and forty dollars each; twenty-one assistant messengers and laborers, at seven hundred and twentydollars each; and twenty- two laborers, at not exceeding two dollars and twenty-nve cents per. day; making, in all, the sum of one hundred and thirty-four thousand nine hundred and thirty-three dollars and fifty cents. I¤<>m¤<> Of T*¤¤¤· In the Oifrce of the Treasurer:-Seventeen clerks of class four; six “'°" clerks of class three; ive clerks of class two; nine clerks of class one; one lumdred and forty-five counters and copyists, at nine hundred dollars each; 'nine messengers; and twenty-six assistant messengers and laborers; making, in all, the sum of two hundred and fourteen thousand seven hundred and eighty dollars. In <>¤ic¤ of Regis- In the Omce of the Register of the Treasury: Five chiefs of divisions,

  • °“· at two thousand five hundred dollars each; one disbursing clerk, at two

thousand dollars; twelve clerks of class four; twelve clerks of class three; four clerks of class two; five clerks of .class one; one hundred counters and copyists, at nine hundred dollars each; eight messengers; six assistant messengers and laborers; making, in all, the sum of one hundred and sixty-seven thousand nine hundred and forty dollars. In Umm, of mm In the Office of the First Auditor of the Treasury: Four clerks of Auditor. class four ; three clerks of class three; three clerks of class two; and two clerks oi class one; ma-king, in all, the sum of eighteen thousand _ six hundred dollars. ¥¤y*°¤“ gf,) Bureau of Engraving and Printing: Chief of the Bureau, five thou- §fjf'“g ““ ""` sand dollars; for payment of employees at a per diem to be paid only Tay of Chief or for the time actually employed, viz: Two assistants, at eight dollars per iglneuu, employés,day; one accountant, at seven dollars per day; eight clerks, at four M- dollars per day; five copyists, at not more than two dollars and ninety cents per day; and six messengers or laborersjat two dollars per day; thirty-one thousand six hundred and fifteen dollars.

.¤umr,_ (by th o For labor, (by the day or piece or contract,) including labor of workd**>' °¤`1”°°°·&°·) men skilled in engraving, transferring, plate-printing, and other specialties necessary for carrying on the work of engraving and printing notes,

bonds and other securities of the United States, the pay for such labor to be iixed by the Secretary of the Treasury at rates not exceeding the rates usually paid for such work, and for other expenses of. engraving _ and printing notes, bonds, and other securities of the United States, eleven hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. paper, tmuspor- For paper for notes, bonds, and other securities, including mil1-ext¤¤<>¤. &¤· penses, boxing, and transportation, one hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars. 0,;,,,, m,,t,,,;,,;,_ For materials other than paper required in the work of engraving and printing, one hundred and torty thousand dollars. nugravow tools, For 'the purchase of engravers’ tools, dies, rolls, and plates, and for ow. machinery and repairs of same, fifty thousand dollars. Transportation of For transportation of notes, bonds, and other securities of the United ¤°*·¤¤» b°¤d¤» M- States, finished and unnnished, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. U¤°*¥°¤d°;l0 *2:; Sec. 5. That from and after the drst day of July, eighteen hundred

,‘.;m’Q,§’,§’,,,£ for and seventy-four, and of each year thereafter, the Secretary of the

two years to behc0v· Treasury shall cause all unexpended balances of appropriations which cred into the Treas- shall have remained upon the books of the Treasury for two fiscal years “"g~, t ,,1 B who to be carried to the surplus fund and covered into the Treasury: Pro- ,,,,,,;;,3,,,,,;,,,g Bx_ vided, That this provision shall not apply to permanent speci fic ap propricepted. ations, appropriations for rivers and harbors, lighthouses, fortifications,