124 _ FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. ‘I. Ch. 343. 1874. wom, mntiimdwcrh, mutilated. defaced, or rendered otherwise un lit for use, they shall &¤·· ¤<¤¤¤ *0 M *"°'* be forwardedto the Comptroller of the Currency and destroyed and w“fF°°0f°g g°'§freplaced now provided by law: Provided That each of eaid nssocin,. · ii;ii¤gyer1 Jlnrii pif tions shall reimburse to the Treasury the charges for_ transportation, placed. and the {costs for asserting such notes; and the associations hereafter A“°°l°*.*°"“ morgauized shall also severally re-imburse to the Treasury the cost of {VY °°“g°i "“§“’°r` cugravingshch plates as shall be ordererklby each association rspeetufsiiohistiiiiiislnjéiiie- iveof; and the amount assessed upon eac association shall be in proafter organized toportion to the circulation redeemed, and beoharged to the fund on lm? °°°'° °*` °“¤’*“" deposit with the Treasurer: .And proceeded further, That s0_ much of ”§,*f}“;;:{°,,m aB_ section thirtytwo of said uational—bank act requiring or perm1tting the sessmgnt of ehnrges. redemption of its circulating notes elsewhere than at its own counter 3zReJpci¢(d60f ;;¤rt_9t'§ except as provided for in this section, IS h01'0b_Y I‘0pB3.}6d. ' ,0 . ,V0 .Xl1l,p. ‘ _ 109. No redemption elsewhere than as · mivgithiirszligaslfzrr Sec. 4. That any association " organized under this act, or an y of the circulation- actsiof which this is an amendment, desiring to withdraw its circulating notes, in whole or in part, may, upon the deposit of lawful moneywith the Treasurer of the United States in sums of not less than ’nine thousand dollars, take up the bonds which said a sociation has on deposit see. 19, en. 106, with the Treasurer for the security of such circulating-notes; which '°l· mh P-. 105- bonds shall be assigned to the bank in the manner specified in the nine- _ de5,Q%:}'A?§:°§f :;*3 teenth section of the national-bank act; and the outstanding notes of standing nom. said association, to an amount equal to the legal-tender notes deposited, _Limit to reduc— shall be redeemed at the Treasury of the United States, and destroyed
- °¤ Pf b°”d° °” as now provided by law
- Provided, That the amount of the bonds on
"g;°:£u_ so deposit for circulation shall not be reduced below fifty thousand dollars. of Mmciatifffwlfg Sec. 5. That the Comptroller of the Currency shall, under such rules riuted on national- and regulations as the Secretary of the·Treasury may prescribe, cause iirmk ¤¤t¤¤· the charter-numbersoti the association to be printed upon all national- _ _ bank notes which may be hereafter issued by him. ·
- ,1****1;* :0 @9***** Sec. 6. That the amount of United States notes outstanding and to
}’,u§’,;d gmx; UQ'; be used as a part of the circulatingmedium, shall not exceed the sum of three hundred and eighty-two million dollars, which said sum shall N0 Pm *° b° md appear in each monthlyetateinent of the public debt, and no part thereof "“ ""“‘Q’"'°‘ shall be held or used as a reserve. _ . Repeal of part of Sec. 7. That so much of the act entitled f‘An acc to provide jbr the gi 252,V¤l· V1: P- redemption of the three per" centum temporary loan certiiicates, and ‘ for an increase of national bank notes” as provides that no circulation shall be withdrawn under the provisions of section six of said act, until after the iitty-four millions granted in section one ofsaid act shall have been taken up, is hereby repealed; and it shall be the duty of the Comptroller of the Currency, under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, to proceed forthwith, and he is hereby authorized and required, from time to time, as applications shall be duly made therefor, wwrartnvai orand until the full amount of fifty-hve million dollars shall be withdrawn, vufxmiy *><&_ 2::* to make requisitions upon each of the national banks described in said fg}': ° ‘“ “' section, and 1ll'iZh6 manner therein provided, organized in States having‘ ' an excess of circulation, to withdraw and return so much of their cir- - culation as by said ncumay be apportioned to be withdrawn from them, or, in lieu thereof, tp deposit in the Treasury of the~United ·States lawful money sudicient torodeem such circulation, and upon the return of the circulation required, or the deposit of lawful money, as herein provided, a proportionate amount of the bonds held to secure the circulation ofdm tagscciation as shall make. such return or deposit shall be snrren 1 . . When national Sec. 8. That upon the failure of the national banks upon which requib”“k“w;:l;l '*° {E2: sition for circulation shall be made, or of any of them, to return the Qjnslduty ofggmp; amount required, or_t0 deposit in the Treasury lawful money to redeem in-oiier. the circulation required, within thirty days, the Comptroller of the Our- Sec- 49. ch- 106, rency shall at once sell, as providediu section forty-nine of the national- ""‘· "» P- 114- currency act approved June third, eighteen hundred and sixty-four,