Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/160

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130 FORTY-THIRD _OONGB·ESS. Sess. I. Ch. 346, 347, 348. 1874. Entri vs to iw` Sec. 4. That such entries shall be according to legal subdivisions, so '“°d°»"°‘”· as to include the improvements of such occupants; and where two or more parties shall have improvements on the same smallest legal subdivision, they may make a joint entry thereof :_ Provided, That in case entry and payment are not made within one year from the date of such approval by- the Secretary of the Interior, then all possessory rights named in article three of the treaty of June fifteenth, eighteen hundred Forfeiturc of pes- and forty-six, shall be considered forfeited, and the lands shall thereafter www rights. be deemed and treated as a part of the public domain, to be disposed of as other lands. Regulations. SEO. 5. That it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Interior to make all nccdihl regulations to give cifcct to the provisions of this act. Approved, June 20, 1874. Jnue20, 1874. CHAP. 347.-Au act directing the Secretary of the Treasury to report upon the "—"‘°_"" necessity for a public building at Brooklyn, New York, and the cost of the same. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Secretary of t h e States of America in Oongress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treas-

 Otsccmigt ury be, and he is hereby, directed to report to Congress at the beginning

0} 3 public 1,,,,1,1,,% of its next session whether the present needs of the Government re- M nmtkiyu, N e w quire the erection of a public building at at Brooklyn, New York, and York. the estimated cost of the same, including the site. Approved, June 20, 1874. June 20, 1874. CHAP. 348.-An act prantiug to the Nevada County Narrow Gauge Railroad Gom- ’;"""""""_' pany n. rig it of way through the public lands for a railroad. Bc it emwted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Rigllzt or w ny States o_f_AmewZca in Congress assembled, That the right of way through

’:`°,'l§v;’é':*};’:::Q; hl1B-])Hbl1C.]2l,H(lS be, and the same is hereby, granted to the Nevada

Nm,,,,, Gauge RM1_ C0untyN arrow Gauge Railroad Company, a corporation organized under road company, the laws of the State of California and having its principal place of business in Grass Valley, Nevada County, State of California, its successor and assigns, for a railroad from Colfax to Nevada City, by the most direct, practicable route, being a distance of about twenty miles. Said right Width of grant. of way is granted to said railroad to the extent of fifty feet in width on each side of said railroad where it may pass through the public domain, what to i,,c;,,d.,_ including the right to take, from the public lands adjacent, materials of earth, stone, and timber necessary .for the construction thereof; also including grounds for station-buildings, workshops, depots, machine shops, switches, side tracks, turn tables, and water stations, to an amount not exceeding ten acres not mineral lands for each station, which stations shall not occur oftener than one in ten miles: Provided, That the grant hereby made shall not take eifect on any lands to which Priority or pre- any bona tide preemption or homestead claim has attached before the ¤;=¤x>3¤¤p _¤¤¤ h<>¤=¤- definite location of the line of road, and the designation of the lands to “ °“ ° ‘“m“· be appropriated under this law : Provided further, That within six months from the passage of this act the Nevada County Narrow Gauge wm?] uH)¤nt£;¤¤ Railroad Company shall iile with the Secretary of the Interior a map to · be approved by him, exhibiting the line of the railroad of said company, _, as the same_ has been located and the ground to be occupied at the m;I3*§t$>m*;<;; ¤<>mPl<>- several stations_; And provided further, That the said railroad shall be ‘ completed within four years from the passage of this act. iul;;*;,;g:*ms6i)¤·» Sec. 2. That in case the right of way granted by this act extends other toads_ Y through any canyon, pass, or deiile, any other railroad corporation shall not be excluded from a passage through the same or over and upon the R‘.,f°,6,,(,,, of dig track of the constructed road upon equitable terms ; and in case of disputes to the Secrc- agreement, upon application of either of the parties, the same shall be WFY of *}*6 I¤*><>¤<>¤‘· adjusted by the Secretary of the Interior, after heaiing, upon reasona-