Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/188

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158 FOItTY·€l‘HIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 389. 1874, Menomonees. MENOMONEES. For the ninth of ilfteen instalments of annuity upon two hundred and forty-two thousand six hundred and eighty-six dollars, for eession Vo1.x,p. 1065. of lands, per fourth article treaty of May twelfth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, and Senate amendment thereto, sixteen thousand one hundred and seventy-uiuc dollars and six cents. Miumies of K&¤_ MIAMTES OF KANSAS. ml For permanent provision for blacksmith and assistant, and iron and v.,;_ v;;, p_ m1_ steel for shop, per fifth article treaty of October sixth, eighteen hundred vo1.x,p.1095. and eighteen, and fourth article treaty of June fifth, eighteen hundred and fiftyéfour, nine hundred and forty dollars. _ For permanent provision for miller, in lieu of gunsmith, per fifth artiv01_,,;, ,,_ 45s_ cle treaty of October sixth, eighteen hundred and eighteen, ilfth article treaty of October twenty third, eighteen hundred and thirty-four, and fourth article treaty of June fifth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, six hundred dollars. For interest on fifty thousand dollars, at tlve per centum, for educational purposes, per third article treaty of June ilfth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, two thousand five hundred dollars. For tiitcenth of twenty instalments upon one hundred and ilfty thousand dollars, per third article treaty of June tlfth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, seven thousand five hundred dollars; Miumies, Eel Riv- MIAMIES-EEL RIVER. GI'. Vol. vii, p. .61. For permanent annuity, in goods or otherwise, per fourth article tlreaty of August third, seventeen hundred and ninety-five, five hundred ollars. Vol. vii, p. 91. For permanent annuity, in goods or otherwise, per articles treaty of gugust twenty-tlrst, eighteen hundred and tive, two hundred and ·fifty o ars. . Vol. vn, pp. 114, For permanent annuity, in goods or otherwise, per third and separate 115. articles treaty of September thirtieth, eighteen hundred and nine, three hundred and fifty dollars. Miamies of Indi- “MXAMWS °F'INDU—NA· ana. For interest on two hundred and twentyone thousand two hundred . and fifty-seven dollars and eighty-six cents, uninvested, at live per VOL xy Pp_ l09S_ centum, per Senateamendment to fourth article treaty of June nfth, l09B.` 61 ghteeu hundred and fifty-tour, eleven thousand and sixtv-two dollars and eighty-nine cents. Molels. _ h[OLELS. · _ For pay of. teachers and manual-labor schools, for all necessary matev.,;_ xii, ,,._ zrials therefor, and for the subsistence of the pupils, per fourth article pp. 981, 082. of treaty December twentydirst, eighteen hundred and ilfty-tive, three thousand dollars. Mikgd Shggbgugg, _ MIXED SHOSHONES, BANNAGKQ, AND SHEEP-EATEBS. ‘ Banuacks, and , Sh<><=1>·¢¤*<=¤¤· _ For this amount, t0_ be expended under the direction of the President, ID assisting these Indians to move to and locate on the Fort Hall res- ‘ ervation, in Idaho Territory, and to aid them in educational and agricultural pursuits 0n said reservation, twenty thousand dollars.